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From the personality test results I received, I am considered an Extravert, Intuitive,

Thinking, and Perceiving personality. Otherwise known as an ENTP personality. With the

information given, I discovered that this personality trait only takes up roughly 4-6% of the

United States population. Considering the ‘E’ in ENTP stands for extraverted, it isn’t hard to

imagine that this personality type is rather outgoing and social. It’s said in ‘The Personality Type

Tool Kit’, that ENTPs are, “creative problem solvers and can be especially good at using their

interpersonal charm and wit to turn impasses into opportunities.”. As a person with this specific

personality, I cant help but agree, these people are rather charming compared to most - and from

what I’ve seen and experienced – most ENTPs are very creative and use their imagination rather

than keep things realistic. Personally, everything the test concluded is spot on with what I’ve

been told from others and what I’ve noticed about myself.

Along with such strengths and benefits of this personality type, there are bound to

be short-comings and weaknesses. With this specific personality type, there come weaknesses

that are more of a burden than others. ENTPs are very creative and enjoy constant change in

environment in order to keep themselves interested; however, when this change is taken away

and this personality is given a routine, they become bored. I’ve experienced it in my own life, I

cannot stand a routine, I myself need to be constantly moving and changing. I need to be doing

something new or creating something if I desire to keep my sanity. With this, comes the struggle

of ENTPs beginning an absurd amount of projects than they can actually finish. This personality

is easily distracted, therefore, they will start on one project, grow bored of doing only one task,

then quickly begin another in order to escape repetitiveness and complacency. There’s no

possible way I can disagree, considering I have an ungodly amount of projects I have said I
would do, and here I am, remembering the ones I have started and will probably attempt to finish

by the end of the week.

With ENTPs being such wide-eyed people with a need for an ever-changing

environment, there are many career options for this particular personality. The few career

choices I found interest were a design manager and a journalist. I had always found journalism

interesting considering I really enjoy writing and doing research about things I find interesting.

Journalism would also give me the opportunity to stay moving and changing instead of

remaining stagnant. I would be able to use creativity while making a living. Design management

speaks more to me considering I would be able to create art and have the ability to manage

designs for a company. Although I’m not going anywhere near these fields in my future, I

wouldn’t be opposed to considering these down the line. I would have considered these earlier

had I known about them. The ENTP personality truly extends the playing fields in terms of


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