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Question Answer

Name I’m cleo Hi

Ethnicity next question is which of the I guess black African
following best describes your
racial or ethnic

First Language what language would you feel um I feel all speaking English
most comfortable speaking in but if you have to contact my
with your healthcare provider emergency contact my mom's
gonna need an interpreter she
speaks Arabic

Place of birth were you born in Canada ? no

Year of birth what year did you arrive 1999

Disabilities the next question is on I I have a learning disability

disabilities do you have any and hearing loss
of the following disabilities
no disabilities chronic illness
developmental disability a
learning disability
Gender what is your gender ? Female

Spiritual last question I have is often I don't really see how that's
whenpeople come in for
relevant my god I'd prefer not
surgery we like to plan for
spiritual care so if you want to answer.
to indicate your religious or

I don't really see how that's relevant my god I'd prefer not to

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