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Human Resource Function

The main goal of the company is to ensure that it can develop its human capital and would like to
differentiate in the market with the use of their expertise of the workers and the employees. This would
mean that there should be a strong focus on the training and development of the employees. Some of
the targets of the human resource function of the company are:

 Attract, retain, and develop the employees: this would be the primary function of the company.
They should be able to ensure that the employees have the skill as far as the pet service is
concerned. An employee who is hired must have his/her career developed in the company. This
would need to ensure that they are paid at par with the market and there is effort to ensure
that the employee needs are catered for. This would mean that the employee turnover would
be low and would also ensure that company is in a position to develop its human capital
[ CITATION Box11 \l 1033 ].
 Motivation: the human resource function should also work to ensure that there effective
motivational strategies to motivate the employees to work for the company. This might involve
giving intrinsic and extrinsic rewards which would be essential for the business to give adequate
customer service.
 Performance evaluation and management: evaluating the performance of the employees and
also ensuring that the performance of the employees is also developed and improved with time.
This is essential to ensure that the best of results can be gained in the short and long run.

Control Function

The control function is one of the most important aspect of the business. The control would always
ensure that the business takes the corrective measures which would be needed to keep the business in
track of reaching the objectives. Some of the control measures would be as following:

 Financial ratios: there would be financial ratios which would be calculated which would be
needed to ensure that financial performance is up to the mark. This can be an essential aspect
which can help to give the direction for the business to make decisions.
 Performance Benchmarks: there would also be a standard operating procedures which would
mean that the employees should follow the chain of actions which can be used for the business
to give the service to its clients. The employees must follow the standards which would lead to a
better service[ CITATION Noe13 \l 1033 ].
 Customer Satisfaction survey: the customers would also be surveyed and their satisfaction levels
would be assessed. This would be used to ensure that the customer feedback would then be
evaluated and the service would be altered to provide such a service [ CITATION Box11 \l 1033 ].
Boxall, P., & Purcell, J. (2011). Strategy and Human Resource Management. Palgrave Macmillan.

Noe , R. E., Hollenbeck, J. R., Gerhart, B., & Wright, P. M. (2013). Human Resource Management.
Mcgraw Hill.

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