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Formative Assessment: Homework 1

Name__________________________________ Date_____________

For this worksheet, you are expected to read these three prompts that spark debate. I have
listed three reasons for and against each prompt. You should choose a side for each one and
write one argument for each of the following prompts. The argument should include at least one
detail from the prompt.

1. Are cats better than dogs?

a. Dogs are tend to be more friendly towards humans
b. Dogs can be very big or very small
c. Dogs bark
d. Cats use a litter box
e. Cats have four paws and claws
f. Cats can be many different colors such as black, brown, white, etc
Your Argument:

2. What is better day or night?

a. The day time is warmer
b. There are more people awake during the day
c. Usually work and school take place during the day
d. The night time is when you normally get to sleep
e. The night time is dark
f. The night time is usually when you eat dinner
Your Argument:

3. Should professional athletes make as much money as they do?

a. They train for hours a day
b. The public finds extreme joy in watching professional athletes
c. Some professionals use their salary for good and use their platform of fame for
good things
d. Their profession does not contribute to helping society in a way a nurse, teacher,
doctor, or police officer does
e. Some players do not use their public image in a positive way
f. It costs a great deal to go watch the professional games and it is unfair to the
Your Argument:

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