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Fredrickson (2008), a scientist and author, relays if we all do one random act of
kindness daily we might set the world in the right direction. The direction
indicated by an act of kindness is due to the possible chain reaction, which sparks
others to 'pay it forward ' to others, creating a case for sustainability. My acts
of kindness are evaluated in terms of person values and consumption; both can
accrue to sustainability.

The First Act

My first act of kindness sparks from the first week of semester when I entered the
Business School of Auckland University of Technology (AUT) to see a line of
students crowded in front of the Business undergraduate office. AUT 's…show more
She questioned my decision, asking if I was certain. As I pulled up to the next
window to collect my meal, I could hear a collective 'Thank you ' from the family
behind. The lady who gave me my food then told me the family had also decided to
'pay it forward ', leaving $20 for the next customer 's meal.

Emotional Responses

Acts like this lift spirits. The immediate emotions I felt when I requested to pay
it forward were of worry. I acknowledge what I was doing was a good deed, but I was
initially hesitant incase they had ordered to an amount I could not afford. The
initial emotional response was overcome when I heard the chorus of 'Thankyou 's '
from the car behind. I was again humbled and proud of my actions when the server
told me the family had also choosen to pay it forward. I left feeling overwhelmed
that I was able to personally make someone happier.

The Resulting Sense of Relationship

Due to the cashier questioning my actions, I questioned myself. The way the cashier
seemed to more genuinely care about my actions makes me more likely to want to be
served by her again. Although I would like to pass on my appreciation to the family
who also paid it forward, I am unlikely to see them again. However because we chose
similar actions, I feel as though the family and I share similar values of care
and…show more content…
In the modern consumer society the ultimate symbol of status and power takes the
form of money. In both acts my values were to help others through making them
happy, however the capital I used to perform the acts was not only human and
social, but also financial.

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