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August 9th 2014 was an average day for me, I was a 12 year old white kid living in the


of St.louis but I was totally unaware of what was happening in the city only 15 minutes away .

That night Michal Brown, a 18 year old unarmed black man, was shot and killed by a police

officer named Darren wilson. It all started when Darren Wilson pulled over Michal Brown and his

friend Dorian Johnson. Dorian Johnson said Darren Wilson grabbed Michal brown by the neck

through the car window and pointed the gun at his head. After this altercation Michal Brown fled

for his life until standing still with both of his hands in the air and said his final words “Don't

Shoot” this is when Darren wilson fired multiple shots at his back until Michal Brown fell to the

ground. During this total event Darren Wilson fired a total of 12 shots, 2 of those came from the

altercation in Michael Brown's car. Darren Wilson wasn't charged with anything, one of the main

reasons he wasn't charged with is because they said Michal Brown was planning on robbing a

convenience store but just like Bryan Stevenson said “Each of us is more than the worst thing

we've done”. I think this was another case of racism in the criminal justice system just like how

African Amaricans are more likely to receive the death penalty, African Amaricans are more

likely to be pulled over and shot by cops.

Is this true justice?

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