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B2 First

Unit 11 Test

Section 1: Vocabulary Section 2: Grammar

1 Read the text. Use the word given in 3 Complete the text. Use only one word for
capitals at the end of some of the lines to each gap.
form a word that fits in the gap in the
There are many things I could regret about my
same line.
life, but I probably 1 not change anything
I’d always wanted to 1 even if I had the opportunity. I would 2 not
my horizons BROAD to think about it too much. Life’s too short for
and travel to another country, but I regrets. For example, 3 I had taken that job
didn’t feel I had the confidence. in the USA 30 years ago, I could have been a
It seemed too 2 . However, billionaire by now. But then I wouldn’t have met
my friend was an CHALLENGE my wife and 4 three lovely children. Some
3 . She told me she people wish they 5 live their lives over again
had travelled INSPIRE in the hope that they would avoid all the
the world alone and had loved it. mistakes they 6 made in this life. But would
I just went for a month. I had a I7 be a billionaire or the happy family man I
4 amount of money LIMIT am? Is there really any point in even asking the
so I couldn’t go for too long. question? I don’t know if I would have been a
I went to Morocco and happy billionaire or not. And happiness is more
I was really 5 with important than anything. And the key to a happy
the country. IMPRESS life is to enjoy what you have, and I really do.
The people were lovely and the Although sometimes when I’m feeling tired,
landscape was really 6 . I8 I had the energy I had when I was
I stayed in the home of some DRAMA 20 years younger! What about you? 9 you
local people who really looked change your life if you could? Well, if your
after me. I learnt that I had really answer is yes, then change it now! Otherwise,
7 my own ability to do ESTIMATE it’s 10 you stopped being miserable and
things for myself. In fact, enjoyed what you already have.
now I know that doubts and
fears need to be 8
otherwise MINIMISE
4 Complete the second sentence so that it
you’ll end up 9 all the
has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
things you REGRET
using the word given. Do not change the
weren’t brave enough to do.
word given. You must use between two
Don’t 10 ACHIEVE
and five words, including the word given.
in life because of fear!
1 I gave up tennis when I was 16. Now I
……../10 regret it. (WISH)
I up tennis when I was 16.
2 Complete the sentences with a preposition. 2 I’m so sorry I said those awful things to her.
1 I insist speaking to the manager (IF)
immediately. said those awful things to her.
2 They had to call the meeting 3 I don’t want you to go out tonight.
because not enough people could attend. (RATHER)
I go out tonight.
3 The boys were involved
a charity walk across the Sahara desert. 4 I felt like I was flying. (THOUGH)
It flying.
4 He congratulated me winning the
history prize. 5 I worked late last night. That’s why I’m so
tired today. (IF)
5 I’m afraid I can’t rely him to do late last night, I wouldn’t be so
anything. He always forgets. tired today.
……../5 ……../5


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