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The Effectiveness of CTL (Contextual Teaching and Learning) Approach with Puzzle as the

Media towards Fifth Grade Students' Learning Achievement on Theme 9 Sub-theme 2

Learning 4 and Sub-theme 3 Learning 4 at SDN Pangebatan
By Maulida Herlis Setyani
Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto
This study aimed to find out effectiveness of CTL (Contextual Teaching and Learning)
approach with puzzle as the media towards elementary school students' learning achievement.
In this research quasi-experimental method was used with non-equivalent control group
design, while simple random sampling technique was employed to take the research sample.
The research subjects were 60 students in the fifth grade of SDN Pangebatan who were
divided into two classes; VA (as the experimental group) and VB (as the control group). The
instrument used was tests consisted of pretest and posttest in order to reveal students' learning
achievement. Research data were analyzed using normality test, homogeneity test, and t-test.
As the result of the research, the average learning achievement got by students in the
experimental group, who got the treatment, was higher than that in the control group, who did
not get the treatment. The average post-test score in the experimental group was 86.17, while
that in the control group was 81.12. The calculation of t-test to figure out the effect of CTL
approach with puzzle for the fifth grade students at SDN Pangebatan indicated t count ≥ ttable or
2.182 ≥ 2.002, thus H0 was rejected and Ha was accepted. The result revealed that the use of
CTL approach with puzzle as the media can affect elementary school students' learning

Keywords: Puzzle media, learning achievement, CTL

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