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Nama Kelompok :

1. Ria Wigiyanti ( 201902010053 )

2. Nur Alfiani ( 201902010063 )
3. Nur Ajeng. M. ( 201902010077 )
4. Devy Marlina .P. ( 201902010081 )

1 You tell me your name and date of My name is Meg Johnson and my
birth? birth is April,14 1989
2 Why you’re here today? well i have been feeling really in
fatigue and i lost a lot of weight
lately and last week i even got
lightheaded and almost passed out
3 How about how much weight I would say about ten pounds in
would you say you’ve lost in about the last two or three weeks
what period of time?
4 Have you seen any other doctors No, this is the first that i’m
about this? coming in
5 You aware of anything that the No, just haven’t had an appetite
causes may be dieting exercise or lately i’ve been really tired and
you want to haitians ? this isn’t normal for me i’m
usually pretty active
6 Do you have any special eating No not really i try to eat healthy
habits or dietary restrictions
7 What’s a typical meal like for you ? Well i you see three meals a day
but now since i lost my appetite i
can barely eat and i need to eat
waste mt portion and its uses
snack food and then you sporadic
Lea throughout the day
8 How long is this change in diet Within the last few weeks
9 What kind of sports do you play? I play soccer when i was in high
school and i’m on a three on three
on the weekends, i like sometimes
10 What are you normal sleeping Well normally i go to 10:30 and i
habits compared to the past two or would get up for a to get ready for
three weeks when the symptoms work but i haven’t been able to
started appearing? fall a sleep until it’s 3:30 in the
morning and then it’s been really
hard to wake up for work okay
11 Do you think this is affecting your Yeah, i’ve been getting some
work life? important tasks and it seems like
no one wants to talk to me
12 What do you do for and what are I honestly assistant dentist and
your responsibilities hygienist i sterilize the tweezers
and take x-rays and impression
13 What kind of situation we’re Eah, it was my grandpa when i
even,were you close to that person? was younger and he was a person
that i always been fighting him i
was actually taken care of i’m
14 What would you say this kind of I was....
like started
15 What kind of relationship do you Well ever since my groups died
think you would like to have with it’s been really lonely...
your family?
16 Where do you see yourself in five Kind someday and maybe try to
years? read my family
17 How abaout working five years? I was thinking about going back to
school dental hygienist that way i
would be more appreciated i
would have my responsibility and
i would get a better paying
18 What would you like to take from I’m really starting to think that
this appointment stress that my overall dean i think
i can aso work with my

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