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Miloševački put bb, 23300 Kikinda, Srbija, tel: +381 (0)230/423 050

e mail:; website:

Broj verzije.revizije: 13.0 Datum izrade verzije/revizije: 12.03.2013. / 12.03.2013. U upotrebi od: 12.03.2013.


1.1. Identifikacija hemikalije
♦ Hemijski naziv hemikalije (prema CLP/GHS pravilniku): SIRĆETNA KISELINA min. 98%
♦ Identifikacioni broj hemikalije (prema CLP/GHS pravilniku): 607 002 00 6
Registarski broj hemikalije u Registru hemikalija : 016200050000
REACH registarski broj: 01 2119475328 30 0018
♦ Trgovački naziv: MSK broj:
Sirćetna kiselina, CH3COOH, tehnička, 99,85% 60010, 90022
Sirćetna kiselina, CH3COOH, ledena, purum, 98,5% 60016, 90026, 90046
Sirćetna kiselina, CH3COOH, farmaceutska, 99,5% 100,5% 60018, 90025, 90045
Sirćetna kiselina, CH3COOH, aditiv E 260, 99,8%, prehrambena 60019, 90023, 90043
Sirćetna kiselina, CH3COOH, prehrambena, 99,8% 90029, 90049
♦1.2. Identifikovani načini korišćenja hemikalije i načini korišćenja koji se ne preporučuju
♦ Identifikovani načini korišćenja hemikalije od strane radnika u industriji:
• Proizvodnja hemikalije
• Korišćenje kao intermedija
• Korišćenje kao procesne hemikalije
• Distribucija hemikalije
• Kao komponenta sredstava za čišćenje
• Na naftnim bušotinama i u proizvodnji naftnih derivata
• U labaratorijama
• Za tretman vode
♦ Identifikovani načini korišćenja hemikalije od strane profesionalnih lica:
• Kao komponenta sredstava za čišćenje
• Kao agrotehničko sredstvo
• U laboratorijama
• Za tretman vode
♦ Identifikovani načini korišćenja hemikalije od strane krajnjih korisnika:
• Kao komponenta sredstava za čišćenje
• Kao agrotehničko sredstvo
♦ Najčešća primena hemikalije:
• Intermedij
• Procesna hemikalija
• Sredstvo za čišćenje
• Agrotehničko sredstvo
♦ Načini korišćenja koji se ne preporučuju:
1.3. Podaci o snabdevaču
Naziv: MSK a.d. Kikinda
Status: Proizvoñač
Adresa: Miloševački put bb, 23300, Kikinda, Srbija
PAK kod: 370796
Telefon: +381 (0)230 423 050
Fax: +381 (0)230 424 009
♦ e8mail:
1.4. Broj telefona za hitne slučajeve
Služba: Centar za kontrolu trovanja
Adresa: Vojnomedicinska akademija, Crnotravska 17, 11000 Beograd, Srbija
Telefon: +381 (0)11 360 84 40 Dostupan: svaki dan od 00:00 do 24:00 časa
Telefon: +381 (0)11 367 21 87 Dostupan: svaki dan od 07:30 do 15:30 časova


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2.1. Klasifikacija hemikalije
Klasifikacija hemikalije prema DSD/DPD pravilniku:
R10 Zapaljivo
C; R35 Izaziva teške opekotine
Klasifikacija hemikalije prema CLP/GHS pravilniku:
Zapaljiva tečnost, Kategorija 3; H226
Korozivno oštećenje kože, Kategorija 1A; H314
Najvažniji štetni efekti hemikalije:
• Vrtoglavica
• Glavobolja
• Kašalj
• Osećaj pečenja u grlu
• Bol u stomaku
• Povraćanje
• Šok ili kolaps
• Teške opekotine očiju
• Slepilo
• Bol na koži
• Opekotine na koži
• Prestanak rada bubrega
2.2. Elementi obeležavanja
Piktogrami opasnosti:

Reč upozorenja: Opasnost
Obaveštenja o opasnosti:
H226 Zapaljiva tečnost i para
H314 Izaziva teške opekotine kože i oštećenje oka
Obaveštenja o merama predostrožnosti:
P210: Držati dalje od izvora toplote/varnica/otvorenog plamena/vrućih površina. Zabranjeno pušenje.
P260: Ne udisati maglu/paru.
♦ P280: Nositi zaštitne rukavice (EN388/EN374 DFL ili ABC kl.6)/zaštitne naočare (EN166/EN170)
P310: Hitno pozvati Centar za kontrolu trovanja ili se obratiti lekaru.
P301+P330+P331: AKO SE PROGUTA: Isprati usta. Ne izazivati povraćanje.
P303+P361+P353: AKO DOSPE NA KOŽU (ili kosu): Hitno ukloniti/skinuti svu kontaminiranu odeću. Isprati kožu vodom/
istuširati se.
P305+P351+P338: AKO DOSPE U OČI: Pažljivo ispirati vodom nekoliko minuta. Ukloniti kontaktna sočiva, ukoliko postoje
i ukoliko je to moguće učiniti. Nastaviti sa ispiranjem.
P403+P235: Čuvati u prostoriji sa dobrom ventilacijom. Držati na hladnom.
♦ Dodatni elementi obeležavanja:
♦2.3. Ostale opasnosti
• Hemikalija nije identifikovana kao perzistentna bioakumulativna toksična (PBT) ili kao veoma perzistentna veoma
bioakumulativna (vPvB).
• Rizik od požara i eksplozije pri kontaktu sa jakim oksidantima. Eksplozivna smeša para/vazduh se stvara na temperaturi preko


♦3.1. Podaci o sastojcima supstance
Hemijski naziv: Sirćetna kiselina min. 98%
Identifikacioni broj: 607 002 00 6
CAS broj: 64 19 7
EC broj: 200 580 7
IUPAC naziv: Acetic Acid, Ethanoic Acid
Hemijska formula: CH3COOH

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♦3.2. Podaci o sastojcima smeše
Nije primenjljivo. Hemikalija nije smeša.


4.1. Opis mera prve pomoći
♦ Nakon izlaganja udisanjem:
Odmah zatražiti medicinsku pomoć. Osobu izneti iz područja neposredne opasnosti. U slučaju nepravilnog disanja ili odsustva
disanja, dati veštačko disanje. Obezbediti priliv svežeg vazduha.
♦ Nakon izlaganja kontaktom sa kožom:
Odmah zatražiti medicinsku pomoć. Odmah isprati sapunom i vodom. Ispirati 15 minuta.
♦ Nakon izlaganja kontaktom sa očima:
Odmah zatražiti medicinsku pomoć. Razdvojiti očne kapke i temeljno isprati sa dosta vode (najmanje 15 minuta). Pre ispiranja
izvaditi sočiva, ako je to moguće.
♦ Nakon izlaganja gutanjem:
Odmah zatražiti medicinsku pomoć. Ne izazivati povraćanje. Isprati usta sa dosta vode, nekoliko puta. Nakon ispiranja usta dati da
popije ne više od 2 dl vode. Nikako ne davati da pije mleko ili gazirana pića. Nakon isteka 60 minuta od momenta izloženosti ne
davati bilo kakvu tečnost.
Odmah ukloniti kontaminiranu odeću i obuću i staviti je na sigurno mesto. Pri manipulaciji sa kontaminiranom odećom i obućom
koristiti zaštitne rukavice. Kontaminiranu odeću i obuću oprati temeljno pre ponovne upotrebe. Ukoliko ima indikacija da će se
povreñeno lice onesvestiti, postaviti ga u ležeći stabilan bočni položaj. Nikad ne davati ništa na usta niti izazivati povraćanje kod lica
koje nije u svesnom stanju.
4.2. Najvažniji simptomi i efekti, akutni i odloženi
Glavobolja, kašalj, plitko i teško disanje, crvenilo kože, opekotine kože, obilno suzenje, teške opekotine očiju, slepilo, bol u stomaku,
Opasnost od cirkulatornog kolapsa i prestanka rada bubrega.
♦4.3. Hitna medicinska pomoć i poseban tretman
Podaci o kliničkom ispitivanju i medicinskom praćenju odloženih efekata koje hemikalija može da izazove, antidotu i
kontraindikacijama trenutno nisu poznati.
Za efikasno pružanje prve pomoći neophodno je na radnom mestu imati dostupne zaštitne rukavice (po standardima EN388/EN374
DFL ili ABC kl.6), pribor za ispiranje očiju, sapun, pitku vodu i ležaj za smeštaj povreñenog lica. Ležaj se mora nalaziti u posebnoj,
provetrenoj prostoriji.


5.1. Sredstva za gašenje požara
Odgovarajuća sredstva za gašenje požara:
Alkoholna pena. Prah. Vodeni sprej (raspršeni mlaz).
Neodgovarajuća sredstva za gašenje požara:
Pesak, halon, ugljen dioksid.
5.2. Posebne opasnosti koje mogu nastati od supstanci i smeša
Pri požaru organskog materijala, nastaju toksični produkti sagorevanja. U slučaju požara oslobañaju se ugljen monoksid (CO) i
ugljen dioksid (CO2). Ne udisati gasove nastale eksplozijom ili sagorevanjem. Pri kontaktu sa jako elektropozitivnim metalima
stvara vodonik.
♦5.3. Savet za vatrogasce
Nositi kompletno zaštitno odelo. Koristiti izolacioni aparat za disanje. Rizik od požara i eksplozije pri kontaktu sa jakim oksidantima.
Eksplozivna smeša para/vazduh se stvara na temperaturi preko 39°C. Pare mogu preći do udaljenih izvora paljenja i izazvati
povratni požar. Ako nije došlo do paljenja, prskanjem vodom se može smanjiti koncentracija pare u vazduhu. Izolovati mesto
požara i sprečiti prisustvo nepotrebnim osobama. Hladiti ugrejane kontejnere/cisterne mlazom vode. Ostaci posle požara i
kontaminirana protivpožarna voda moraju se ukloniti i odložiti u skladu sa važećim propisima. Naneti penu u velikim količinama jer
će deo nje razgraditi hemikaliju.


6.1. Lične predostrožnosti, zaštitna oprema i postupci u slučaju udesa
♦ Uputstva za lica koja nisu obučena za slučaj udesa:
Što pre i bez odlaganja se udaljiti od mesta udesa na bezbednu razdaljinu. Kretati se suprotno od pravca duvanja vetra. Ukoliko se
nije pristupilo odgovoru na udes, o udesu obavestiti nadležne osobe/organe. Izbegavati kontakt sa kožom, očima i odećom.

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♦ Uputstva za lica koja učestvuju u odgovoru na udes:
S obzirom na konkretne uslove koristiti sredstva lične zaštite (zaštitne naočari koje čvrsto prijanjaju izrañene prema EN166 i prema
EN170, zaštitna maska, zaštitno hemijsko odelo, zaštitne rukavice od butila izrañene prema EN374 i prema EN388). Ukloniti
potencijalne izvore paljenja. Evakuisati ugroženo područje. Držati ljude suprotno od pravca duvanja vetra. Obezbediti odgovarajuću
ventilaciju. Prosutu hemikaliju pokupiti apsorbujućim materijalom (npr.peskom). Ukloniti i odložiti ih u skladu sa lokalnim propisima.
♦6.2. Predostrožnosti koje se odnose na životnu sredinu
Potisnuti gasove/pare vodenim sprejom. Sprečiti širenje požara lokalizovanjem. Sprečiti da doñe u odvode i vodene tokove.
Sprečiti da doñe u tlo.
♦6.3. Mere koje treba preduzeti i materijal za sprečavanje širenja i sanaciju
Ukloniti sve moguće izvore paljenja. Pokupiti odgovarajućim apsorbujućim materijalom (npr. pesak, kiselgur, univerzalno vezivno
sredstvo) i odložiti u hermetički zatvorenu posudu. Nikada ne koristiti zapaljiv apsorbujući materijal, poput drvene piljevine i sl.
Upotrebljeni apsorbujući materijal tretirati kao opasan otpad. Pažljivo neutralizovati prosutu hemikaliju natrijum karbonatom
isključivo pod nadzorom stručnog lica. Isparenja eliminisati prinudnom ventilacijom ili prirodnim provetravanjem.
♦6.4. Upućivanje na druga poglavlja
Za informacije u vezi sa odlaganjem otpada nastalog sanacijom izlivanja/oslobañanja hemikalije videti tačku br. 13.
Za informacije u vezi sa izlaganjem hemikaliji i materijalima za zaštitna sredstva videti tačku br. 8.


♦7.1. Predostrožnosti za bezbedno rukovanje
Mere za sprečavanje širenja:
Pažljivo otvarati i rukovati ambalažom.
Držati samo u originalnoj ambalaži.
Držati ambalažu čvrsto zatvorenu i u uspravnom položaju da bi se sprečilo procurenje.
Ne izlagati ambalažu povećanom pritisku.
Ambalaža mora biti od materijala otpornog na kiseline i mehaničke udarce (plastika, metal). Razara pojedine vrste metala, plastike,
guma i premaze.
Mere za prevenciju stvaranja aerosola:
Sprečiti prosipanje hemikalije. U slučaju prosipanja, pokupiti apsorbujućim materijalom i odložiti na sigurno mesto. Ne udisati pare.
Ambalažu držati uvek zatvorenom.
Dobro provetriti radni prostor.
Mere za prevenciju izbijanja požara:
Držati dalje od izvora paljenja.
Pušenje je zabranjeno.
Preduzeti mere protiv stvaranja statičkog elektriciteta.
Koristiti neiskreći alat i opremu kao i protiveksplozivno zaštićenu opremu za ventilaciju.
Ne pritiskati, bušiti, probijati, zavarivati, seći ili izlagati statičkom elektricitetu, varnicama ili izvoru toplote ambalažu čak i kada je
Uputstva o opštoj higijeni na radnom mestu:
Izbegavati kontakt sa očima i kožom.
Nakon rukovanja sa hemikalijom obavezno oprati ruke sapunom i toplom vodom.
Držati dalje od hrane i pića.
Prostorije za ishranu i odmor moraju imati ventilaciju.
Ne unositi kontaminiranu odeću i obuću u prostorije za ishranu i odmor.
Pušenje je zabranjeno.
♦7.2. Uslovi za bezbedno skladištenje, uključujući nekompatibilnosti
Sprečiti da hemikalija dospe u tlo (prostorija bez odvoda ili drenaža sa podom otpornim na kiseline).
Držati samo u originalnoj ambalaži.
Držati ambalažu čvrsto zatvorenu i u uspravnom položaju da bi se sprečilo procurenje.
Čuvati na senovitom, umereno hladnom (19°C do 28°C), dobro provetrenom i suvom mestu.
Preporuka skladištenja u odvojenoj prostoriji.
Pušenje je zabranjeno.
Električne instalacije i ventilacija moraju biti u protiveksplozivnoj izvedbi.
Ne skladištiti zajedno sa oksidirajućim agensima, bazama, metalima i zapaljivim materijalima.
Ne izlagati ambalažu povećanom pritisku.
Preduzeti mere protiv stvaranja statičkog elektriciteta.
Ambalaža mora biti od materijala otpornog na kiseline i mehaničke udarce (plastika, metal). Razara pojedine vrste metala, plastike,
guma i premaze.
7.3. Posebni načini korišćenja

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♦8.1. Parametri kontrole izloženosti
Granične vrednosti izloženosti na radnom mestu
Hemikalija: Sirćetna kiselina min. 98%
CAS broj: 64 19 7
EC broj: 200 580 7
Dozvoljene granice izloženosti prema Listi odobrenih granica izloženosti na radnom mestu, WELs/EH40:
TWA 25 mg/m³ 10 ml/m³
STEL 37 mg/m³ 15 ml/m³
♦ DNEL vrednosti na radnom mestu
Hemikalija: Sirćetna kiselina min. 98%
CAS broj: 64 19 7
EC broj: 200 580 7
Put izloženosti Vreme izloženosti Uticaj Vrednost
udisanjem kratkotrajno (akutno) lokalni 25 mg/m³
udisanjem dugotrajno (hronično) lokalni 25 mg/m³
♦ DNEL vrednosti za korisnike
Hemikalija: Sirćetna kiselina min. 98%
CAS broj: 64 19 7
EC broj: 200 580 7
Put izloženosti Vreme izloženosti Uticaj Vrednost
udisanjem kratkotrajno (akutno) lokalni 25 mg/m³
udisanjem dugotrajno (hronično) lokalni 25 mg/m³
♦ PNEC vrednosti
Hemikalija: Sirćetna kiselina min. 98%
CAS broj: 64 19 7
EC broj: 200 580 7
Ekološka sredina Tip Vrednost
voda sveža voda 3,06 mg/l
voda morska voda 0,31 mg/l
voda sediment u svežoj vodi 11,36 mg/kg
voda sediment u morskoj vodi 1,14 mg/kg
voda povremeni tok 30,58 mg/l
zemljište 0,48 mg/kg
tretman otpadnih voda 85 mg/l
♦8.2. Kontrola izloženosti i lična zaštita
Tehnička kontrola
Scenariji izloženosti su dati u Aneksu ovog bezbednosnog lista.
♦ Mere lične zaštite
Zaštita očiju / lica:
2 3
Bezbednosne naočari koje čvrsto prijanjaju izrañene prema EN166 i prema EN170 .
Zaštita ruku:
U slučaju rizika kontakta ruku sa hemikalijom dovoljna zaštita je nošenje zaštitnih rukavica izrañenih u skladu sa EN374 DFL ili
4 5
ABC kl.6 i u skladu sa EN388 . Pre upotrebe treba ispitati da li zaštitne rukavice odgovaraju za specifične radne uslove (tj.
mehanički otpor, kompatibilnost proizvoda i antistatička svojstva). Pridržavati se uputstva proizvoñača i informacija vezanih za
upotrebu, skladištenje, čuvanje i zamenu zaštitnih rukavica. Zaštitne rukavice treba zameniti čim se oštete ili iznose. Tako
organizovati poslovne aktivnost da se izbegne stalno nošenje zaštitnih rukavica.
Materijal za dugotrajni kontakt butil, Teflon, Saranex
Materijal za kratkorajni kontakt/prskanje neopren, polietilen, polietilen/etilen vinil alkohol
Nedovoljna zaštita prirodna guma, nitrile, polivinil hlorid, polivinil alkohol, viton
Vreme probijanja > 120 minuta
Zaštita drugih delova tela:
Uobičajena odeća i obuća za hemijsku industriju.

SRPS EN 166:2008 Lična zaštita očiju Specifikacije
SRPS EN 170:2008 Lična zaštita očiju Filtri za ultraljubičasto zračenje Zahtevi u pogledu koeficijenta i preporučena upotreba
SRPS EN 374 1/2/3:2007/AC:2011 Zaštitne rukavice koje štite od hemikalija i mikroorganizama Deo 1: Terminologija i zahtevi za performanse /
Deo 2: Odreñivanje otpornosti prema penetraciji / Deo 3: Odreñivanje otpornosti prema permeaciji hemikalija / Deo 3: Odreñivanje otpornosti prema
permeaciji hemikalija Ispravka
SRPS EN 388:2010 Zaštitne rukavice koje štite od mehaničkih rizika

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Zaštita disajnih organa:
Ako su granice izloženosti na radnom mestu više od dozvoljenih, mora se nositi propisana respiratorna zaštita za to radno mesto.
U slučaju formiranja magle preduzeti odgovarajuće mere za respiratornu zaštitu, ukoliko nisu specificirane granične vrednosti na
radnom mestu. Koristiti zaštitnu masku sa filterom tipa A.
Zaštita od termičke opasnosti:
Hemikalija ne predstavlja termičku opasnost.
Kontrola izloženosti životne sredine
Pri normalnoj upotrebi sirćetna kiselina nema negativan uticaj na životnu sredinu. Lako i brzo se razgrañuje.


♦9.1. Podaci o osnovnim fizičkim i hemijskim svojstvima hemikalije
Opis hemikalije:
Izgled tečnost
Agregatno stanje tečno
Boja bezbojno
Miris jak, kiseo (na sirće)
Prag mirisa nema podataka
pH 4,0
Referentna temperatura 20 °C
Tačka topljenja / Tačka mržnjenja:
Vrednost 16,64 °C
Referentni pritisak 101,3 kPa
Početna tačka ključanja i opseg ključanja:
Vrednost 117,9 °C
Referentni pritisak 101,3 kPa
Tačka paljenja:
Vrednost 39 °C
Referentni pritisak 101,3 kPa
Metoda TCC (zatvorena posuda)
Brzina isparavanja:
Vrednost 1,0
Referentna vrednost 1 n Butil Acetat
Zapaljivost (čvrsto, gasovito):
Nije primenljivo Hemikalija je u tečnom agregatnom stanju
Gornja/Donja granica zapaljivosti ili eksplozivnosti:
Gornja granica eksplozije 19,9 % (m/m)
Donja granica eksplozije 4,0 % (m/m)
Napon pare:
Vrednost: 15,2 hPa 20,79 hPa
Referentna temperatura 20 °C 25 °C
Gustina pare:
Vrednost 2,1
Referentna vrednost 1 Vazduh
Relativna gustina:
Vrednost 1.050 kg/m³ 1.044,6 kg/m³
Referentna temperatura 20 °C 25 °C
Vrednost 602,9 g/l
Referentna temperatura 25 °C
Napomena Potpuno rastvorljivo u svim odnosima
Koeficijent raspodele u sistemu n8oktanol/voda (log Pow):
Vrednost 0,17
Temperatura samopaljenja:
Vrednost 463 °C
Referentni pritisak 101,3 kPa
Temperatura razlaganja:
Nije primenljivo Hemikalija je stabilna na svim temperaturama
Vrednost 1,056 mPa s
Referentna temperatura 25 °C
Eksplozivna svojstva:
Nije primenljivo Hemikalija nije klasifikovana kao eksplozivna
Oksidujuća svojstva:
Nije primenljivo
9.2. Ostali podaci
Toplotna provodljivost
1 1
Vrednost 193 mW m K
Referentna temperatura 25 °C

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Grupa opreme i sistema zaštite za upotrebu u potencijalno eksplozivnim atmosferama
Grupa opreme PEx 2
Eksplozivna grupa IIA
Temperaturna klasa T1
Sistem zaštite Odgovarajući za svaku pojedinačnu zonu opasnosti
Rastvorljivost u uljima
Vrednost Nije od značaja
♦ Redukciono8oksidacioni potencijal
Nema podataka
♦ Potencijal za stvaranje radikala
Nema podataka
♦ Fotokatalička svojstva
Nema podataka


10.1. Reaktivnost
Reaguje sa bazama, metalima i karbonatima alkalnih metala.
Reaguje sa jako elektropozitivnim metalima kao što su natrijum i cink i stvara odgovarajuće acetate i vodonik.
Reaguje sa alkoholom u prisustvu dehidracionog agensa (cink hlorid anhidrat ili koncentrovana sumporna kiselina) i stvara ester.
Neutrališe baze i stvara soli i vodu.
Razlaže karbonate i bikarbonate i oslobaña ugljen dioksid.
Iako je otporna na redukciju, dugotrajno zagrevanje sirćetna kiselina pod pritiskom i u prisustvu koncentrovane jodovodonične
kiseline i crvenog fosfora stvara etan. Ovo je moguće ostvariti i grejanjem sirćetne kiseline sa vodonikom na visokoj temperaturi i
visokom pritisku u prisustvu katalizatora nikla.
Može da se redukuje na etanol u prisustvu litijum aluminijum hidrida.
Dugotrajno zagrevanje sa jakim oksidujućim agensima oksidiše sirćetnu kiselinu do ugljen dioksida i vode.
♦10.2. Hemijska stabilnost
Sirćetna kiselina je stabilna pod normalnim uslovima upotrebe i skladištenja i ima neograničen vek trajanja. Zbog niske tačke
topljenja kristališe na temparaturi manjoj od 17°C.
♦10.3. Mogućnost nastanka opasnih reakcija
Reaguje sa jako elektropozitivnim metalima kao što su natrijum i cink i stvara odgovarajuće acetate i vodonik.
Rizik od požara i eksplozije pri kontaktu sa jakim oksidantima.
Eksplozivna smeša para/vazduh se stvara na temperaturi preko 39°C. Sprečiti čuvanjem na senovitom, umereno hladnom (19°C
do 28°C), dobro provetrenom i suvom mestu.
♦10.4. Uslovi koje treba izbegavati
Formiranje eksplozivne smeše sa vazduhom.
Izlaganje toploti.
Preporuka skladištenja u odvojenoj prostoriji. Čuvati na senovitom, umereno hladnom (19°C do 28°C), dobro provetrenom i suvom
Izlaganje plamenu.
Izlaganje drugim izvorima toplote.
♦10.5. Nekompatibilni materijali
Oksidirajući agensi, baze i metali kao što su amonijum nitrat, natrijum peroksid, nitratna kiselina, fosfor trihlorid, etilen glikol,
permanganati. Deluje korozivno na pojedine vrste metala, plastike, guma i premaza.
♦10.6. Opasni proizvodi razgradnje
Nema razlaganja ako se koristi pod normalnim uslovima. Na povećanoj temperaturi mogu da nastanu ugljen monoksid, ugljen
dioksid i vodonik.


♦11.1. Podaci o toksičnim efektima
Akutna oralna toksičnost:
LD50 3310 mg/kg
Vrsta pacov
Izvor CSR
Akutna inhalaciona toksičnost:
LC50 >16000 ppm
Trajanje izlaganja 4 h
Vrsta pacov
Izvor CSR

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Korozivno oštećenje kože/iritacija:
Vrsta zec
Procena umereno iritirajući
Izvor CSR
Vrsta čovek
Procena korozivno
Izvor CSR
Teško oštećenje/iritacija oka:
Vrsta čovek
Procena korozivno
Izvor CSR
Senzibilizacija respiratornih organa ili kože:
Put izlaganja Koža
Procena Ne izaziva senzibilnost
Izvor CSR
Mutagenost germinativnih ćelija:
Procena Negativno
Izvor CSR
Procena Nema dostupnih eksperimentalnih informacija
Izvor CSR
Toksičnost po reprodukciju:
Procena Nema dostupnih eksperimentalnih informacija
Izvor CSR
Specifična toksičnost za ciljni organ (STOT) 8 jednokratna izloženost:
Procena Nema dostupnih podataka.
Specifična toksičnost za ciljni organ (STOT) 8 višekratna izloženost:
Procena Nema dostupnih podataka.
Opasnost od aspiracije:
Procena Nema dostupnih podataka.
Verovatni putevi izlaganja
Put izlaganja peroralni
Efekti Bol u grlu. Osećaj pečenja u grlu. Bol u stomaku. Povraćanje. Šok ili kolaps.
Put izlaganja inhalacioni
Efekti Vrtoglavica. Glavobolja. Bol u grlu. Kašalj. Osećaj pečenja u grlu. Plitko disanje. Teško disanje.
Put izlaganja dermalni
Efekti Bol na koži. Crvenilo kože. Opekotine na koži. Mehurovi na koži.
Put izlaganja izloženost oka
Efekti Obilno suzenje. Crvenilo u očima. Bol u očima. Teške opekotine očiju. Slepilo.
Simptomi u vezi sa fizičkim, hemijskim i toksikološkim svojstvima
Ozbiljni simptomi se javljaju bez obzira na put izloženosti. Korozivni efekat na kožu, oči i respiratorne organe se javlja već nakon
kratkotrajne izloženosti. Korozivno kod gutanja. Udisanje može uzrokovati plućni edem ali samo posle pojave početnog korozivnog
efekta na oči i/ili disajne puteve. Smrt može nastupiti kao rezultat cirkulatornog kolapsa ili otkazivanja bubrega.
Odloženi i trenutni efekti, kao i hronični efekti usled kratkotrajnog i produženog izlaganja
Korozivno deluje na kožu i sluzokožu.
Efekti interakcije
Nema dostupnih podataka.
Odsustvo odreñenih podataka
Za podatke o toksičnosti hemikalije koji nisu dostupni nisu korišteni podaci o sličnim hemikalijama jer njihova relevatnost nije
nesumnjivo utvrñena.
Podaci o smeši u odnosu na podatke o supstancama u njoj
Nije relevantno. Hemikalija nije smeša.
Ostali podaci
Ponovljeni ili produženi kontakt sa kožom može izazvati dermatitis.
Ponovljeni ili produženi kontakt sa aerosolom može izazvati rizik od pojave zubne erozije.
Udisanje dovodi do iritacije respiratornog trakta i može izazvati hronični bronhitis.
Verovatnoća uticaja na decu je veća od verovatnoće uticaja na odrasle budući da su pare sirćetne kiseline teže od vazduha pa se
akumullraju bliže tlu.

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♦12.1. Toksičnost
Toksičnost za ribe:
LC50 > 300,82 mg/l
Trajanje izlaganja 96 h
Vrsta Oncorhynchus mykiss
Izvor CSR
Toksičnost za rakove:
EC50 > 300,82 mg/l
Vrsta Daphnia magna
Trajanje izlaganja 48 h
Izvor CSR
Toksičnost za alge:
EC50 > 300,82 mg/l
Vrsta Skeletonema costatum
Trajanje izlaganja 72 h
Izvor CSR
Toksičnost za bakterije:
Nema dostupnih informacija.
♦12.2. Perzistentnost i razgradljivost
Hemikalija je lako biorazgradiva.
Hemikalija je kiselina, stoga je neophodna neutralizacija pre ispuštanja otpadne vode u postrojenje za tretman.
♦12.3. Potencijal bioakumulacije
Faktor biokoncentracije (BCF):
Vrednost Nije potencijalno bioakumulativan.
Izvor CSR
Koeficijent raspodele oktanol/voda:
log POW 0,17
Temperatura 20 °C
Izvor CSR
♦12.4. Mobilnost u zemljištu
Nema dostupnih podataka.
♦12.5. Rezultati PBT ili vPvB procene
Hemikalija nije identifikovana kao PBT ili vPvB.
♦12.6. Ostali štetni efekti
Ne postoje relevantni podaci o ostalim štetnim efektima.

♦13.1. Metode odlaganja otpada
Primeniti oznaku otpada iz Kataloga otpada. Postupiti u skladu sa zahtevima iz:
• Zakona o upravljanju otpadom ("Sl. glasnik RS", br. 36/09 i 88/10)
• Pravilnika o načinu skladištenja, pakovanja i obeležavanja opasnog otpada ("Sl. glasnik RS", br. 92/2010).
• Pravilnika o uslovima i načinu sakupljanja, transporta, skladištenja i tretmana otpada koji se koristi kao sekundarna sirovina ili
za dobijanje energije ("Sl. glasnik RS", br. 98/2010).
Postupiti u skladu sa zahtevima iz:
• Zakona o upravljanju otpadom ("Sl. glasnik RS", br. 36/09 i 88/10)
• Pravilnika o načinu skladištenja, pakovanja i obeležavanja opasnog otpada ("Sl. glasnik RS", br. 92/2010).
Ne sme se ispuštati u zemlju, vodenu sredinu, odvod ili kanalizaciona postrojenja.


14.1. UN broj
Kopneni transport (ADR/RID) 2789
Vodeni transport (ADN) 2789
Pomorski transport (IMDG) 2789
Vazdušni transport (ICAO) 2789

MSK Q/KA 097 13/12.03.2013. strana 9/14

14.2. UN naziv za teret u transportu
Kopneni transport (ADR/RID) sirćetna kiselina, glacijalna
Vodeni transport (ADN) sirćetna kiselina, glacijalna
Pomorski transport (IMDG) sirćetna kiselina, glacijalna
Vazdušni transport (ICAO) sirćetna kiselina, glacijalna
14.3. Klasa opasnosti u transportu
Kopneni transport (ADR/RID)
Klasa 8
Klasifikacioni kod CF1
Vodeni transport (ADN)
Klasa 8
Klasifikacioni kod CF1
Pomorski transport (IMDG)
Klasa 8
Sekundarna opasnost 3
Vazdušni transport (ICAO)
Klasa 8
Sekundarna opasnost 3
14.4. Ambalažna grupa
Kopneni transport (ADR/RID) II
Vodeni transport (ADN) II
Pomorski transport (IMDG) II
Vazdušni transport (ICAO) II
14.5. Opasnost po životnu sredinu
Klasifikacija Hemikalija nije opasna po životnu sredinu (vodena sredina)
Kriterijumi Preporuke UN za transport opasnog tereta (UNRTDG), poglavlje 2.9.3.
14.6. Posebne predostrožnosti za korisnika
Nema posebnih mera predostrožnosti koje su u vezi sa transportom.
14.7. Transport u rasutom stanju
Naziv hemikalije: Acetic Acid
Kategorija zagañenja: X
Rizik: S/P (rizik od zagañenja i bezbednosni rizik)
Tip broda: 3
Tip rezervoara: 2G


15.1. Propisi u vezi sa bezbednošću, zdravljem i životnom sredinom
EU Council Directive 96/82/EC on the control of major accident hazards involving dangerous substances, Annex I, part 2,
category 6
RS Pravilnik o listi opasnih materija i njihovim količinama i kriterijumima za odreñivanje vrste dokumenata koje izrañuje
operater seveso postrojenja odnosno kompleksa ("Sl. Glasnik RS", br. 41/2010), SEVESO I Hemikalija
15.2. Procena bezbednosti hemikalije
Procena bezbednosti hemikalije je urañena na engleskom jeziku prema zahtevima Evropske norme REACH.


Izmene i/ili dopune u odnosu na prethodno izdanje su obeležene znakom♦i urañene su u plavoj boji.
Izmene/Dopune po tačkama
Dodat podnaslov "Hemijski naziv hemikalije (prema CLP/GHS pravilniku):".
Dodat podnaslov "Identifikacioni broj hemikalije (prema CLP/GHS pravilniku):" i broj hemikalije.
Dodati trgovački nazivi i interne oznake u MSK.
Identifikovani načini korišćenja premešteni u podpoglavlje 1.2., ažurirani i razvrstani po grupama.
Podpoglavlje je imenovano.
Informacije o snabdevaču premeštene u podpoglavlje 1.3.
Podpoglavlje je imenovano.
Izbačene sve informacije o licu zaduženom za izradu bezbednosnog lista, izuzev email adrese.
Informacije o broju telefona za hitne slučajeve premeštene u podpoglavlje 1.4.
Podpoglavlje je imenovano.

MSK Q/KA 097 13/12.03.2013. strana 10/14

Ažurirani najvažniji štetni efekti hemikalije i obrisane posebne opasnosti.
Dodat podnaslov "Dodatni elementi obeležavanja:".
Iz obaveštenja o merama predostrožnosti obrisano "/zaštitu za lice (EN166)".
Dodato podpoglavlje "2.3. Ostale opasnosti ".
Usklañen naslov podpoglavlja.
Obrisane koncentracija u smeši i klasifikacija sastojka.
Ažuriran opis mera prve pomoći.
Izbačen deo "Kada se obratiti lekaru" i "Uputstvo za lekara".
Dodato poglavlje "Hitna medicinska pomoć i poseban tretman".
8 Usklañen naslov podpoglavlja.
8 Dodata neodgovarajuća sredstva za gašenje požara.
Usklañen naslov podpoglavlja.
Usklañen naslov podpoglavlja.
Brisan podnaslov "Posebna zaštitna oprema za lica koja učestvuju u gašenju požara" i "Ostale informacije".
Dodato poglavlje "Savet za vatrogasce".
8 Usklañen naslov poglavlja.
8 Brisani naslovi "Mere lične zaštite", "Mere vezane za zaštitu životne sredine", "Metode za sanaciju" i "Dodatne informacije".
Usklañen naslov i tekst poglavlja.
Usklañen naslov i tekst poglavlja.
Usklañen naslov i tekst poglavlja.
Usklañen naslov i tekst poglavlja.
Brisani naslovi "Rukovanje", "Uputstvo za bezbedno rukovanje", "Uputstvo o zaštiti od požara i eksplozije", "Skladištenje",
"Zahtevi za skladištenje u pogledu prostorija i posuda", "Uputstvo za skladištenje" i "Dodatne informacije o uslovima za
Usklañen naslov i tekst poglavlja.
Usklañen naslov i tekst poglavlja.
Usklañen naslov i tekst poglavlja.
Dodate DNEL i PNEC vrednosti.
Usklañen naslov i tekst poglavlja.
Bisan naslov i tekst poglavlja "Opšta zaštita i higijenske mere".
Usklañen naslov i tekst poglavlja.
Usklañen naslov i tekst poglavlja.
Usklañen naslov i tekst poglavlja.
Usklañen naslov i tekst poglavlja.
Usklañen naslov i tekst poglavlja.
Usklañen naslov i tekst poglavlja.
Usklañen naslov i tekst poglavlja.
Usklañen tekst i podaci za LC50.
Usklañen naslov poglavlja.
Usklañen tekst poglavlja.
Usklañen naslov i tekst poglavlja.

MSK Q/KA 097 13/12.03.2013. strana 11/14

Usklañen naslov i tekst poglavlja.
Usklañen naslov i tekst poglavlja.
Usklañen tekst poglavlja.
Usklañen naslov poglavlja.
Usklañen naslov poglavlja i dodata napomena.
Usklañen naslov poglavlja.
Usklañen naslov poglavlja.
Usklañen naslov poglavlja.
Usklañen naslov poglavlja.
Usklañen naslov i tekst poglavlja.
Usklañen naslov poglavlja.
Usklañen naslov poglavlja.
Usklañen naslov i tekst poglavlja.
Usklañen naslov i tekst poglavlja.
Usklañen sadržaj i tekst poglavlja.
Brisan naslov i tekst podpoglavlja "Izvorni podaci korišćeni za fizičke, toksikološke i ekotoksikološke podatke".

♦ Značenje upotrebljenih skraćenica i akronima

CLP/GHS Pravilnik o klasifikaciji, pakovanju, obeležavanju i oglašavanju hemikalije i odreñenog proizvoda u skladu sa
Globalno harmonizovanim sistemom za klasifikaciju i obeležavanje UN ("Sl. glasnik RS", br. 64/2010 i 26/2011)
DSD/DPD Pravilnik o klasifikaciji, pakovanju, obeležavanju i reklamiranju hemikalije i odreñenog proizvoda ("Sl. glasnik RS",
br. 59/2010, 25/2011 i 5/2012)
REACH Regulativa (EC) br. 1907/2006 Evropskog Parlamenta i Saveta od 18. Decembra 2006. o Registraciji, Evaluaciji,
Autorizaciji i Restrikciji hemikalija, formiranju Evropske Agencije za Hemikalije, dopuni Direktive 1999/45/EC i
ukidanjem Regulative Saveta (EEC) No 793/93 i Regulative Komisije (EC) No 1488/94 kao i Directive Saveta
76/769/EEC i Directiva Komisije 91/155/EEC, 93/67/EEC, 93/105/EC i 2000/21/EC (OJ L 396, 30.12.2006,
ispravljena verzija OJ L136, 29.5.2007, p.3)
CSR Izveštaj o bezbednosti hemikalije za sirćetnu kiselinu proizvoñača MSK a.d. Kikinda (Chemical Safety Report for
Acetic Acid, Regulatory Science Ltd, England, August 2010)
CAS CAS registarski broj je jedinstveni identifikacioni broj neke hemijske supstance (elementa, jedinjenja, DNK sekvence
i sl.) koji je uvela CAS (Chemical Abstract Service) u svrhu jednoznačnog klasificiranja i sortiranja mnogobrojnih
hemijskih supstanci. Svaki CAS broj je jedinstven i označava samo jednu supstancu. Sam broj nema nikakvo
hemijsko značenje u smislu označavanja hemijskih osobina.
EC EC broj (broj evropske komisije, EC No i EC#) je sedmocifreni kod koji se dodeljuje hemijskoj supstanci koja je
komercijalno dostupna unutar Evropske Unije. Ovaj broj je zvanični identifikator supstance u Evropskoj Uniji. Lista
supstanci koje imaju EC broj se naziva EC inventar.
EINECS Kategorija supstanci iz Evropskog inventara postojećih komercijalnih hemijskih supstanci (EC). Ovo su supstance,
osim polimera, koje su bile komercijalno dostupne u EU od 1. januara 1971. do 18. septembra 1981. One se
smatraju registrovanim pod članom 8(1) direktive 67/548/EEC. Identifikacioni broj ovih supstanci se naziva EINECS
IUPAC IUPAC nomenklatura je sistem za imenovanje hemijskih jedinjenja i uopšte opisivanje hemijske nauke. Razvijen je i
ažurira se pod okriljem Meñunarodne unije za čistu i primenjenu hemiju (IUPAC).
PBT Hemikalija identifikovana kao perzistentna bioakumulativna toksična
vPvB Hemikalija identifikovana kao veoma perzistentna veoma bioakumulativna
WELs/EH40 Lista odobrenih granica izloženosti na radnom mestu namenjena za upotrebu u okviru COSHH.
COSHH Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 predstavlja zakonsku regulativu Velike Britanije kojom
se regulišu opšti zahtevi koje poslodavac mora da ispuni po pitanju zaštite na radu zaposlenih i drugih osoba.
TWA Srednja granična vrednost izloženosti uticaju hemikalije kojoj radnik može biti izložen u odreñenom vremenskom
periodu, obično 8 sati. Ovo znači da, u ograničenim periodima, radnik može biti izložen vrednostima većima od ove,
sve dok srednja vrednost izloženosti u datom periodu bude manja.
STEL Granična vrednost kratkotrajne izloženosti uticaju hemikalije kojoj radnik može biti izložen u periodu 15 30 minuta u
momentu maksimalne izloženosti u okviru radne smene. Ova vrednost ne sme biti premašena ni za kakav
vremenski period i primenjuje se kod hemikalija koje su iritanti kao i kod onih koje imaju trenutni efekat.
DNEL (Derived No Effect Level ) izvedena vrednost izloženosti bez uticaja na ljudski organizam
PNEC (Predicted No Effect Concen) predviñena koncentracija bez uticaja na ekološku sredinu

MSK Q/KA 097 13/12.03.2013. strana 12/14

LD50 Količina hemikalije, date odjednom, koja dovodi do smrti 50% populacije testiranih životinja (Lethal Dose for 50%).
Izražava se u miligramima hemikalije po 100 grama (ili po kilogramu) mase testiranih životinja. LD50 je jedan od
načina na koji se može meriti kratkotrajna potencijalna otrovnost hemikalije.
LC50 Najčešće se odnosi na koncentraciju hemikalije u vazduhu (ali može da se odnosi i na koncentraciju hemikalije u
vodi) koja dovodi do smrti 50% populacije testiranih životinja (Lethal Concentration for 50%) u zadatom vremenu
(najčešće u roku od 4 sata).
NOAEC Najveća koncentracija testirane hemikalije za koju ne postoji statistički značajna reakcija testiranog organizma u
konkretnom testiranju (No Observable Adverse Effect Concentration).
EC50 Koncentracija hemikalije pri kojoj 50% populacije receptora daje odgovor nakon odreñene dužine izlaganja. Često
se koristi kao mera potentnosti leka.
KOW Koeficijent koji predstavlja odnos rastvorljivosti hemikalije u oktanolu prema rastvorljivosti u vodi (Octanol Water
Partition Coefficient). Log KOW se uglavnom uzima kao relativni pokazatelj sposobnosti hemikalije da se apsorbuje
u tlo.
UNRTG Preporuke UN za transport opasnog tereta (Recommendations on the transport of dangerous goods, UN)
ADR Evropski sporazum o meñunarodnom transportu opasnog tereta u drumskom saobraćaju
(Accord européen relatif au transport international des marchandises Dangereuses par Route)
RID Evropski sporazum o meñunarodnom transportu opasnog tereta železnicom
(le Règlement concernant le transport International ferroviaire des marchandises Dangereuses)
ADN Evropski sporazum o meñunarodnom transportu opasnog tereta na unutrašnjim plovnim putevima
(Accord européen relatif au transport international des marchandises Dangereuses par voies de Navigation
IMDG Meñunarodni kodeks o pomorskom prevozu opasne robe
(International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code)
ICAO Tehničko uputstvo za bezbedan transport opasnog tereta u vazdušnom saobraćaju
(International Civil Aviation Organization Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Good by Air,
doc 9284 AN/905)
MARPOL 73/78 Meñunarodna konvencija o prevenciji zagañenja mora koje potiče sa brodova (International Convention for the
Prevention of Pollution From Ships, 1973 as modified by the Protocol of 1978 MARine POLlution)
EU Evropska unija
RS Republika Srbija
Izvori ključnih podataka
• Pravilnik o klasifikaciji, pakovanju, obeležavanju i reklamiranju hemikalije i odreñenog proizvoda u skladu sa Globalno
harmonizovanim sistemom za klasifikaciju i obeležavanje UN ("Sl. glasnik RS", br. 64/2010 i 26/2011)
• Pravilnik o klasifikaciji, pakovanju, obeležavanju i reklamiranju hemikalije i odreñenog proizvoda ("Sl. glasnik RS", br. 59/2010 i
• Pravilnik o sadržaju bezbednosnog lista ("Sl. glasnik RS", br. 100/2011)
• Spisak klasifikovanih supstanci ("Sl. glasnik RS", br. 82/2010)
• EC Direktiva 67/548/EC resp. 99/45/EC sa svim izmenama
• Regulativa (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH) sa svim izmenama
• EC Direktive 2000/39/EC i 2006/15/EC sa svim izmenama
• Transportna regulativa prema ADR, RID, IMDG, IATA sa svim izmenama
• Identification Analysis of Acetic Acid, SGS Insitut Fresenius, Tanusstein, September 2010
• Chemical Safety Report for Methanol, BASF SE, Germany, February 2010
• Occupational safety and health guideline for Acetic Acid, OSHA, 1992
Spisak relevantnih oznaka
Oznake rizika
R10: Zapaljivo
R35: Izaziva teške opekotine
Oznake bezbednosti
S23: Ne udisati paru.
S26: U slučaju kontakta sa očima, odmah isprati sa dosta vode i zatražiti lekarsku pomoć.
S45: U slučaju nezgode ili zdravstvenih tegoba, hitno zatražiti lekarsku pomoć (ako je moguće pokazati etiketu).
Obaveštenja o opasnosti
H226: Zapaljiva tečnost i para
H314: Izaziva teško opekotine kože i oštećenje oka
Obaveštenja o merama predostrožnosti
P210: Držati dalje od izvora toplote/varnica/otvorenog plamena/vrućih površina. Zabranjeno pušenje.
P233: Čuvati ambalažu čvrsto zatvorenu.
P240: Uzemljeni/pričvršćeni kontejner i oprema za pretakanje.
P241: Koristiti opremu koja ne može da izazove eksploziju elektrooprema/ventilacija/rasveta.
P242: Koristiti isključivo alat koji ne varniči.
P243: Preduzeti mere predostrožnosti da ne doñe do stvaranja statičkog elektriciteta.
P264: Oprati ruke/lice/oči detaljno nakon rukovanja.
P260: Ne udisati maglu/paru.
♦ P280: Nositi zaštitne rukavice (EN388/EN374 DFL ili ABC kl.6)/zaštitne naočare (EN166/EN170).

MSK Q/KA 097 13/12.03.2013. strana 13/14

P310: Hitno pozvati Centar za kontrolu trovanja ili se obratiti lekaru.
P321: Specifičan tretman: U slučaju respiratorne blokade upotrebiti veštačko disanje.
P363: Oprati kontaminiranu odeću pre ponovne upotrebe.
P304+P340: AKO SE UDIŠE: Izneti povreñenu osobu na svež vazduh i obezbediti da se odmara u položaju koji ne ometa
P370+P378: U slučaju požara: Koristiti penu otpornu na alkohol/prah za gašenje/vodeni mlaz za gašenje.
P301+P330+P331: AKO SE PROGUTA: Isprati usta. Ne izazivati povraćanje.
P303+P361+P353: AKO DOSPE NA KOŽU (ili kosu): Hitno ukloniti/skinuti svu kontaminiranu odeću. Isprati kožu vodom/
istuširati se.
P305+P351+P338: AKO DOSPE U OČI: Pažljivo ispirati vodom nekoliko minuta. Ukloniti kontaktna sočiva, ukoliko postoje i
ukoliko je to moguće učiniti. Nastaviti sa ispiranjem.
P405: Skladištiti pod ključem
P403+P235: Čuvati u prostoriji sa dobrom ventilacijom. Držati na hladnom.
P501: Odlaganje sadržaja/ambalaže u skladu sa Zakonom o upravljanju otpadom i Zakonom o ambalaži i
ambalažnom otpadu.
Preporuka snabdevača
Konstantno obučavati zaposlene o rizicima, opasnostima, efektima i neophodnim merama pri upotrebi, manipulaciji i skladištenju
hemikalije. Imati na raspolaganju osoblje obučeno za pružanje prve pomoći. Obezbediti zaposlenima pisana uputstva i instrukcije.
Izjava snabdevača
Svi navedeni podaci su bazirani na sadašnjem znanju i ne predstavljaju garanciju osobina proizvoda niti povlače bilo kakvu
zakonsku odgovornost.
Normativne reference
Normativne reference navedene u ovom bezbednosnom listu mogu da budu datirane ili ne. Kada se navode datirane refernce,
primenjuje se isključivo citirano izdanje. Kada se navode nedatirane reference, primenjuje se najnovije izdanje referentnog
dokumenta, uključujući i njegove izmene.

♦ Sadržaj Aneksa bezbednosnog lista

Scenariji izloženosti:
ES1 Use as an intermediate, process chemical industrial use, Verzija: 1.0.0, Datum izdanja: 07.01.2013. (5 str.)
ES2 Formulation and (re)packing of substance and mixtures industrial use, Verzija: 1.0.0, Datum izdanja: 07.01.2013. (7 str.)
ES3 Use in cleaning agents industrial use, Verzija: 1.0.0, Datum izdanja: 07.01.2013. (6 str.)
ES4 Agrochemicals professional use, Verzija: 1.0.0, Datum izdanja: 07.01.2013. (6 str.)
ES5 Use as a laboratory reagent professional use, Verzija: 1.0.0, Datum izdanja: 07.01.2013. (4 str.)
ES6 Water treatment industrial use, Verzija: 1.0.0, Datum izdanja: 07.01.2013. (5 str.)

MSK Q/KA 097 13/12.03.2013. strana 14/14

ES1 Use as an intermediate, process chemical - industrial use

Trade name: Acetic Acid, technical/foodstuff 99.8%, pharmaceutical 99.5%-100.5%

Current version : 1.0.0, issued: 07.01.2013 Replaced version: 1.0.0, issued: 23.11.2012 Region: GB

SECTION 1: Title and scope of exposure scenario (ES)

1.1 Title exposure scenario (ES)
ES1 Use as an intermediate, process chemical - industrial use

1.2 Scope of exposure scenario (ES)

ES Type Worker Exposure Scenario for substance/mixture
Life cycle stage Industrial end use
Product identifier
Trade name Acetic Acid, technical/foodstuff 99.8%, pharmaceutical 99.5%-100.5%
MSK Code: 60010, 60019, 90022, 90023, 90025, 90029, 90030, 90043, 90045, 90049
Substance name Acetic acid
REACH registration no. 01-2119475328-30-0018
CAS no. 64-19-7
EC no. 200-580-7
Use descriptors
Sector of use (SU)
Category Code Use description
Main user group SU3 Industrial uses
Environmental release category (ERC)
Category Code Use description
Environmental release ERC6a Industrial use resulting in manufacture of another substance (use of
category (ERC) intermediates)
Process category (PROC)
Category Code Use description
Process category (PROC) PROC1 Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure
PROC2 Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled
PROC3 Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)
PROC4 Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for
exposure arises
PROC8a Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to
vessels/large containers at non-dedicated facilities
PROC8b Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to
vessels/large containers at dedicated facilities
PROC15 Use as laboratory reagent

Other information
The information in this ES originate from the CSR.

SECTION 2: Operational conditions (OC) and risk management measures (RMM) controlling expoure
towards environment and men
2.1 Product characteristics
State of aggregation
Reference temperature
25 °C
25 °C
Not applicable
Vapour pressure
Value 20.79 hPa
Reference temperature
25 °C
Other information
The efficiency of a risk management measure is a theoretical value. The efficiency describes to which extend (in percent) the
calculated exposure can be diminished by applying a certain measure. If the described operational conditions and risk management
measures are fulfilled by a downstream user, the efficiency as highlighted in the ES can be applied. A downstream user might check
whether the efficiency of the LEV or general ventilation corresponds to his site.
The efficienc y
of a ris k
meas ure is a
theor etic al
value. The
effici enc y
des cribes to
which extend
(in percent) the
calcul ated
expos ure can
be di mi nished
by appl yi ng a
meas ure. If the
des cribed
conditi ons and
meas ures are
fulfilled by a
downstr eam
user , the
effici enc y as
highlighted in
the ES can be
applied. A
downstr eam
user mig ht
chec k whether
the effici enc y of
the LEV or
ventilati on
corres ponds to
his site.

Page 1 of 5
ES1 Use as an intermediate, process chemical - industrial use

Trade name: Acetic Acid, technical/foodstuff 99.8%, pharmaceutical 99.5%-100.5%

Current version : 1.0.0, issued: 07.01.2013 Replaced version: 1.0.0, issued: 23.11.2012 Region: GB

2.2 Contributing scenario controlling environmental exposure

Affected environmental release category (ERC)
Category Code Use description
Environmental release ERC6a Industrial use resulting in manufacture of another substance (use of
category (ERC) intermediates)
Risk management measures (RMM) controlling environmental exposure
Technical measures and efficiency of the risk managment measures (in exposure calculation model)
No special measures are required.
Organisational measures
No special measures are required.
Measures related to wastewater treatment and efficiency of the risk managment measures (in exposure calculation model)
ERC6a Measures Ensure all waste water is collected and treated via a
Ens ure all
waste water is
collec ted and
treated vi a a

Measures related to waste treatment

For further instructions related to waste management please refer to section 13 of the Safety Data Sheet.

2.3 Contributing scenario controlling worker exposure

Affected process category (PROC)
Category Code Use description
Process category (PROC) PROC1 Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure
PROC2 Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled
PROC3 Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)
PROC4 Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for
exposure arises
PROC8a Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to
vessels/large containers at non-dedicated facilities
PROC8b Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to
vessels/large containers at dedicated facilities
PROC15 Use as laboratory reagent
Operational conditions controlling worker exposure
Concentration of substance
Value ≤ 100 % ≤ 100 % ≤ 100 %
Value ≤ 100 % ≤ 100 % ≤ 100 %
Amounts used
Not relevant Not relevant Not relevant
Not relevant Not relevant Not relevant
Use conditions
Location of use Indoor and outdoor use. Indoor and outdoor use. Indoor use
Duration of use ≤ 8 h/d ≤ 8 h/d ≤ 8 h/d
Frequency of use ≤ 220 d/a ≤ 220 d/a ≤ 220 d/a
Location of use Indoor and outdoor use. Indoor use Indoor use
Duration of use ≤ 8 h/d ≤ 8 h/d ≤ 8 h/d
Frequency of use ≤ 220 d/a ≤ 220 d/a ≤ 220 d/a

Page 2 of 5
ES1 Use as an intermediate, process chemical - industrial use

Trade name: Acetic Acid, technical/foodstuff 99.8%, pharmaceutical 99.5%-100.5%

Current version : 1.0.0, issued: 07.01.2013 Replaced version: 1.0.0, issued: 23.11.2012 Region: GB

Further operational conditions

PROC1 Assumes a good basic standard of occupational hygiene is implemented.
Assumes use at not more than 20°C above ambient temperature, unless stated differently.
PROC2 Assumes use at not more than 20°C above ambient temperature, unless stated differently.
Assumes a good basic standard of occupational hygiene is implemented.
PROC3, PROC4 Assumes use at not more than 20°C above ambient temperature, unless stated differently.
Assumes a good basic standard of occupational hygiene is implemented.
PROC8a Assumes use at not more than 20°C above ambient temperature, unless stated differently.
Assumes a good basic standard of occupational hygiene is implemented.
PROC8b Assumes use at not more than 20°C above ambient temperature, unless stated differently.
Assumes a good basic standard of occupational hygiene is implemented.
PROC15 Assumes a good basic standard of occupational hygiene is implemented.
Ass umes us e at
Assumes use at not more than 20°C above ambient temperature, unless stated differently.
not mor e than
20°C above
ambi ent
temper ature,
unl ess stated
differentl y.

Risk management measures (RMM) controlling worker exposure

Technical measures and efficiency of the risk managment measures (in exposure calculation model)
PROC1 Measures No special measures are required.
PROC2 Measures Provide a good standard of general ventilation (not
less than 3 to 5 air changes per hour, corresponds to
outdoor use).
Efficiency (%) 30
PROC3, PROC4 Measures Handle only at a place with local exhaust system (or
another appropriate exhaust).
Efficiency (%) 90
PROC8a Measures No special measures are required.
PROC8b Measures Ensure material transfers are under containment or
extract ventilation.
Efficiency (%) 97
PROC15 Measures Handle in a fume cupboard or under extract
No s pecial 90
Efficiency (%) 90
meas ures are

Organisational measures
PROC1 No special measures are required.
PROC2 No special measures are required.
PROC3, PROC4 No special measures are required.
PROC8a Drain down and flush system prior to equipment break-in or maintenance.
PROC8b No special measures are required.
No s pecial
PROC15 No special measures are required.
meas ures are

Personal protective equipment and efficiency of the risk managment measures (in exposure calculation model)
PROC1 For further instructions related to "Personal protective equipment" please refer to section 8 of
the Safety Data Sheet.
PROC2 For further instructions related to "Personal protective equipment" please refer to section 8 of
the Safety Data Sheet.
PROC3, PROC4 For further instructions related to "Personal protective equipment" please refer to section 8 of
the Safety Data Sheet.
PROC8a For further instructions related to "Personal protective equipment" please refer to section 8 of
the Safety Data Sheet.
PROC8b For further instructions related to "Personal protective equipment" please refer to section 8 of
the Safety Data Sheet.
PROC15 For further instructions related to "Personal protective equipment" please refer to section 8 of
For further
the Safety Data Sheet.
related to
"Pers onal
protecti ve
pleas e refer to
secti on 8 of the
Safety D ata

Page 3 of 5
ES1 Use as an intermediate, process chemical - industrial use

Trade name: Acetic Acid, technical/foodstuff 99.8%, pharmaceutical 99.5%-100.5%

Current version : 1.0.0, issued: 07.01.2013 Replaced version: 1.0.0, issued: 23.11.2012 Region: GB

Hand protection
PROC1 Measures Wear suitable gloves for handling strong sensitizing
and corrosive substances in cases where exposure
can occur
PROC2 Measures Wear suitable gloves for handling strong sensitizing
and corrosive substances in cases where exposure
can occur
PROC3, PROC4 Measures No special measures are required.
PROC8a Measures Wear chemically resistant gloves (tested to EN374) in
combination with 'basic' employee training.
Efficiency (%) 80
PROC8b Measures Wear suitable gloves for handling strong sensitizing
and corrosive substances in cases where exposure
can occur
PROC15 Measures Wear suitable gloves for handling strong sensitizing
and corrosive substances in cases where exposure
No s pecial
can occur 80
meas ures are

SECTION 3: Exposure estimation and reference to sources

3.1 Advice
The Risk Characterization Ratio (RCR) is the quotient of predicted human/environmental exposure and the related DNEL/PNEC.
Exposure is calculated based on exposure models as stated below. If RCR ≤ 1 a use is considered as safe under operational
conditions and risk management measures as specified in the exposure szenario.

For DNEL/PNEC values please refer to section 8 of the safety data sheet.

3.2 Exposure estimation - Environment

Affected environmental release category (ERC)
Category Code Use description
Environmental release ERC6a Industrial use resulting in manufacture of another substance (use of
category (ERC) intermediates)
Used exposure estimation model for calculation of environmental exposure
Used exposure estimation model Qualitative approach used to conclude safe use.
Other information The use is assessed to be safe.

3.3 Exposure estimation - Worker

Affected process category (PROC)
Category Code Use description
Process category (PROC) PROC1 Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure
PROC2 Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled
PROC3 Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)
PROC4 Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for
exposure arises
PROC8a Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to
vessels/large containers at non-dedicated facilities
PROC8b Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to
vessels/large containers at dedicated facilities
PROC15 Use as laboratory reagent
Used exposure estimation model for calculation of worker exposure
Used exposure estimation model ECETOC TRA Version 2
Link to exposure estimation tool
Risk characterisation ratio (RCR)
Exposure estimation inhalational dermal total
PROC1 Long-term local 0.00 0.03 0.04
PROC2 Long-term local 0.70 0.14 0.84
PROC3 Long-term local 0.25 0.00 0.25
PROC4 Long-term local 0.20 0.07 0.27
PROC8a Long-term local 0.50 0.27 0.77
PROC8b Long-term local 0.15 0.07 0.22
PROC15 Long-term local 0.10 0.00 0.10

SECTION 4: Guidance to DU to evaluate whether he works inside the boundaries set by the ES

Page 4 of 5
ES1 Use as an intermediate, process chemical - industrial use

Trade name: Acetic Acid, technical/foodstuff 99.8%, pharmaceutical 99.5%-100.5%

Current version : 1.0.0, issued: 07.01.2013 Replaced version: 1.0.0, issued: 23.11.2012 Region: GB

4.1 Recommendations and advice

Recommendations and general advice
If a downstream user uses the substance/preparation differently than stated in the ES (different operational conditions and/or risk
management measures), he has the possibility to vary certain parameters of the exposure assessment. With the help of easy
calculations he can check whether he still operates under safe circumstances. This process is called Scaling.
For further advice on adjusting operational conditions and risk managment measures and for applying scaling please see chapter 7.7
of Cefics REACH Practical Guide on Exposure Assessment and Communication in the Supply Chains, Part I:
Scaling advice
Type of ventilation
If the type of ventilation at the use site of a downstream user (DU) differs from the instructions in the ES, a linear correlation between
the RCR (Inhalation) and the type of ventilation exists. Following scaling factors (f) apply: General ventilation (< 3 air changes per
hour) =1; good general ventilation (3 to 5 air changes per hour, corresponds to outdoor use) = 0,7; enhanced general ventilation (> 5
air changes per hour) = 0,3.
RCR (DU) = f(DU) * RCR (as stated in ES) / f (type of ventilation stated in ES)
In the same manner a scaling for the efficiency of the local extract ventilation (LEV) can by applied.
Duration of use
If the duration of the use by a worker at a downstream user (DU) site differs from the instructions in the ES, a linear correlation
between the RCR (Inhalation) and the duration of use exist. Following scaling factors (f) apply: duration > 4 hours/day = 1; duration:
1-4 hours/day = 0,6; duration: 15 min/day – 1 hour/day = 0,2; duration < 15 min/day = 0,1.
RCR (DU) = f(DU) * RCR (as stated in ES) / f (duration in ES)
Concentration of the substance in the product
If the downstream user (DU) uses the substance in a different concentration than the one stated in the ES, a linear correlation
between the RCR (Inhalation)and the RCR (dermal) and the concentration exists. Following scaling factors (f) apply: Concentration
>25% =1; concentration >= 5% = 0,6; concentration >= 1% = 0,2; concentration < 1% = 0,1.
RCR (DU) = f(DU) * RCR (as stated in ES) / f (concentration in ES).
4.2 Exposure estimation - Environment
Used exposure estimation model for calculation of environmental exposure
Used exposure estimation model Qualitative approach used to conclude safe use.
Other information The use is assessed to be safe.

4.3 Exposure estimation - Worker

Used exposure estimation model for calculation of worker exposure
Used exposure estimation model ECETOC TRA Version 2
Link to exposure estimation tool
Other information
For the
PROC8a For the organizational measure an efficiency of 90% was assumed.
organiz ati onal
meas ure an
effici enc y of
90% was
ass umed.

Page 5 of 5
ES2 Formulation and (re)packing of substance and mixtures - industrial use

Trade name: Acetic Acid, technical/foodstuff 99.8%, pharmaceutical 99.5%-100.5%

Current version : 1.0.0, issued: 07.01.2013 Replaced version: 1.0.0, issued: 23.11.2012 Region: GB

SECTION 1: Title and scope of exposure scenario (ES)

1.1 Title exposure scenario (ES)
ES2 Formulation and (re)packing of substance and mixtures - industrial use

1.2 Scope of exposure scenario (ES)

ES Type Worker Exposure Scenario for substance/mixture
Life cycle stage Formulation
Product identifier
Trade name Acetic Acid, technical/foodstuff 99.8%, pharmaceutical 99.5%-100.5%
MSK Code: 60010, 60019, 90022, 90023, 90025, 90029, 90030, 90043, 90045, 90049
Substance name Acetic acid
REACH registration no. 01-2119475328-30-0018
CAS no. 64-19-7
EC no. 200-580-7
Use descriptors
Sector of use (SU)
Category Code Use description
Main user group SU3 Industrial uses
Sector of end-use SU8 Manufacture of bulk, large scale chemicals (including petroleum
SU9 Manufacture of fine chemicals
SU10 Formulation [mixing] of preparations and/or re-packaging (excluding
Environmental release category (ERC)
Category Code Use description
Environmental release ERC2 Formulation of preparations
category (ERC)
Process category (PROC)
Category Code Use description
Process category (PROC) PROC1 Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure
PROC2 Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled
PROC3 Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)
PROC4 Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for
exposure arises
PROC5 Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations
and articles (multistage and/or significant contact)
PROC8a Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to
vessels/large containers at non-dedicated facilities
PROC8b Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to
vessels/large containers at dedicated facilities
PROC9 Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated
filling line, including weighing)
PROC14 Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression,
extrusion, pelettisation
PROC15 Use as laboratory reagent

Other information
The information in this ES originate from the CSR.

SECTION 2: Operational conditions (OC) and risk management measures (RMM) controlling expoure
towards environment and men
2.1 Product characteristics
State of aggregation
Reference temperature
25 °C
25 °C
Not relevant
Vapour pressure
Value 20.79 hPa
Reference temperature
25 °C

Page 1 of 7
ES2 Formulation and (re)packing of substance and mixtures - industrial use

Trade name: Acetic Acid, technical/foodstuff 99.8%, pharmaceutical 99.5%-100.5%

Current version : 1.0.0, issued: 07.01.2013 Replaced version: 1.0.0, issued: 23.11.2012 Region: GB

Other information
The efficiency of a risk management measure is a theoretical value. The efficiency describes to which extend (in percent) the
calculated exposure can be diminished by applying a certain measure. If the described operational conditions and risk management
measures are fulfilled by a downstream user, the efficiency as highlighted in the ES can be applied. A downstream user might check
whether the efficiency of the LEV or general ventilation corresponds to his site.
The efficienc y
of a ris k
meas ure is a
theor etic al
value. The
effici enc y
des cribes to
which extend
(in percent) the
calcul ated
expos ure can
be di mi nished
by appl yi ng a
meas ure. If the
des cribed
conditi ons and
meas ures are
fulfilled by a
downstr eam
user , the
effici enc y as
highlighted in
the ES can be
applied. A
downstr eam
user mig ht
chec k whether
the effici enc y of
the LEV or
ventilati on
corres ponds to
his site.

2.2 Contributing scenario controlling environmental exposure

Affected environmental release category (ERC)
Category Code Use description
Environmental release ERC2 Formulation of preparations
category (ERC)
Risk management measures (RMM) controlling environmental exposure
Technical measures and efficiency of the risk managment measures (in exposure calculation model)
No special measures are required.
Organisational measures
No special measures are required.
Measures related to wastewater treatment and efficiency of the risk managment measures (in exposure calculation model)
ERC2 Measures Ensure all waste water is collected and treated via a
Ens ure all
waste water is
collec ted and
treated vi a a

Measures related to waste treatment

For further instructions related to waste management please refer to section 13 of the Safety Data Sheet.

2.3 Contributing scenario controlling worker exposure

Affected process category (PROC)
Category Code Use description
Process category (PROC) PROC1 Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure
PROC2 Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled
PROC3 Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)
PROC4 Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for
exposure arises
PROC5 Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations
and articles (multistage and/or significant contact)
PROC8a Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to
vessels/large containers at non-dedicated facilities
PROC8b Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to
vessels/large containers at dedicated facilities
PROC9 Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated
filling line, including weighing)
PROC14 Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression,
extrusion, pelettisation
PROC15 Use as laboratory reagent
Operational conditions controlling worker exposure
Concentration of substance
Value ≤ 100 % ≤ 100 % ≤ 100 %
Value ≤ 100 % ≤ 100 % ≤ 100 %
Value ≤ 100 % ≤ 100 % ≤ 100 %
Value ≤ 100 %

Page 2 of 7
ES2 Formulation and (re)packing of substance and mixtures - industrial use

Trade name: Acetic Acid, technical/foodstuff 99.8%, pharmaceutical 99.5%-100.5%

Current version : 1.0.0, issued: 07.01.2013 Replaced version: 1.0.0, issued: 23.11.2012 Region: GB

Amounts used
Not relevant Not relevant Not relevant
Not relevant Not relevant Not relevant
Not relevant Not relevant Not relevant
Not relevant
Use conditions
Location of use Indoor and outdoor use. Indoor and outdoor use. Indoor use
Duration of use ≤ 8 h/d ≤ 8 h/d ≤ 4 h/d
Frequency of use ≤ 220 d/a ≤ 220 d/a ≤ 220 d/a
Location of use Indoor use Indoor use Indoor use
Duration of use ≤ 8 h/d ≤ 8 h/d ≤ 8 h/d
Frequency of use ≤ 220 d/a ≤ 220 d/a ≤ 220 d/a
Location of use Indoor use Indoor use Indoor use
Duration of use ≤ 8 h/d ≤ 8 h/d ≤ 8 h/d
Frequency of use ≤ 220 d/a ≤ 220 d/a ≤ 220 d/a
Location of use Indoor use
Duration of use ≤ 8 h/d
Frequency of use ≤ 220 d/a
Further operational conditions
PROC1 Assumes a good basic standard of occupational hygiene is implemented.
Assumes use at not more than 20°C above ambient temperature, unless stated differently.
PROC2 Assumes a good basic standard of occupational hygiene is implemented.
Assumes use at not more than 20°C above ambient temperature, unless stated differently.
PROC3 Assumes a good basic standard of occupational hygiene is implemented.
Operation is carried out at elevated temperature (> 20°C above ambient temperature).
PROC4 Assumes a good basic standard of occupational hygiene is implemented.
Assumes use at not more than 20°C above ambient temperature, unless stated differently.
PROC5 Assumes a good basic standard of occupational hygiene is implemented.
Assumes use at not more than 20°C above ambient temperature, unless stated differently.
PROC8a Assumes a good basic standard of occupational hygiene is implemented.
Assumes use at not more than 20°C above ambient temperature, unless stated differently.
PROC8b Assumes a good basic standard of occupational hygiene is implemented.
Assumes use at not more than 20°C above ambient temperature, unless stated differently.
PROC9 Assumes a good basic standard of occupational hygiene is implemented.
Assumes use at not more than 20°C above ambient temperature, unless stated differently.
PROC14 Assumes a good basic standard of occupational hygiene is implemented.
Assumes use at not more than 20°C above ambient temperature, unless stated differently.
PROC15 Assumes a good basic standard of occupational hygiene is implemented.
Ass umes a
Assumes use at not more than 20°C above ambient temperature, unless stated differently.
good basic
standard of
occ upati onal
hygiene is
impl emented.

Page 3 of 7
ES2 Formulation and (re)packing of substance and mixtures - industrial use

Trade name: Acetic Acid, technical/foodstuff 99.8%, pharmaceutical 99.5%-100.5%

Current version : 1.0.0, issued: 07.01.2013 Replaced version: 1.0.0, issued: 23.11.2012 Region: GB

Risk management measures (RMM) controlling worker exposure

Technical measures and efficiency of the risk managment measures (in exposure calculation model)
PROC1 Measures No special measures are required.
PROC2 Measures Provide a good standard of general ventilation (not
less than 3 to 5 air changes per hour, corresponds to
outdoor use).
Efficiency (%) 30
PROC3 Measures Handle only at a place with local exhaust system (or
another appropriate exhaust).
Efficiency (%) 90
PROC4 Measures Provide extract ventilation to points where emissions
Efficiency (%) 90
PROC5 Measures Provide extract ventilation to points where emissions
Efficiency (%) 90
PROC8a Measures Provide extract ventilation to points where emissions
Efficiency (%) 90
PROC8b Measures Provide extract ventilation to points where emissions
Efficiency (%) 97
PROC9 Measures Ensure material transfers are under containment or
extract ventilation.
Efficiency (%) 90
PROC14 Measures Provide extract ventilation to points where emissions
Efficiency (%) 90
PROC15 Measures Handle in a fume cupboard or under extract
Handle in a 90
Efficiency (%) 90
fume c upboar d
or under extr act
ventilati on.

Organisational measures
PROC1 No special measures are required.
PROC2 No special measures are required.
PROC3 Avoid carrying out activities involving exposure for more than 4 hours.
PROC4 No special measures are required.
PROC5 No special measures are required.
PROC8a Drain down and flush system prior to equipment break-in or maintenance.
PROC8b Clear transfer lines prior to de-coupling.
Avoid spillage when withdrawing pump.
PROC9 Clear spills immediately.
Put lids on containers immediately after use.
PROC14 No special measures are required.
Clear s pills
PROC15 No special measures are required.
immediatel y.

Page 4 of 7
ES2 Formulation and (re)packing of substance and mixtures - industrial use

Trade name: Acetic Acid, technical/foodstuff 99.8%, pharmaceutical 99.5%-100.5%

Current version : 1.0.0, issued: 07.01.2013 Replaced version: 1.0.0, issued: 23.11.2012 Region: GB

Personal protective equipment and efficiency of the risk managment measures (in exposure calculation model)
PROC1 For further instructions related to "Personal protective equipment" please refer to section 8 of
the Safety Data Sheet.
PROC2 For further instructions related to "Personal protective equipment" please refer to section 8 of
the Safety Data Sheet.
PROC3 For further instructions related to "Personal protective equipment" please refer to section 8 of
the Safety Data Sheet.
PROC4 For further instructions related to "Personal protective equipment" please refer to section 8 of
the Safety Data Sheet.
PROC5 For further instructions related to "Personal protective equipment" please refer to section 8 of
the Safety Data Sheet.
PROC8a For further instructions related to "Personal protective equipment" please refer to section 8 of
the Safety Data Sheet.
PROC8b For further instructions related to "Personal protective equipment" please refer to section 8 of
the Safety Data Sheet.
PROC9 For further instructions related to "Personal protective equipment" please refer to section 8 of
the Safety Data Sheet.
PROC14 For further instructions related to "Personal protective equipment" please refer to section 8 of
the Safety Data Sheet.
PROC15 For further instructions related to "Personal protective equipment" please refer to section 8 of
For further
the Safety Data Sheet.
related to
"Pers onal
protecti ve
pleas e refer to
secti on 8 of the
Safety D ata

Hand protection
PROC1 Measures Wear suitable gloves for handling strong sensitizing
and corrosive substances in cases where exposure
can occur
PROC2 Measures Wear suitable gloves for handling strong sensitizing
and corrosive substances in cases where exposure
can occur
PROC3 Measures Wear suitable gloves for handling strong sensitizing
and corrosive substances in cases where exposure
can occur
PROC4 Measures No special measures are required.
PROC5 Measures Wear suitable gloves for handling strong sensitizing
and corrosive substances in cases where exposure
can occur
PROC8a Measures Wear suitable gloves tested to EN374.
Efficiency (%) 80
PROC8b Measures Wear suitable gloves for handling strong sensitizing
and corrosive substances in cases where exposure
can occur
PROC9 Measures Wear suitable gloves for handling strong sensitizing
and corrosive substances in cases where exposure
can occur
PROC14 Measures Wear suitable gloves for handling strong sensitizing
and corrosive substances in cases where exposure
can occur
PROC15 Measures Wear suitable gloves for handling strong sensitizing
and corrosive substances in cases where exposure
Wear s uitabl e
can occur 80
gloves for
handling str ong
sensitizing and
corrosi ve
substanc es i n
cas es wher e
expos ure can
occ ur

PROC8b Measures If above technicall control measures are not feasible,
then adopt following PPE:
Measures Wear a respirator conforming to EN140 with Type A
filter or better.
Measures Wear suitable gloves tested to EN374.

SECTION 3: Exposure estimation and reference to sources

3.1 Advice
The Risk Characterization Ratio (RCR) is the quotient of predicted human/environmental exposure and the related DNEL/PNEC.
Exposure is calculated based on exposure models as stated below. If RCR ≤ 1 a use is considered as safe under operational
conditions and risk management measures as specified in the exposure szenario.

For DNEL/PNEC values please refer to section 8 of the safety data sheet.

Page 5 of 7
ES2 Formulation and (re)packing of substance and mixtures - industrial use

Trade name: Acetic Acid, technical/foodstuff 99.8%, pharmaceutical 99.5%-100.5%

Current version : 1.0.0, issued: 07.01.2013 Replaced version: 1.0.0, issued: 23.11.2012 Region: GB

3.2 Exposure estimation - Environment

Affected environmental release category (ERC)
Category Code Use description
Environmental release ERC2 Formulation of preparations
category (ERC)
Used exposure estimation model for calculation of environmental exposure
Used exposure estimation model Qualitative approach used to conclude safe use.
Other information The use is assessed to be safe.

3.3 Exposure estimation - Worker

Affected process category (PROC)
Category Code Use description
Process category (PROC) PROC1 Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure
PROC2 Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled
PROC3 Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)
PROC4 Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for
exposure arises
PROC5 Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations
and articles (multistage and/or significant contact)
PROC8a Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to
vessels/large containers at non-dedicated facilities
PROC8b Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to
vessels/large containers at dedicated facilities
PROC9 Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated
filling line, including weighing)
PROC14 Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression,
extrusion, pelettisation
PROC15 Use as laboratory reagent
Used exposure estimation model for calculation of worker exposure
Used exposure estimation model ECETOC TRA Version 2
Link to exposure estimation tool
Risk characterisation ratio (RCR)
Exposure estimation inhalational dermal total
PROC1 Long-term local 0.00 0.03 0.03
PROC2 Long-term local 0.70 0.14 0.84
PROC3 Long-term local 0.60 0.00 0.60
PROC4 Long-term local 0.20 0.07 0.27
PROC5 Long-term local 0.50 0.01 0.51
PROC8a Long-term local 0.50 0.27 0.77
PROC8b Long-term local 0.15 0.69 0.84
PROC9 Long-term local 0.50 0.07 0.57
PROC14 Long-term local 0.50 0.03 0.53
PROC15 Long-term local 0.10 0.00 0.10

SECTION 4: Guidance to DU to evaluate whether he works inside the boundaries set by the ES

4.1 Recommendations and advice

Recommendations and general advice
For further advice on adjusting operational conditions and risk managment measures and for applying scaling please see chapter 7.7
of Cefics REACH Practical Guide on Exposure Assessment and Communication in the Supply Chains, Part I:
If a downstream user uses the substance/preparation differently than stated in the ES (different operational conditions and/or risk
management measures), he has the possibility to vary certain parameters of the exposure assessment. With the help of easy
calculations he can check whether he still operates under safe circumstances. This process is called Scaling.
Scaling advice
Type of ventilation
If the type of ventilation at the use site of a downstream user (DU) differs from the instructions in the ES, a linear correlation between
the RCR (Inhalation) and the type of ventilation exists. Following scaling factors (f) apply: General ventilation (< 3 air changes per
hour) =1; good general ventilation (3 to 5 air changes per hour, corresponds to outdoor use) = 0,7; enhanced general ventilation (> 5
air changes per hour) = 0,3.
RCR (DU) = f(DU) * RCR (as stated in ES) / f (type of ventilation stated in ES)
In the same manner a scaling for the efficiency of the local extract ventilation (LEV) can by applied.

Page 6 of 7
ES2 Formulation and (re)packing of substance and mixtures - industrial use

Trade name: Acetic Acid, technical/foodstuff 99.8%, pharmaceutical 99.5%-100.5%

Current version : 1.0.0, issued: 07.01.2013 Replaced version: 1.0.0, issued: 23.11.2012 Region: GB

Duration of use
If the duration of the use by a worker at a downstream user (DU) site differs from the instructions in the ES, a linear correlation
between the RCR (Inhalation) and the duration of use exist. Following scaling factors (f) apply: duration > 4 hours/day = 1; duration:
1-4 hours/day = 0,6; duration: 15 min/day – 1 hour/day = 0,2; duration < 15 min/day = 0,1.
RCR (DU) = f(DU) * RCR (as stated in ES) / f (duration in ES)
Concentration of the substance in the product
If the downstream user (DU) uses the substance in a different concentration than the one stated in the ES, a linear correlation
between the RCR (Inhalation)and the RCR (dermal) and the concentration exists. Following scaling factors (f) apply: Concentration
>25% =1; concentration >= 5% = 0,6; concentration >= 1% = 0,2; concentration < 1% = 0,1.
RCR (DU) = f(DU) * RCR (as stated in ES) / f (concentration in ES).

4.2 Exposure estimation - Environment

Used exposure estimation model for calculation of environmental exposure
Used exposure estimation model Qualitative approach used to conclude safe use.
Other information The use is assessed to be safe.

4.3 Exposure estimation - Worker

Used exposure estimation model for calculation of worker exposure
Used exposure estimation model ECETOC TRA Version 2
Link to exposure estimation tool

Page 7 of 7
ES3 Use in cleaning agents - industrial use

Trade name: Acetic Acid, technical/foodstuff 99.8%, pharmaceutical 99.5%-100.5%

Current version : 1.0.0, issued: 07.01.2013 Replaced version: 1.0.0, issued: 23.11.2012 Region: GB

SECTION 1: Title and scope of exposure scenario (ES)

1.1 Title exposure scenario (ES)
ES3 Use in cleaning agents - industrial use

1.2 Scope of exposure scenario (ES)

ES Type Worker Exposure Scenario for substance/mixture
Life cycle stage Industrial end use
Product identifier
Trade name Acetic Acid, technical/foodstuff 99.8%, pharmaceutical 99.5%-100.5%
MSK Code: 60010, 60019, 90022, 90023, 90025, 90029, 90030, 90043, 90045, 90049
Substance name Acetic acid
REACH registration no. 01-2119475328-30-0018
CAS no. 64-19-7
EC no. 200-580-7
Use descriptors
Sector of use (SU)
Category Code Use description
Main user group SU3 Industrial uses
Sector of end-use SU5 Manufacture of textiles, leather, fur
SU6 Manufacture of paper and paper products
Environmental release category (ERC)
Category Code Use description
Environmental release ERC4 Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not
category (ERC) becoming part of articles
Process category (PROC)
Category Code Use description
Process category (PROC) PROC2 Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled
PROC3 Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)
PROC4 Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for
exposure arises
PROC7 Industrial spraying
PROC8a Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to
vessels/large containers at non-dedicated facilities
PROC8b Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to
vessels/large containers at dedicated facilities
PROC10 Roller application or brushing
PROC13 Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring

Other information
The information in this ES originate from the CSR.

SECTION 2: Operational conditions (OC) and risk management measures (RMM) controlling expoure
towards environment and men
2.1 Product characteristics
State of aggregation
Reference temperature
25 °C
25 °C
Not applicable
Vapour pressure
Value 20.79 hPa
Reference temperature
25 °C

Page 1 of 6
ES3 Use in cleaning agents - industrial use

Trade name: Acetic Acid, technical/foodstuff 99.8%, pharmaceutical 99.5%-100.5%

Current version : 1.0.0, issued: 07.01.2013 Replaced version: 1.0.0, issued: 23.11.2012 Region: GB

Other information
The efficiency of a risk management measure is a theoretical value. The efficiency describes to which extend (in percent) the
calculated exposure can be diminished by applying a certain measure. If the described operational conditions and risk management
measures are fulfilled by a downstream user, the efficiency as highlighted in the ES can be applied. A downstream user might check
whether the efficiency of the LEV or general ventilation corresponds to his site.
The efficienc y
of a ris k
meas ure is a
theor etic al
value. The
effici enc y
des cribes to
which extend
(in percent) the
calcul ated
expos ure can
be di mi nished
by appl yi ng a
meas ure. If the
des cribed
conditi ons and
meas ures are
fulfilled by a
downstr eam
user , the
effici enc y as
highlighted in
the ES can be
applied. A
downstr eam
user mig ht
chec k whether
the effici enc y of
the LEV or
ventilati on
corres ponds to
his site.

2.2 Contributing scenario controlling environmental exposure

Affected environmental release category (ERC)
Category Code Use description
Environmental release ERC4 Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not
category (ERC) becoming part of articles
Risk management measures (RMM) controlling environmental exposure
Technical measures and efficiency of the risk managment measures (in exposure calculation model)
No special measures are required.
Organisational measures
No special measures are required.
Measures related to wastewater treatment and efficiency of the risk managment measures (in exposure calculation model)
ERC4 Measures Ensure all waste water is collected and treated via a
Ens ure all
waste water is
collec ted and
treated vi a a

Measures related to waste treatment

For further instructions related to waste management please refer to section 13 of the Safety Data Sheet.

2.3 Contributing scenario controlling worker exposure

Affected process category (PROC)
Category Code Use description
Process category (PROC) PROC2 Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled
PROC3 Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)
PROC4 Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for
exposure arises
PROC7 Industrial spraying
PROC8a Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to
vessels/large containers at non-dedicated facilities
PROC8b Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to
vessels/large containers at dedicated facilities
PROC10 Roller application or brushing
PROC13 Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring
Operational conditions controlling worker exposure
Concentration of substance
Value ≤ 100 % ≤ 100 % ≤ 100 %
Value ≤ 5 % ≤ 100 % ≤ 100 %
Value ≤ 5 % ≤ 100 %
Amounts used
Not relevant Not relevant Not relevant
Not relevant Not relevant Not relevant
Not relevant Not relevant

Page 2 of 6
ES3 Use in cleaning agents - industrial use

Trade name: Acetic Acid, technical/foodstuff 99.8%, pharmaceutical 99.5%-100.5%

Current version : 1.0.0, issued: 07.01.2013 Replaced version: 1.0.0, issued: 23.11.2012 Region: GB

Use conditions
Location of use Indoor and outdoor use. Indoor and outdoor use. Indoor use
Duration of use ≤ 8 h/d ≤ 1 h/d ≤ 4 h/d
Frequency of use ≤ 220 d/a ≤ 220 d/a ≤ 220 d/a
Location of use Indoor and outdoor use. Indoor use Indoor use
Duration of use ≤ 1 h/d ≤ 8 h/d ≤ 8 h/d
Frequency of use ≤ 220 d/a ≤ 220 d/a ≤ 220 d/a
Location of use Indoor and outdoor use. Indoor use
Duration of use ≤ 4 h/d ≤ 8 h/d
Frequency of use ≤ 220 d/a ≤ 220 d/a
Further operational conditions
PROC2 Assumes a good basic standard of occupational hygiene is implemented.
Assumes use at not more than 20°C above ambient temperature, unless stated differently.
PROC3 Assumes a good basic standard of occupational hygiene is implemented.
Assumes use at not more than 20°C above ambient temperature, unless stated differently.
PROC4 Assumes a good basic standard of occupational hygiene is implemented.
Assumes use at not more than 20°C above ambient temperature, unless stated differently.
PROC7 Assumes a good basic standard of occupational hygiene is implemented.
Assumes use at not more than 20°C above ambient temperature, unless stated differently.
PROC8a Assumes a good basic standard of occupational hygiene is implemented.
Assumes use at not more than 20°C above ambient temperature, unless stated differently.
PROC8b Assumes a good basic standard of occupational hygiene is implemented.
Assumes use at not more than 20°C above ambient temperature, unless stated differently.
PROC10 Assumes a good basic standard of occupational hygiene is implemented.
Assumes use at not more than 20°C above ambient temperature, unless stated differently.
PROC13 Assumes a good basic standard of occupational hygiene is implemented.
Ass umes a
Assumes use at not more than 20°C above ambient temperature, unless stated differently.
good basic
standard of
occ upati onal
hygiene is
impl emented.

Risk management measures (RMM) controlling worker exposure

Technical measures and efficiency of the risk managment measures (in exposure calculation model)
PROC2 Measures Provide a good standard of general ventilation (not
less than 3 to 5 air changes per hour, corresponds to
outdoor use).
Efficiency (%) 30
PROC3 Measures Provide a good standard of general ventilation (not
less than 3 to 5 air changes per hour, corresponds to
outdoor use).
Efficiency (%) 30
PROC4 Measures Ensure material transfers are under containment or
extract ventilation.
Efficiency (%) 90
PROC7 Measures Provide a good standard of general ventilation (not
less than 3 to 5 air changes per hour, corresponds to
outdoor use).
Efficiency (%) 30
PROC8a Measures Ensure material transfers are under containment or
extract ventilation.
Efficiency (%) 90
PROC8b Measures Ensure material transfers are under containment or
extract ventilation.
Efficiency (%) 97
PROC10 Measures Provide a good standard of general ventilation (not
less than 3 to 5 air changes per hour, corresponds to
outdoor use).
Efficiency (%) 30
PROC13 Measures Provide extract ventilation to points where emissions
Provi de a good 30
Efficiency (%) 90
standard of
ventilati on (not
less than 3 to 5
air changes per
corres ponds to
outdoor us e).

Page 3 of 6
ES3 Use in cleaning agents - industrial use

Trade name: Acetic Acid, technical/foodstuff 99.8%, pharmaceutical 99.5%-100.5%

Current version : 1.0.0, issued: 07.01.2013 Replaced version: 1.0.0, issued: 23.11.2012 Region: GB

Organisational measures
PROC2 No special measures are required.
PROC3 Avoid carrying out activities involving exposure for more than 1 hour.
PROC4 Avoid carrying out activities involving exposure for more than 4 hours.
PROC7 For this PROC(s) no further measures are called.
PROC8a Drain down and flush system prior to equipment break-in or maintenance.
Clear transfer lines prior to de-coupling.
PROC8b Clear transfer lines prior to de-coupling.
PROC10 Avoid carrying out activities involving exposure for more than 4 hours.
Avoi d c arr ying
PROC13 Clear spills immediately.
out acti viti es
invol vi ng
expos ure for
more than 4

Personal protective equipment and efficiency of the risk managment measures (in exposure calculation model)
PROC2 For further instructions related to "Personal protective equipment" please refer to section 8 of
the Safety Data Sheet.
PROC3 For further instructions related to "Personal protective equipment" please refer to section 8 of
the Safety Data Sheet.
PROC4 For further instructions related to "Personal protective equipment" please refer to section 8 of
the Safety Data Sheet.
PROC7 For further instructions related to "Personal protective equipment" please refer to section 8 of
the Safety Data Sheet.
PROC8a For further instructions related to "Personal protective equipment" please refer to section 8 of
the Safety Data Sheet.
PROC8b For further instructions related to "Personal protective equipment" please refer to section 8 of
the Safety Data Sheet.
PROC10 For further instructions related to "Personal protective equipment" please refer to section 8 of
the Safety Data Sheet.
PROC13 For further instructions related to "Personal protective equipment" please refer to section 8 of
For further
the Safety Data Sheet.
related to
"Pers onal
protecti ve
pleas e refer to
secti on 8 of the
Safety D ata

Hand protection
PROC2 Measures Wear suitable gloves for handling strong sensitizing
and corrosive substances in cases where exposure
can occur
PROC3 Measures Wear suitable gloves for handling strong sensitizing
and corrosive substances in cases where exposure
can occur
PROC4 Measures No special measures are required.
PROC7 Measures Wear suitable gloves tested to EN374.
Efficiency (%) 80
PROC8a Measures Wear suitable gloves for handling strong sensitizing
and corrosive substances in cases where exposure
can occur
PROC8b Measures Wear suitable gloves for handling strong sensitizing
and corrosive substances in cases where exposure
can occur
PROC10 Measures Wear suitable gloves for handling strong sensitizing
and corrosive substances in cases where exposure
can occur
PROC13 Measures Wear suitable gloves for handling strong sensitizing
and corrosive substances in cases where exposure
Wear s uitabl e
can occur 80
gloves for
handling str ong
sensitizing and
corrosi ve
substanc es i n
cas es wher e
expos ure can
occ ur

SECTION 3: Exposure estimation and reference to sources

3.1 Advice
The Risk Characterization Ratio (RCR) is the quotient of predicted human/environmental exposure and the related DNEL/PNEC.
Exposure is calculated based on exposure models as stated below. If RCR ≤ 1 a use is considered as safe under operational
conditions and risk management measures as specified in the exposure szenario.

For DNEL/PNEC values please refer to section 8 of the safety data sheet.

Page 4 of 6
ES3 Use in cleaning agents - industrial use

Trade name: Acetic Acid, technical/foodstuff 99.8%, pharmaceutical 99.5%-100.5%

Current version : 1.0.0, issued: 07.01.2013 Replaced version: 1.0.0, issued: 23.11.2012 Region: GB

3.2 Exposure estimation - Environment

Affected environmental release category (ERC)
Category Code Use description
Environmental release ERC4 Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not
category (ERC) becoming part of articles
Used exposure estimation model for calculation of environmental exposure
Used exposure estimation model Qualitative approach used to conclude safe use.
Other information The use is assessed to be safe.

3.3 Exposure estimation - Worker

Affected process category (PROC)
Category Code Use description
Process category (PROC) PROC2 Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled
PROC3 Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)
PROC4 Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for
exposure arises
PROC7 Industrial spraying
PROC8a Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to
vessels/large containers at non-dedicated facilities
PROC8b Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to
vessels/large containers at dedicated facilities
PROC10 Roller application or brushing
PROC13 Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring
Used exposure estimation model for calculation of worker exposure
Used exposure estimation model ECETOC TRA Version 2
Link to exposure estimation tool
Risk characterisation ratio (RCR)
Exposure estimation inhalational dermal total
PROC2 Long-term local 0.70 0.14 0.84
PROC3 Long-term local 0.35 0.03 0.38
PROC4 Long-term local 0.60 0.07 0.67
PROC7 Long-term local 0.70 0.17 0.87
PROC8a Long-term local 0.50 0.01 0.51
PROC8b Long-term local 0.15 0.07 0.22
PROC10 Long-term local 0.42 0.55 0.92
PROC13 Long-term local 0.50 0.07 0.57

SECTION 4: Guidance to DU to evaluate whether he works inside the boundaries set by the ES

4.1 Recommendations and advice

Recommendations and general advice
For further advice on adjusting operational conditions and risk managment measures and for applying scaling please see chapter 7.7
of Cefics REACH Practical Guide on Exposure Assessment and Communication in the Supply Chains, Part I:
If a downstream user uses the substance/preparation differently than stated in the ES (different operational conditions and/or risk
management measures), he has the possibility to vary certain parameters of the exposure assessment. With the help of easy
calculations he can check whether he still operates under safe circumstances. This process is called Scaling.
Scaling advice
Type of ventilation
If the type of ventilation at the use site of a downstream user (DU) differs from the instructions in the ES, a linear correlation between
the RCR (Inhalation) and the type of ventilation exists. Following scaling factors (f) apply: General ventilation (< 3 air changes per
hour) =1; good general ventilation (3 to 5 air changes per hour, corresponds to outdoor use) = 0,7; enhanced general ventilation (> 5
air changes per hour) = 0,3.
RCR (DU) = f(DU) * RCR (as stated in ES) / f (type of ventilation stated in ES)
In the same manner a scaling for the efficiency of the local extract ventilation (LEV) can by applied.
Duration of use
If the duration of the use by a worker at a downstream user (DU) site differs from the instructions in the ES, a linear correlation
between the RCR (Inhalation) and the duration of use exist. Following scaling factors (f) apply: duration > 4 hours/day = 1; duration:
1-4 hours/day = 0,6; duration: 15 min/day – 1 hour/day = 0,2; duration < 15 min/day = 0,1.
RCR (DU) = f(DU) * RCR (as stated in ES) / f (duration in ES)

Page 5 of 6
ES3 Use in cleaning agents - industrial use

Trade name: Acetic Acid, technical/foodstuff 99.8%, pharmaceutical 99.5%-100.5%

Current version : 1.0.0, issued: 07.01.2013 Replaced version: 1.0.0, issued: 23.11.2012 Region: GB

Concentration of the substance in the product

If the downstream user (DU) uses the substance in a different concentration than the one stated in the ES, a linear correlation
between the RCR (Inhalation)and the RCR (dermal) and the concentration exists. Following scaling factors (f) apply: Concentration
>25% =1; concentration >= 5% = 0,6; concentration >= 1% = 0,2; concentration < 1% = 0,1.
RCR (DU) = f(DU) * RCR (as stated in ES) / f (concentration in ES).
4.2 Exposure estimation - Environment
Used exposure estimation model for calculation of environmental exposure
Used exposure estimation model Qualitative approach used to conclude safe use.
Other information The use is assessed to be safe.

4.3 Exposure estimation - Worker

Used exposure estimation model for calculation of worker exposure
Used exposure estimation model ECETOC TRA Version 2
Link to exposure estimation tool

Page 6 of 6
ES4 Agrochemicals - professional use

Trade name: Acetic Acid, technical/foodstuff 99.8%, pharmaceutical 99.5%-100.5%

Current version : 1.0.0, issued: 07.01.2013 Replaced version: 1.0.0, issued: 23.11.2012 Region: GB

SECTION 1: Title and scope of exposure scenario (ES)

1.1 Title exposure scenario (ES)
ES4 Agrochemicals - professional use

1.2 Scope of exposure scenario (ES)

ES Type Worker-ES for products.
Life cycle stage Professional end use
Product identifier
Trade name Acetic Acid, technical/foodstuff 99.8%, pharmaceutical 99.5%-100.5%
MSK Code: 60010, 60019, 90022, 90023, 90025, 90029, 90030, 90043, 90045, 90049
Substance name Acetic acid
REACH registration no. 01-2119475328-30-0018
CAS no. 64-19-7
EC no. 200-580-7
Use descriptors
Sector of use (SU)
Category Code Use description
Main user group SU22 Professional uses
Environmental release category (ERC)
Category Code Use description
Environmental release ERC8d Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems
category (ERC)
Process category (PROC)
Category Code Use description
Process category (PROC) PROC1 Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure
PROC2 Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled
PROC4 Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for
exposure arises
PROC8a Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to
vessels/large containers at non-dedicated facilities
PROC8b Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to
vessels/large containers at dedicated facilities
PROC11 Non industrial spraying
PROC13 Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring

Other information
The information in this ES originate from the CSR.

SECTION 2: Operational conditions (OC) and risk management measures (RMM) controlling expoure
towards environment and men
2.1 Product characteristics
State of aggregation
Reference temperature
25 °C
25 °C
Not applicable
Vapour pressure
Value 20.79 hPa
Reference temperature
25 °C
Other information
The efficiency of a risk management measure is a theoretical value. The efficiency describes to which extend (in percent) the
calculated exposure can be diminished by applying a certain measure. If the described operational conditions and risk management
measures are fulfilled by a downstream user, the efficiency as highlighted in the ES can be applied. A downstream user might check
whether the efficiency of the LEV or general ventilation corresponds to his site.
The efficienc y
of a ris k
meas ure is a
theor etic al
value. The
effici enc y
des cribes to
which extend
(in percent) the
calcul ated
expos ure can
be di mi nished
by appl yi ng a
meas ure. If the
des cribed
conditi ons and
meas ures are
fulfilled by a
downstr eam
user , the
effici enc y as
highlighted in
the ES can be
applied. A
downstr eam
user mig ht
chec k whether
the effici enc y of
the LEV or
ventilati on
corres ponds to
his site.

Page 1 of 6
ES4 Agrochemicals - professional use

Trade name: Acetic Acid, technical/foodstuff 99.8%, pharmaceutical 99.5%-100.5%

Current version : 1.0.0, issued: 07.01.2013 Replaced version: 1.0.0, issued: 23.11.2012 Region: GB

2.2 Contributing scenario controlling environmental exposure

Affected environmental release category (ERC)
Category Code Use description
Environmental release ERC8d Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems
category (ERC)
As no environmental hazard was identified no environmental-related exposure assessment and risk characterization was performed.
2.3 Contributing scenario controlling worker exposure
Affected process category (PROC)
Category Code Use description
Process category (PROC) PROC1 Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure
PROC2 Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled
PROC4 Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for
exposure arises
PROC8a Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to
vessels/large containers at non-dedicated facilities
PROC8b Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to
vessels/large containers at dedicated facilities
PROC11 Non industrial spraying
PROC13 Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring
Operational conditions controlling worker exposure
Concentration of substance
Value ≤ 100 % ≤ 100 % ≤ 100 %
Value ≤ 5 % ≤ 100 % ≤ 5 %
Value ≤ 5 %
Amounts used
Not relevant Not relevant Not relevant
Not relevant Not relevant Not relevant
Not relevant
Use conditions
Location of use Indoor and outdoor use. Indoor and outdoor use. Indoor and outdoor use.
Duration of use ≤ 8 h/d ≤ 4 h/d ≤ 1 h/d
Frequency of use ≤ 220 d/a ≤ 220 d/a ≤ 220 d/a
Location of use Indoor and outdoor use. Indoor and outdoor use. Indoor and outdoor use.
Duration of use ≤ 1 h/d ≤ 4 h/d ≤ 4 h/d
Frequency of use ≤ 220 d/a ≤ 220 d/a ≤ 220 d/a
Location of use Indoor and outdoor use.
Duration of use ≤ 1 h/d
Frequency of use ≤ 220 d/a

Page 2 of 6
ES4 Agrochemicals - professional use

Trade name: Acetic Acid, technical/foodstuff 99.8%, pharmaceutical 99.5%-100.5%

Current version : 1.0.0, issued: 07.01.2013 Replaced version: 1.0.0, issued: 23.11.2012 Region: GB

Further operational conditions

PROC1 Assumes a good basic standard of occupational hygiene is implemented.
Assumes use at not more than 20°C above ambient temperature, unless stated differently.
PROC2 Assumes a good basic standard of occupational hygiene is implemented.
Assumes use at not more than 20°C above ambient temperature, unless stated differently.
PROC4 Assumes a good basic standard of occupational hygiene is implemented.
Assumes use at not more than 20°C above ambient temperature, unless stated differently.
PROC8a Assumes a good basic standard of occupational hygiene is implemented.
Assumes use at not more than 20°C above ambient temperature, unless stated differently.
PROC8b Assumes a good basic standard of occupational hygiene is implemented.
Assumes use at not more than 20°C above ambient temperature, unless stated differently.
PROC11 Assumes a good basic standard of occupational hygiene is implemented.
Assumes use at not more than 20°C above ambient temperature, unless stated differently.
PROC13 Assumes a good basic standard of occupational hygiene is implemented.
Ass umes a
Assumes use at not more than 20°C above ambient temperature, unless stated differently.
good basic
standard of
occ upati onal
hygiene is
impl emented.

Risk management measures (RMM) controlling worker exposure

Technical measures and efficiency of the risk managment measures (in exposure calculation model)
PROC1 Measures Provide a good standard of general ventilation (not
less than 3 to 5 air changes per hour, corresponds to
outdoor use).
Efficiency (%) 30
PROC2 Measures Provide a good standard of general ventilation (not
less than 3 to 5 air changes per hour, corresponds to
outdoor use).
Efficiency (%) 30
PROC4 Measures Provide a good standard of general ventilation (not
less than 3 to 5 air changes per hour, corresponds to
outdoor use).
Efficiency (%) 30
PROC8a Measures Provide a good standard of general ventilation (not
less than 3 to 5 air changes per hour, corresponds to
outdoor use).
Efficiency (%) 30
PROC8b Measures Use drum pumps or carefully pour from container.
Efficiency (%) 80
PROC11 Measures Apply within a vented cab supplied with filtered air
under positive pressure and with a protection factor of
Efficiency (%) 95
Provi de a good
Measures No special measures are required.
standard of
ventilati on (not
less than 3 to 5
air changes per
corres ponds to
outdoor us e).

Organisational measures
PROC1 No special measures are required.
PROC2 Avoid carrying out activities involving exposure for more than 4 hours.
PROC4 Avoid carrying out activities involving exposure for more than 1 hour.
PROC8a Avoid carrying out activities involving exposure for more than 1 hour.
PROC8b Avoid carrying out activities involving exposure for more than 4 hours.
PROC11 Avoid carrying out activities involving exposure for more than 4 hours.
No s pecial
PROC13 Avoid carrying out activities involving exposure for more than 1 hour.
meas ures are

Page 3 of 6
ES4 Agrochemicals - professional use

Trade name: Acetic Acid, technical/foodstuff 99.8%, pharmaceutical 99.5%-100.5%

Current version : 1.0.0, issued: 07.01.2013 Replaced version: 1.0.0, issued: 23.11.2012 Region: GB

Personal protective equipment and efficiency of the risk managment measures (in exposure calculation model)
PROC1 For further instructions related to "Personal protective equipment" please refer to section 8 of
the Safety Data Sheet.
PROC2 For further instructions related to "Personal protective equipment" please refer to section 8 of
the Safety Data Sheet.
PROC4 For further instructions related to "Personal protective equipment" please refer to section 8 of
the Safety Data Sheet.
PROC8a For further instructions related to "Personal protective equipment" please refer to section 8 of
the Safety Data Sheet.
PROC8b For further instructions related to "Personal protective equipment" please refer to section 8 of
the Safety Data Sheet.
PROC11 For further instructions related to "Personal protective equipment" please refer to section 8 of
the Safety Data Sheet.
PROC13 For further instructions related to "Personal protective equipment" please refer to section 8 of
For further
the Safety Data Sheet.
related to
"Pers onal
protecti ve
pleas e refer to
secti on 8 of the
Safety D ata

Hand protection
PROC1 Measures Wear suitable gloves for handling strong sensitizing
and corrosive substances in cases where exposure
can occur
PROC2 Measures Wear suitable gloves for handling strong sensitizing
and corrosive substances in cases where exposure
can occur
PROC4 Measures Wear suitable gloves tested to EN374.
Efficiency (%) 80
PROC8a Measures Wear suitable gloves for handling strong sensitizing
and corrosive substances in cases where exposure
can occur
PROC8b Measures Wear suitable gloves tested to EN374.
Efficiency (%) 80
PROC11 Measures Wear chemically resistant gloves (tested to EN374) in
combination with 'basic' employee training.
Efficiency (%) 90
PROC13 Measures Wear suitable gloves for handling strong sensitizing
and corrosive substances in cases where exposure
Wear s uitabl e
can occur 80
gloves tested to

PROC11 Measures If above technicall control measures are not feasible,
then adopt following PPE:
Measures Wear a respirator conforming to EN140 with Type A
filter or better.
Efficiency (%) 90

SECTION 3: Exposure estimation and reference to sources

3.1 Advice
The Risk Characterization Ratio (RCR) is the quotient of predicted human/environmental exposure and the related DNEL/PNEC.
Exposure is calculated based on exposure models as stated below. If RCR ≤ 1 a use is considered as safe under operational
conditions and risk management measures as specified in the exposure szenario.

For DNEL/PNEC values please refer to section 8 of the safety data sheet.
3.2 Exposure estimation - Environment
Affected environmental release category (ERC)
Category Code Use description
Environmental release ERC8d Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems
category (ERC)
Used exposure estimation model for calculation of environmental exposure
Used exposure estimation model Qualitative approach used to conclude safe use.
Other information The use is assessed to be safe.

Page 4 of 6
ES4 Agrochemicals - professional use

Trade name: Acetic Acid, technical/foodstuff 99.8%, pharmaceutical 99.5%-100.5%

Current version : 1.0.0, issued: 07.01.2013 Replaced version: 1.0.0, issued: 23.11.2012 Region: GB

3.3 Exposure estimation - Worker

Affected process category (PROC)
Category Code Use description
Process category (PROC) PROC1 Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure
PROC2 Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled
PROC4 Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for
exposure arises
PROC8a Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to
vessels/large containers at non-dedicated facilities
PROC8b Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to
vessels/large containers at dedicated facilities
PROC11 Non industrial spraying
PROC13 Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring
Used exposure estimation model for calculation of worker exposure
Used exposure estimation model ECETOC TRA Version 2
Link to exposure estimation tool
Risk characterisation ratio (RCR)
Exposure estimation inhalational dermal total
PROC1 Long-term local 0.00 0.00 0.00
PROC2 Long-term local 0.84 0.01 0.85
PROC4 Long-term local 0.70 0.14 0.84
PROC8a Long-term local 0.28 0.27 0.55
PROC8b Long-term local 0.60 0.14 0.74
PROC11 Long-term local 0.21 0.60 0.81
PROC13 Long-term local 0.40 0.27 0.67

SECTION 4: Guidance to DU to evaluate whether he works inside the boundaries set by the ES

4.1 Recommendations and advice

Recommendations and general advice
If a downstream user uses the substance/preparation differently than stated in the ES (different operational conditions and/or risk
management measures), he has the possibility to vary certain parameters of the exposure assessment. With the help of easy
calculations he can check whether he still operates under safe circumstances. This process is called Scaling.
For further advice on adjusting operational conditions and risk managment measures and for applying scaling please see chapter 7.7
of Cefics REACH Practical Guide on Exposure Assessment and Communication in the Supply Chains, Part I:
Scaling advice
Type of ventilation
If the type of ventilation at the use site of a downstream user (DU) differs from the instructions in the ES, a linear correlation between
the RCR (Inhalation) and the type of ventilation exists. Following scaling factors (f) apply: General ventilation (< 3 air changes per
hour) =1; good general ventilation (3 to 5 air changes per hour, corresponds to outdoor use) = 0,7; enhanced general ventilation (> 5
air changes per hour) = 0,3.
RCR (DU) = f(DU) * RCR (as stated in ES) / f (type of ventilation stated in ES)
In the same manner a scaling for the efficiency of the local extract ventilation (LEV) can by applied.
Duration of use
If the duration of the use by a worker at a downstream user (DU) site differs from the instructions in the ES, a linear correlation
between the RCR (Inhalation) and the duration of use exist. Following scaling factors (f) apply: duration > 4 hours/day = 1; duration:
1-4 hours/day = 0,6; duration: 15 min/day – 1 hour/day = 0,2; duration < 15 min/day = 0,1.
RCR (DU) = f(DU) * RCR (as stated in ES) / f (duration in ES)
Concentration of the substance in the product
If the downstream user (DU) uses the substance in a different concentration than the one stated in the ES, a linear correlation
between the RCR (Inhalation)and the RCR (dermal) and the concentration exists. Following scaling factors (f) apply: Concentration
>25% =1; concentration >= 5% = 0,6; concentration >= 1% = 0,2; concentration < 1% = 0,1.
RCR (DU) = f(DU) * RCR (as stated in ES) / f (concentration in ES).
4.2 Exposure estimation - Environment
Used exposure estimation model for calculation of environmental exposure
Used exposure estimation model Qualitative approach used to conclude safe use.
Other information The use is assessed to be safe.

Page 5 of 6
ES4 Agrochemicals - professional use

Trade name: Acetic Acid, technical/foodstuff 99.8%, pharmaceutical 99.5%-100.5%

Current version : 1.0.0, issued: 07.01.2013 Replaced version: 1.0.0, issued: 23.11.2012 Region: GB

4.3 Exposure estimation - Worker

Used exposure estimation model for calculation of worker exposure
Used exposure estimation model ECETOC TRA Version 2
Link to exposure estimation tool

Page 6 of 6
ES5 Use as a laboratory reagent - professional use

Trade name: Acetic Acid, technical/foodstuff 99.8%, pharmaceutical 99.5%-100.5%

Current version : 1.0.0, issued: 07.01.2013 Replaced version: 1.0.0, issued: 23.11.2012 Region: GB

SECTION 1: Title and scope of exposure scenario (ES)

1.1 Title exposure scenario (ES)
ES5 Use as a laboratory reagent - professional use

1.2 Scope of exposure scenario (ES)

ES Type Worker Exposure Scenario for substance/mixture
Life cycle stage Professional end use
Product identifier
Trade name Acetic Acid, technical/foodstuff 99.8%, pharmaceutical 99.5%-100.5%
MSK Code: 60010, 60019, 90022, 90023, 90025, 90029, 90030, 90043, 90045, 90049
Substance name Acetic acid
REACH registration no. 01-2119475328-30-0018
CAS no. 64-19-7
EC no. 200-580-7
Use descriptors
Sector of use (SU)
Category Code Use description
Main user group SU22 Professional uses
Environmental release category (ERC)
Category Code Use description
Environmental release ERC8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems
category (ERC)
Process category (PROC)
Category Code Use description
Process category (PROC) PROC10 Roller application or brushing
PROC15 Use as laboratory reagent

Other information
The information in this ES originate from the CSR.

SECTION 2: Operational conditions (OC) and risk management measures (RMM) controlling expoure
towards environment and men
2.1 Product characteristics
State of aggregation
Reference temperature
25 °C
25 °C
Not applicable
Vapour pressure
Value 20.79 hPa
Reference temperature
25 °C
Other information
The efficiency of a risk management measure is a theoretical value. The efficiency describes to which extend (in percent) the
calculated exposure can be diminished by applying a certain measure. If the described operational conditions and risk management
measures are fulfilled by a downstream user, the efficiency as highlighted in the ES can be applied. A downstream user might check
whether the efficiency of the LEV or general ventilation corresponds to his site.
The efficienc y
of a ris k
meas ure is a
theor etic al
value. The
effici enc y
des cribes to
which extend
(in percent) the
calcul ated
expos ure can
be di mi nished
by appl yi ng a
meas ure. If the
des cribed
conditi ons and
meas ures are
fulfilled by a
downstr eam
user , the
effici enc y as
highlighted in
the ES can be
applied. A
downstr eam
user mig ht
chec k whether
the effici enc y of
the LEV or
ventilati on
corres ponds to
his site.

2.2 Contributing scenario controlling environmental exposure

Affected environmental release category (ERC)
Category Code Use description
Environmental release ERC8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems
category (ERC)

Page 1 of 4
ES5 Use as a laboratory reagent - professional use

Trade name: Acetic Acid, technical/foodstuff 99.8%, pharmaceutical 99.5%-100.5%

Current version : 1.0.0, issued: 07.01.2013 Replaced version: 1.0.0, issued: 23.11.2012 Region: GB

As no environmental hazard was identified no environmental-related exposure assessment and risk characterization was performed.

2.3 Contributing scenario controlling worker exposure

Affected process category (PROC)
Category Code Use description
Process category (PROC) PROC10 Roller application or brushing
PROC15 Use as laboratory reagent
Operational conditions controlling worker exposure
Concentration of substance
Value ≤ 100 % ≤ 100 %
Amounts used
Not relevant
Value < 1000 ml
Use conditions
Location of use Indoor use Indoor use
Duration of use ≤ 1 h/d ≤ 8 h/d
Frequency of use ≤ 220 d/a ≤ 220 d/a
Further operational conditions
PROC10 Assumes use at not more than 20°C above ambient temperature, unless stated differently.
Assumes a good basic standard of occupational hygiene is implemented.
PROC15 Assumes a good basic standard of occupational hygiene is implemented.
Ass umes a
Assumes use at not more than 20°C above ambient temperature, unless stated differently.
good basic
standard of
occ upati onal
hygiene is
impl emented.

Risk management measures (RMM) controlling worker exposure

Technical measures and efficiency of the risk managment measures (in exposure calculation model)
PROC10 Measures Provide a good standard of controlled ventilation (10
to 15 air changes per hour).
Efficiency (%) 70
PROC15 Measures Handle in a fume cupboard or under extract
Handle in a 80
Efficiency (%) 80
fume c upboar d
or under extr act
ventilati on.

Organisational measures
PROC10 Avoid carrying out activities involving exposure for more than 1 hour.
Avoi d c arr ying
PROC15 No special measures are required.
out acti viti es
invol vi ng
expos ure for
more than 1

Personal protective equipment and efficiency of the risk managment measures (in exposure calculation model)
PROC10 For further instructions related to "Personal protective equipment" please refer to section 8 of
the Safety Data Sheet.
PROC15 For further instructions related to "Personal protective equipment" please refer to section 8 of
For further
the Safety Data Sheet.
related to
"Pers onal
protecti ve
pleas e refer to
secti on 8 of the
Safety D ata

Hand protection
PROC10 Measures Wear chemically resistant gloves (tested to EN374) in
combination with 'basic' employee training.
Efficiency (%) 90
PROC15 Measures Wear suitable gloves for handling strong sensitizing
and corrosive substances in cases where exposure
Wear s uitabl e
can occur 90
gloves for
handling str ong
sensitizing and
corrosi ve
substanc es i n
cas es wher e
expos ure can
occ ur

Further risk management measures

Use l ong
PROC10 Use long handled tools where possible.
handled tools
wher e pos sibl e.

Page 2 of 4
ES5 Use as a laboratory reagent - professional use

Trade name: Acetic Acid, technical/foodstuff 99.8%, pharmaceutical 99.5%-100.5%

Current version : 1.0.0, issued: 07.01.2013 Replaced version: 1.0.0, issued: 23.11.2012 Region: GB

SECTION 3: Exposure estimation and reference to sources

3.1 Advice
The Risk Characterization Ratio (RCR) is the quotient of predicted human/environmental exposure and the related DNEL/PNEC.
Exposure is calculated based on exposure models as stated below. If RCR ≤ 1 a use is considered as safe under operational
conditions and risk management measures as specified in the exposure szenario.

For DNEL/PNEC values please refer to section 8 of the safety data sheet.
3.2 Exposure estimation - Environment
Affected environmental release category (ERC)
Category Code Use description
Environmental release ERC8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems
category (ERC)
Used exposure estimation model for calculation of environmental exposure
Used exposure estimation model Qualitative approach used to conclude safe use.
Other information The use is assessed to be safe.

3.3 Exposure estimation - Worker

Affected process category (PROC)
Category Code Use description
Process category (PROC) PROC10 Roller application or brushing
PROC15 Use as laboratory reagent
Used exposure estimation model for calculation of worker exposure
Used exposure estimation model ECETOC TRA Version 2
Link to exposure estimation tool
Risk characterisation ratio (RCR)
Exposure estimation inhalational dermal total
PROC10 Long-term local 0.60 0.27 0.87
PROC15 Long-term local 0.20 0.00 0.20

SECTION 4: Guidance to DU to evaluate whether he works inside the boundaries set by the ES

4.1 Recommendations and advice

Recommendations and general advice
For further advice on adjusting operational conditions and risk managment measures and for applying scaling please see chapter 7.7
of Cefics REACH Practical Guide on Exposure Assessment and Communication in the Supply Chains, Part I:
If a downstream user uses the substance/preparation differently than stated in the ES (different operational conditions and/or risk
management measures), he has the possibility to vary certain parameters of the exposure assessment. With the help of easy
calculations he can check whether he still operates under safe circumstances. This process is called Scaling.
Scaling advice
Type of ventilation
If the type of ventilation at the use site of a downstream user (DU) differs from the instructions in the ES, a linear correlation between
the RCR (Inhalation) and the type of ventilation exists. Following scaling factors (f) apply: General ventilation (< 3 air changes per
hour) =1; good general ventilation (3 to 5 air changes per hour, corresponds to outdoor use) = 0,7; enhanced general ventilation (> 5
air changes per hour) = 0,3.
RCR (DU) = f(DU) * RCR (as stated in ES) / f (type of ventilation stated in ES)
In the same manner a scaling for the efficiency of the local extract ventilation (LEV) can by applied.
Duration of use
If the duration of the use by a worker at a downstream user (DU) site differs from the instructions in the ES, a linear correlation
between the RCR (Inhalation) and the duration of use exist. Following scaling factors (f) apply: duration > 4 hours/day = 1; duration:
1-4 hours/day = 0,6; duration: 15 min/day – 1 hour/day = 0,2; duration < 15 min/day = 0,1.
RCR (DU) = f(DU) * RCR (as stated in ES) / f (duration in ES)
Concentration of the substance in the product
If the downstream user (DU) uses the substance in a different concentration than the one stated in the ES, a linear correlation
between the RCR (Inhalation)and the RCR (dermal) and the concentration exists. Following scaling factors (f) apply: Concentration
>25% =1; concentration >= 5% = 0,6; concentration >= 1% = 0,2; concentration < 1% = 0,1.
RCR (DU) = f(DU) * RCR (as stated in ES) / f (concentration in ES).

4.2 Exposure estimation - Environment

Used exposure estimation model for calculation of environmental exposure
Used exposure estimation model Qualitative approach used to conclude safe use.
Other information The use is assessed to be safe.

Page 3 of 4
ES5 Use as a laboratory reagent - professional use

Trade name: Acetic Acid, technical/foodstuff 99.8%, pharmaceutical 99.5%-100.5%

Current version : 1.0.0, issued: 07.01.2013 Replaced version: 1.0.0, issued: 23.11.2012 Region: GB

4.3 Exposure estimation - Worker

Used exposure estimation model for calculation of worker exposure
Used exposure estimation model ECETOC TRA Version 2
Link to exposure estimation tool

Page 4 of 4
ES6 Water treatment - industrial use

Trade name: Acetic Acid, technical/foodstuff 99.8%, pharmaceutical 99.5%-100.5%

Current version : 1.0.0, issued: 07.01.2013 Replaced version: 1.0.0, issued: 23.11.2012 Region: GB

SECTION 1: Title and scope of exposure scenario (ES)

1.1 Title exposure scenario (ES)
ES6 Water treatment - industrial use

1.2 Scope of exposure scenario (ES)

ES Type Worker Exposure Scenario for substance/mixture
Life cycle stage Industrial end use
Product identifier
Trade name Acetic Acid, technical/foodstuff 99.8%, pharmaceutical 99.5%-100.5%
MSK Code: 60010, 60019, 90022, 90023, 90025, 90029, 90030, 90043, 90045, 90049
Substance name Acetic acid
REACH registration no. 01-2119475328-30-0018
CAS no. 64-19-7
EC no. 200-580-7
Use descriptors
Sector of use (SU)
Category Code Use description
Main user group SU3 Industrial uses
Environmental release category (ERC)
Category Code Use description
Environmental release ERC4 Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not
category (ERC) becoming part of articles
Process category (PROC)
Category Code Use description
Process category (PROC) PROC1 Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure
PROC2 Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled
PROC3 Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)
PROC4 Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for
exposure arises
PROC8a Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to
vessels/large containers at non-dedicated facilities
PROC8b Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to
vessels/large containers at dedicated facilities
PROC13 Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring

Other information
The information in this ES originate from the CSR.

SECTION 2: Operational conditions (OC) and risk management measures (RMM) controlling expoure
towards environment and men
2.1 Product characteristics
State of aggregation
Reference temperature
25 °C
25 °C
Not applicable
Vapour pressure
Value 20.79 hPa
Reference temperature
25 °C
Other information
The efficiency of a risk management measure is a theoretical value. The efficiency describes to which extend (in percent) the
calculated exposure can be diminished by applying a certain measure. If the described operational conditions and risk management
measures are fulfilled by a downstream user, the efficiency as highlighted in the ES can be applied. A downstream user might check
whether the efficiency of the LEV or general ventilation corresponds to his site.
The efficienc y
of a ris k
meas ure is a
theor etic al
value. The
effici enc y
des cribes to
which extend
(in percent) the
calcul ated
expos ure can
be di mi nished
by appl yi ng a
meas ure. If the
des cribed
conditi ons and
meas ures are
fulfilled by a
downstr eam
user , the
effici enc y as
highlighted in
the ES can be
applied. A
downstr eam
user mig ht
chec k whether
the effici enc y of
the LEV or
ventilati on
corres ponds to
his site.

Page 1 of 5
ES6 Water treatment - industrial use

Trade name: Acetic Acid, technical/foodstuff 99.8%, pharmaceutical 99.5%-100.5%

Current version : 1.0.0, issued: 07.01.2013 Replaced version: 1.0.0, issued: 23.11.2012 Region: GB

2.2 Contributing scenario controlling environmental exposure

Affected environmental release category (ERC)
Category Code Use description
Environmental release ERC4 Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not
category (ERC) becoming part of articles
Risk management measures (RMM) controlling environmental exposure
Technical measures and efficiency of the risk managment measures (in exposure calculation model)
No special measures are required.
Organisational measures
No special measures are required.
Measures related to wastewater treatment and efficiency of the risk managment measures (in exposure calculation model)
ERC4 Measures Ensure all waste water is collected and treated via a
Ens ure all
waste water is
collec ted and
treated vi a a

Measures related to waste treatment

For further instructions related to waste management please refer to section 13 of the Safety Data Sheet.

2.3 Contributing scenario controlling worker exposure

Affected process category (PROC)
Category Code Use description
Process category (PROC) PROC1 Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure
PROC2 Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled
PROC3 Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)
PROC4 Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for
exposure arises
PROC8a Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to
vessels/large containers at non-dedicated facilities
PROC8b Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to
vessels/large containers at dedicated facilities
PROC13 Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring
Operational conditions controlling worker exposure
Concentration of substance
Value ≤ 100 % ≤ 100 % ≤ 100 %
Value ≤ 100 % ≤ 100 % ≤ 100 %
Value ≤ 100 %
Amounts used
Not relevant Not relevant Not relevant
Not relevant Not relevant Not relevant
Not relevant
Use conditions
Location of use Indoor and outdoor use. Indoor and outdoor use. Indoor and outdoor use.
Duration of use ≤ 8 h/d ≤ 4 h/d ≤ 1 h/d
Frequency of use ≤ 220 d/a ≤ 220 d/a ≤ 220 d/a
Location of use Indoor and outdoor use. Indoor and outdoor use. Indoor and outdoor use.
Duration of use ≤ 4 h/d ≤ 8 h/d ≤ 4 h/d
Frequency of use ≤ 220 d/a ≤ 220 d/a ≤ 220 d/a
Location of use Indoor use
Duration of use ≤ 4 h/d
Frequency of use ≤ 220 d/a

Page 2 of 5
ES6 Water treatment - industrial use

Trade name: Acetic Acid, technical/foodstuff 99.8%, pharmaceutical 99.5%-100.5%

Current version : 1.0.0, issued: 07.01.2013 Replaced version: 1.0.0, issued: 23.11.2012 Region: GB

Further operational conditions

PROC1 Assumes a good basic standard of occupational hygiene is implemented.
Assumes use at not more than 20°C above ambient temperature, unless stated differently.
PROC2 Assumes a good basic standard of occupational hygiene is implemented.
Assumes use at not more than 20°C above ambient temperature, unless stated differently.
PROC3 Assumes a good basic standard of occupational hygiene is implemented.
Assumes use at not more than 20°C above ambient temperature, unless stated differently.
PROC4 Assumes a good basic standard of occupational hygiene is implemented.
Assumes use at not more than 20°C above ambient temperature, unless stated differently.
PROC8a Assumes a good basic standard of occupational hygiene is implemented.
Assumes use at not more than 20°C above ambient temperature, unless stated differently.
PROC8b Assumes a good basic standard of occupational hygiene is implemented.
Assumes use at not more than 20°C above ambient temperature, unless stated differently.
PROC13 Assumes a good basic standard of occupational hygiene is implemented.
Ass umes a
Assumes use at not more than 20°C above ambient temperature, unless stated differently.
good basic
standard of
occ upati onal
hygiene is
impl emented.

Risk management measures (RMM) controlling worker exposure

Technical measures and efficiency of the risk managment measures (in exposure calculation model)
PROC1 Measures No special measures are required.
PROC2 Measures No special measures are required.
PROC3 Measures Provide a good standard of general ventilation (not
less than 3 to 5 air changes per hour, corresponds to
outdoor use).
Efficiency (%) 30
PROC4 Measures Provide a good standard of general ventilation (not
less than 3 to 5 air changes per hour, corresponds to
outdoor use).
Efficiency (%) 30
PROC8a Measures Provide a good standard of general ventilation (not
less than 3 to 5 air changes per hour, corresponds to
outdoor use).
Efficiency (%) 30
PROC8b Measures Use drum pumps.
Efficiency (%) 80
PROC13 Measures Provide extract ventilation to points where emissions
No s pecial 80
Efficiency (%) 80
meas ures are

Organisational measures
PROC1 No special measures are required.
PROC2 Avoid carrying out activities involving exposure for more than 4 hours.
PROC3 Avoid carrying out activities involving exposure for more than 1 hour.
PROC4 Avoid carrying out activities involving exposure for more than 4 hours.
PROC8a Drain down and flush system prior to equipment break-in or maintenance.
PROC8b Avoid carrying out activities involving exposure for more than 4 hours.
No s pecial
PROC13 Avoid carrying out activities involving exposure for more than 4 hours.
meas ures are

Personal protective equipment and efficiency of the risk managment measures (in exposure calculation model)
PROC1 For further instructions related to "Personal protective equipment" please refer to section 8 of
the Safety Data Sheet.
PROC2 For further instructions related to "Personal protective equipment" please refer to section 8 of
the Safety Data Sheet.
PROC3 For further instructions related to "Personal protective equipment" please refer to section 8 of
the Safety Data Sheet.
PROC4 For further instructions related to "Personal protective equipment" please refer to section 8 of
the Safety Data Sheet.
PROC8a For further instructions related to "Personal protective equipment" please refer to section 8 of
the Safety Data Sheet.
PROC8b For further instructions related to "Personal protective equipment" please refer to section 8 of
the Safety Data Sheet.
PROC13 For further instructions related to "Personal protective equipment" please refer to section 8 of
For further
the Safety Data Sheet.
related to
"Pers onal
protecti ve
pleas e refer to
secti on 8 of the
Safety D ata

Page 3 of 5
ES6 Water treatment - industrial use

Trade name: Acetic Acid, technical/foodstuff 99.8%, pharmaceutical 99.5%-100.5%

Current version : 1.0.0, issued: 07.01.2013 Replaced version: 1.0.0, issued: 23.11.2012 Region: GB

Hand protection
PROC1 Measures Wear suitable gloves for handling strong sensitizing
and corrosive substances in cases where exposure
can occur
PROC2 Measures Wear suitable gloves for handling strong sensitizing
and corrosive substances in cases where exposure
can occur
PROC3 Measures Wear suitable gloves for handling strong sensitizing
and corrosive substances in cases where exposure
can occur
PROC4 Measures Wear suitable gloves tested to EN374.
Efficiency (%) 80
PROC8a Measures Wear suitable gloves tested to EN374.
Efficiency (%) 80
PROC8b Measures Wear suitable gloves tested to EN374.
Efficiency (%) 80
PROC13 Measures Wear suitable gloves tested to EN374.
Wear s uitabl e
Efficiency (%) 80 80
gloves tested to

SECTION 3: Exposure estimation and reference to sources

3.1 Advice
The Risk Characterization Ratio (RCR) is the quotient of predicted human/environmental exposure and the related DNEL/PNEC.
Exposure is calculated based on exposure models as stated below. If RCR ≤ 1 a use is considered as safe under operational
conditions and risk management measures as specified in the exposure szenario.

For DNEL/PNEC values please refer to section 8 of the safety data sheet.
3.2 Exposure estimation - Environment
Affected environmental release category (ERC)
Category Code Use description
Environmental release ERC4 Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not
category (ERC) becoming part of articles
Used exposure estimation model for calculation of environmental exposure
Used exposure estimation model Qualitative approach used to conclude safe use.
Other information The use is assessed to be safe.

3.3 Exposure estimation - Worker

Affected process category (PROC)
Category Code Use description
Process category (PROC) PROC1 Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure
PROC2 Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled
PROC3 Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)
PROC4 Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for
exposure arises
PROC8a Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to
vessels/large containers at non-dedicated facilities
PROC8b Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to
vessels/large containers at dedicated facilities
PROC13 Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring
Used exposure estimation model for calculation of worker exposure
Used exposure estimation model ECETOC TRA Version 2
Link to exposure estimation tool
Risk characterisation ratio (RCR)
Exposure estimation inhalational dermal total
PROC1 Long-term local 0.00 0.00 0.00
PROC2 Long-term local 0.60 0.14 0.74
PROC3 Long-term local 0.35 0.03 0.38
PROC4 Long-term local 0.84 0.14 0.98
PROC8a Long-term local 0.70 0.27 0.97
PROC8b Long-term local 0.60 0.14 0.74
PROC13 Long-term local 0.60 0.27 0.87

Page 4 of 5
ES6 Water treatment - industrial use

Trade name: Acetic Acid, technical/foodstuff 99.8%, pharmaceutical 99.5%-100.5%

Current version : 1.0.0, issued: 07.01.2013 Replaced version: 1.0.0, issued: 23.11.2012 Region: GB

SECTION 4: Guidance to DU to evaluate whether he works inside the boundaries set by the ES

4.1 Recommendations and advice

Recommendations and general advice
If a downstream user uses the substance/preparation differently than stated in the ES (different operational conditions and/or risk
management measures), he has the possibility to vary certain parameters of the exposure assessment. With the help of easy
calculations he can check whether he still operates under safe circumstances. This process is called Scaling.
For further advice on adjusting operational conditions and risk managment measures and for applying scaling please see chapter 7.7
of Cefics REACH Practical Guide on Exposure Assessment and Communication in the Supply Chains, Part I:
Scaling advice
Type of ventilation
If the type of ventilation at the use site of a downstream user (DU) differs from the instructions in the ES, a linear correlation between
the RCR (Inhalation) and the type of ventilation exists. Following scaling factors (f) apply: General ventilation (< 3 air changes per
hour) =1; good general ventilation (3 to 5 air changes per hour, corresponds to outdoor use) = 0,7; enhanced general ventilation (> 5
air changes per hour) = 0,3.
RCR (DU) = f(DU) * RCR (as stated in ES) / f (type of ventilation stated in ES)
In the same manner a scaling for the efficiency of the local extract ventilation (LEV) can by applied.
Duration of use
If the duration of the use by a worker at a downstream user (DU) site differs from the instructions in the ES, a linear correlation
between the RCR (Inhalation) and the duration of use exist. Following scaling factors (f) apply: duration > 4 hours/day = 1; duration:
1-4 hours/day = 0,6; duration: 15 min/day – 1 hour/day = 0,2; duration < 15 min/day = 0,1.
RCR (DU) = f(DU) * RCR (as stated in ES) / f (duration in ES)
Concentration of the substance in the product
If the downstream user (DU) uses the substance in a different concentration than the one stated in the ES, a linear correlation
between the RCR (Inhalation)and the RCR (dermal) and the concentration exists. Following scaling factors (f) apply: Concentration
>25% =1; concentration >= 5% = 0,6; concentration >= 1% = 0,2; concentration < 1% = 0,1.
RCR (DU) = f(DU) * RCR (as stated in ES) / f (concentration in ES).

4.2 Exposure estimation - Environment

Used exposure estimation model for calculation of environmental exposure
Used exposure estimation model Qualitative approach used to conclude safe use.
Other information The use is assessed to be safe.

4.3 Exposure estimation - Worker

Used exposure estimation model for calculation of worker exposure
Used exposure estimation model ECETOC TRA Version 2
Link to exposure estimation tool
Other information
PROC1, PROC2, PROC3, PROC4, For the organizational measure an efficiency of 90% was assumed.
For the
organiz ati onal
meas ure an
effici enc y of
90% was
ass umed.

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