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Name: 3rd June, 2020

Class 1JO Integrated Science

Instructions: Write the word “True” or “False” on the line provided after analyzing each
statement. (1 mark each)

1. The World Health Organization defines healthy in the categories of physical, mental and
spiritual well-being. _________________

2. Having a satisfactory relationship with other people and a good attitude towards life
refers to your mental health. ______________________

3. Bacteria, fungi, and protozoa are all examples of micro-organisms.


4. Damaged limbs and scars on the skin is known as physical injuries.


5. The standard unit in which potential energy is measured in is watts.


6. Potential energy is stored energy that is converted to kinetic energy.


7. Water is an example of chemical energy. _______________________

8. Light bulb, fire and the stars are all examples of light energy.

9. The burning of fossil fuels causes depletion of oxygen in the atmosphere.


10. Wood and gasoline are examples of fossil fuels. ________________

10 marks total

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