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The United Nations, also known as UN is a internacional organ formed by many countries

which has the mission of promove peace, social development, and protection of the environment.
"The UN was established after World War II with the aim of preventing future wars...” (Wikipédia
2020). Talking about the UN is talk about an organization that strives hard for the good of humanity.
Nowadays, his goals include not only maintaining peace and avoiding wars, but they also dedicates to
social, humanitarian, educational missions when fighthing against poverty, disease, degradation of
human beings and environmental disasters.

One important point that the UN discuss is poverty. Recent research shows that “736 million
people lived below the international poverty line of US$ 1.90 a day in 2015.” (United Nations 2020).
These people that lives miserabably doesn’t have access to food, clean water, health care, sanitation,
education and decente house that are basic points to have a minimally worthy life.

Another big challenge that humanity is facing is the climate change and global warming. hese
problems causes a lot of enviromental disasters like, extreme storms, loss of sea ice, heat-wave
intensification, rainfall patterns and rising sea levels. "While everyone around the world feels the
effects of climate change, the most vulnerable are people living in the world’s poorest countries —
like Haiti and Timor-Leste — and the world’s 2.5 billion smallholder farmers, herders and fisheries
who depend on the climate and natural resources for food and income." (Mercy Corps, 2019)

Many studies say that the more affected by the climate change are the poverty's, and this
happens becausethey don't have financial resourses enough to adapt to the consequences that this
cause. Between this impacts are, food getting higher because of the change in rain pattern that also
“...affect the transmission of deseases [...] climate change may swell the population at risk of malaria
in Africa by 90 million by 2030, and the global population at risk of dengue by 2 billion by the 2080s.”
(World Health Organization 2008)
Wikipedia [ last accessed: august 29 2020]

United Nations [ last accessed: august 29


How Climate Changes Affects Poverty | Mercy Corps NOVEMBER 15, 2019
[ las
accessed: 31 August 2020]

Article: World Health Organization. “Protecting Health of Climate Change” World Health Day 2008
(2008): p.7
accessed: 28 AUG 2020

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