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Impact of the Covid-19 on the Environment

The worldwide disruption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic has had numerous effects

on the environment and the climate. The global reduction in modern human activity
such as the planned travel was considerably declined, it was coined as an anthropause
and has caused a large drop in air pollution and water pollution in many regions.

Due to the pandemic's impact on travel and industry, many regions and the
planet as a whole experienced a drop in air pollution. Reducing air pollution can
reduce both climate change and Covid-19 risks. Scientists estimate that global NOx
emissions declined by as much as 30% in April but were offset by ~20% reduction in
global SO2 emissions that weakens the cooling effect and conclude that the direct
effect of the response to the pandemic on global warming will likely be negligible.
The reduced pollution levels and replenished wildlife is a silver-lining amidst Covid-
19 crisis. It is an eye opener for mankind but this has come at a major humanitarian
cost, taking a toll on both human life and economy. A long-term vision with a targeted
stimulus towards sustainable goals is the need of the hour.

In India Delhi is one among the highly populated cities. In 2019 we observed
that Delhi has suffered a lot due to air pollution. Government of Delhi has taken lot of
measures to reduce the pollution levels, by implementing different rules like even odd
vehicle movement and air filters in and around the city. But there is no expected
improvement in the quality of air. But due to imposition of lockdown due to the
Covid-19 pandemic for more than three months the quality of air has improved
remarkably and the levels of air pollution came to control. Lockdown due to Covid-19
reduced transport activities which results in less energy consumption and lower oil
demand. These changes in transport activities and oil demand exert a significant
impact on the environmental quality.

The coronavirus crisis also presents India with an opportunity to invest in clean
energy and ensure a cleaner future. Installing solar panels and other renewable energy
technology that reduces demand from traditional energy sources that harm our lungs,
such as coal-fired power plants should be made a priority. As people stayed at home
due to lockdown and travel restrictions, some animals have been spotted in cities. Sea
turtles were spotted laying eggs on beaches they once avoided (such as the coast of
the Bay of Bengal), due to the lowered levels of human interference and light

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