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Name:_________________________________ Date:____________________

BLOCK_______ POD_______

1. What is your full name?

2. Do you have a nickname?

3. When is your birthday?

4. Do you have any siblings?

5. Who lives at home with you?

6. Are you originally from Maine? If not where are you from?

7. Do you have any pets?

8. What do you like to do in your free time?

9. What kind of music do you listen to? Who is your favorite artist?

10. What is your favorite candy bar?

11. Besides the disruption of school due to the pandemic, do you enjoy school? What is your
favorite part of school and what is your least favorite part of school?

12. At what grade level did you feel like reading became easier for you?
13. What is your earliest memory of reading? Did someone read to you when you were

14. Do you enjoy reading? If not, why?

15. What is your favorite book you’ve ever read and why?

16. Do you learn better by seeing, hearing, or doing something? What can I do to help you
feel more comfortable learning?

17. How much time do you spend on homework?

18. What is one thing you wish I knew about you?

19. What is one thing you are really good at?

20. Besides meeting the high school graduation standard, what is something you want to
work on this year?
21. What is your favorite subject in school? What is your least favorite subject? Why?

22. Is there a certain subject in school that you struggle with the most? Why do you think
you struggle with this subject?

23. Think about a teacher that you have had in the past that has helped you be who you are
today. Who are they and how did they help?

24. When you bump into a word that you don't know what do you do?
a. Skip it
b. Guess what it says
c. Try and sound it out

25. Do you think reading and writing are important for your future?

26. What are your plans for after graduation? (College, Military, Work, Travel, etc.)

27. Do you have any questions you have for me?

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