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University of Puerto Rico at Ponce

English Department
Meeting Date: September 9th, 2020

Call to Order:
A regular meeting of the Course ENGL 4021 L03 of the University of Puerto Rico at Ponce was held
remotely via Google Meet video conference on September 9th, 2020. The meeting convened at 1:30pm,
Professor LeCompte presiding and Nayra Castilloveitía Rivera, secretary. All students attended except:
Nancy Jordan Sotomayor, and Geremy Rivera Feliciano.

Approval of Minutes:
Minutes of the September 2nd, 2020 meeting were approved after corrections.

Matters Discussed:

1. Students took a two-question reading corroboration quiz of the first chapter of the Pocket Guide
to Technical Communication.

2. Four students presented their minutes: Joao Báez Ordoñez, Sebastián Muñiz Velázquez, Kelly
Reyes Batiz, and Jessica Rivera Ramírez. The professor corrected them and students approved

3. The professor discussed the highlights of the first chapter of the Pocket Guide to Technical

4. The professor mentioned she will be discussing the second chapter of the Pocket Guide to
Technical Communication on next class.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 3:00pm.

Submitted by:

_________________________ _____________________________
Nayra Castilloveitía Rivera, Secretary Date of Approval

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