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1. Study / studies 8. Help / helps

2. Fish / fishes 9. Miss / misses
3. Pass / passes 10. Fly / flies
4. Worry / worries 11. Fix / fixes
5. Explore / explores 12. Watch / watches
6. Bite / bites 13. Like / likes
7. Buy / buys 14. Pay / pays
1. Have. 8. Do.
2. Goes. 9. Goes.
3. Go. 10. Does.
4. Have. 11. Has.
5. Have. 12. Have.
6. Go 13. Goes.
7. Goes. 14. Have.
13: A:
she is a merchant.
13: B: frases
she works for an office supply company.

she loves her job.

she travels a lot at work.

she earns very well for her work.

she sells her products from Monday to Friday.

14: B:

I have a friend named Juan, he likes to take things apart and is very interested in the
maintenance of vehicles, currently he works in a workshop selling parts for vehicles and
provides guidance, he works from Monday to Friday, he is happy with your work.

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