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Looking forward in the future is having much tense sensation but thinking about it may a guide to my
own path. Estimated 5 years from now, if everything goes back to normal, I’m probably a Licensed
Electrical Engineer working in Government sector ang then still fullfiling my dreams. Making my Mother
proud is the number one goal I want to achieved first, giving back my mothers sacrifices not only for me
but also for my siblings is such a fullfiling one, I want to feel that my mom doesn’t think hard anymore
because of money and all other stuff, all I want her to feel is to be a “Donya” of her own mansion. But
before having that I must be having my life financially stabled, planning to established my own business
will really help me a lot. After fulfiling my dreams for my family and had gone many things in my life,
time to settle for me and my relationship. Dreaming the woman I love is also special because this
woman will be my betterhalf all througout, I already find her and making our dreams together. Having a
wonderful life is awesome and gives much happiness in my lifee. Travelling will also be giving endulges
and my wanted place to go will be the first one, and then followed by adventurus place I never thought.
Eating delicious food that will surely full my stomach. Visiting religious places I ever dream since then
when I was a child, Holy Land will be the best place for me to reflect and giving thanks for all the
happiness I’m having. Education is the key for all of this wanted things, so by this time I will strive hard
not only for my own but also for the people surounds me.

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