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What is patience?

- Voice of people

Living in 21st century is like facing trials and tribulations of life every day which are not so simple to face
but everyone has some power to face the challenges of life, it is something that moves us to believe for
better days.

It is something that has been engrained in us by our environment. So, what is patience?

You’ll get the definition from your search engines as the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, problems,
or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious but I’ll show you a different perspective towards
being patient.

Let’s find out what patience really is?

Patience is the exercise of being controlled in testing conditions. It is a value that allows the person to
push towards worthwhile aims, undefeated by unfavorable situations or repetitive provocations. If he
causes himself to be irritated by criticism, taunts, or some other sort of unpleasantness, he can never
accomplish his objectives. He's just going to become enmeshed in irrelevance.

The best way to cope with the stressful aspect of everyday life is to show caution. Patience should insure
that if anyone has an unpleasant experience, he takes the road of compassion rather than the road of
aggression. This will help one to withstand shocks and to start, undeterred, on one's journey forward.

Patience, as well as being a realistic answer to the challenges of the outer world, is often a way of
creating a good character. Someone who refuses to show tolerance offers full reign to pessimistic
thoughts and emotions builds a temperament that is similarly destructive and one who stays calm.

Patience is only moving the initiative down the road of experience and rationality, as opposed to the
road of passion. It offers one the ability to control one's feelings in delicate circumstances, and then to
use one's brains to consider a course of action along results-oriented lines.

The modern world is constructed in such a manner that, at one point or another, everybody is inevitably
faced with negative things. Things that are painful must always be borne; traumatic occurrences must be
endured, and all sorts of suffering must be experienced. In these cases, succumbing to impatience
contributes to a kind of excessive emotional intervention that is counter-productive.

Exercising patience will help us achieve the utmost goal of enduring success in our lives.

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