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Joan Arreola September 15, 2020


The Miracle of Life

Life is a gift; it is a blessing. God gave us life so don’t waste it. Women carry their young before
they are born and then continue to nurture them throughout their childhood and even into adulthood.
Just imagine all that pain, no wonder being a mother is the hardest job in the world. A famous saying
states that "God could not be everywhere and so he invented mothers", these words are a great
inspiration to mothers across the world. A mother puts her children before anything else, including their
own comfort and happiness.

To my mom who brought me to this wonderful yet complicated world thank you is not enough
how much grateful I am for giving me life, for carrying me 9 months in your womb. Thank you for your
unconditional love, for making sure I am safe and happy throughout my childhood as you done all these
years. Because of you I am who I am today. Behind my choices, my character, my values, and behind me.
I love you with all of my heart.

This video taught me deep valuable message such as love, how wonderful life can be and as a
future teacher someday I want to share this to my future students too.

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