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I think that the process of the constitution in this class is extremely very slow.

However, it is the fact of democracy that is slow to create equality as much as they can. For

the constitution in our class, the goal is to understand the process of constitution and I have a

chance to practice making constitution. The first step of the process is to create a topic that

will include in the class constitution which consists of the rights and freedom , work, Social

welfare and tax, punishments and rewards, and 5 years strategic plan. At first, we start the

process as a whole class while having a person work as an instructor and every one will vote

through each topic. At the end of the class, we found that we can go through only the

structure and some part of the reward and punishment only. The process was working very

slowly and felt a little bit of bored for me.

Thus, the next class we decided to divide us into 4 groups to work on each topic

separately. In my group, we were responsible for the work topic which consisted of the

assignment in the class, pop quiz, and the projects. We have around 20 minutes to discuss in

our group and later we discuss and vote as a whole class. This process of divided in to small

groups was faster and progessive more than the first class. After all of the discussion we

combined the topic that we discussed in class together on paper and we will print it and sign

everyone's name in class. To make sure that everyone will enforce these rules and everyone

in the class will respect the constitution. This is also the important step and the last step of

making a constitution.

For me, the constitution makes me realize how the real life constitution will work and

understand why it takes so long. But, the most important thing is how it’s important to the

society and our state. If we change the constitution, especially in some countries-too many

times- in different versions it will become chaos and create inequality in society. The

Constitution was created to be fair and hard to change.

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