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Primal Times: Survival

Primitive nomadic lifestyles required the continual task of hunting, gathering food for survival and
sometimes they engage murder for their protection. In order to obtain food and water, it was very
normal for tribes to embark on one- or two-day voyages. After successful hunting and gathering
excursions, tribes would frequently travel 6 to 20 miles to celebrate with neighboring tribes, and then
take part in several hours of dancing and cultural games. Pursuit and celebration of this Paleolithic
pattern of survival required a high degree of health. Early man 's strength and agility were not
established by structured programs, methods, or schedules, but rather the regular, instinctive,
necessity-driven practice of highly realistic and adaptable movement skills was forged.

Present State of Physical Wellness: Lost in Fitness

Compared to the primal times physical fitness now are much better due to the widespread awareness of
the importance of regular exercise, nearly every community has a gym where people can work out, and
we understand more about how the human body works and responds to physical training than we ever
have before. Yet despite that the variety of health and wellness approaches, services and tools, the
general population has never been so physically sedentary and out of shape. People just aren't as
inspired to move their bodies and become healthy as they were in the past. We live in a society where
the inability to operate one’s body in a practical and effective manner is no longer an embarrassing

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