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School Days

To begin with, school years are the most amazing in life of every one
person. School years are holidays, travels, friendship and first love. At school we
learn to be friends, to forgive, to be merciful, and this is so important in our time.
In addition to knowledge, we will learn the most valuable thing from school - the
ability to be human.
Firstly, school is a place where we learn, communicate, go through the first
difficulties. School helps us gain knowledge and learn how to use it.
Secondly, the school years are the most carefree and happy years. Although
some do not think so and want to leave school sooner, they want to be
independent, adults. And sometimes they forget that the adult world is a very
difficult world. Each of us has our own problems that seem very important to us.
We believe that we are burdened, do not understand, are forced to study, do not
allow long walks. That's why we dream of becoming independent sooner. But we
do not think about the fact that in adulthood it is much harder.
In conclusion, many consider school to be a boring place, but only you
yourself can decide how your school years will be fun and interesting or boring.

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