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Parallel Minor is 1.5 Tons under the Major Root

By C this is A
By D this is B
By E this is F# (Or Db)

Here is A Minor Natural

By Harmonic Minor the 7 is #

By Melodic Minor the 6 is also # (6 and 7 #!)

Please notice, Melodic is only when going up,

when going down we use the NATURAL!!!

Cool Math system FOR # and b:

C 0

D 2

E 4

F -1


A 3


Positive=# Negative =b

-7 will give us b ( 0-7=-7 Cb Major has 7b)

+7 will give us # (0+7=7 C# Major hat 7#)

-3 will give us the MINOR!! (0-3=-3 Cm has 3b)

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