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Miriam Pazos

Rosemarie Michaels

EDU 4180

10 October 2020

Practice Lesson Reflection

In my practice lesson, I knew I could have done a better job than what I did. However, I

was able to see that the students were engaged throughout the entire lesson. I had a couple of

hiccups with technology since the lesson was done through Zoom. I felt there were a couple of

things I could have gone over commutative property of multiplication briefly in the lesson but

due to nerves I ended up brushing over them and moved forward. I also had struggles with the

names of the students because I haven't learned all the names yet and for some reason I couldn’t

see any of their names. I knew that was just out of my control and Leslie ended up helping me

call on some of the students' names.

When I met with Leslie, my supervisor, after the lesson, she told me that I did a good job

for my first practice lesson. She said my technical struggles weren’t as noticeable as I originally

thought and due the circumstances we are in with class on Zoom I handle the situation well. She

understood that I didn't have control over the fact Zoom didn’t allow me to see the students'

names. She suggested that we should have better closing of the lesson. Instead of asking the

students if they have any questions, I should give more open ended questions. For example, what

is one thing you learned today? She also said to try and bring the focus of the lesson to equal

groups and emphasize it more. Especially when it came to the part of my lesson where I asked

the students to compare addition with multiplication to try and pull out of them that
multiplication involves equal groups and addition doesn’t. Overall, she said the lesson went well

and she was able to tell that all the students were engaged in the lesson.

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