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Grab Celica: Infinite Overdrive Trueno the Cataclysm (Recommended build: Early

Bird, Zero Zero, Executioner, Violent Streak, Absorber Skin, Primer Screamer and,
Ghostwalker), go into the Teleporter, kill the thing guarding the chest
(Archaeological Level 5 is required) There you get a Reflect: Ether augment. Equip
it, use Astrolibrium, you now reflect both Beam and Ether and the only challenge
now is maintaining Infinite Overdrive. Setup I recommend: Astrolibrium, Bullet
Twister, Bullet Storm, Missile Volley, Fire Carnival, Astral Heal, and Essense
Exchange. I know these comments were posted ages ago, but I thought I'd post it
anyway just to help out others.

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