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Technology through the ages has been used to improve our quality
of life and meets our needs this also has been good and
significant in some aspects but in turn, this area, technology,
has its disadvantages, since man has been displacing the workforce
common by the machines.

Every day, we see how we advance in terms of technology is

required by leaps and bounds as there is always a need and this is
sought to satisfy with the aim of increasing production of goods,
perform things in a more technical way, etc., but this displaces
man and we see that getting a job is already difficult and
families suffer to cover the minimal needs, since less and less
staff is required to perform the work.

If we talk about the development or boom they have had with the
networks, we see that this also affects families very much, and
everything is close but far, disconnected from the world and have
become slaves of this with social networks, chat, among others and
In turn, it brings young people to pornography and they have
access to issues that cost to limit their access for this reason,
although technology favors us in many aspects, it limits us or
causes us harm in others.

In conclusion, I can say that although I believe that technology

has contributed in many aspects to the growth of man and to
facilitate his life, it has also generated a number of
inconveniences and can lead to the machines end up destroying
humanity, since not only they create for good purposes but as
lethal weapons of destruction.

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