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Task as below:

Write a java program to list first child elements inside parent element based on input line
number/tag name.
Input would be line number/tag name.
Output should be direct child element names of the input line number /tag name.

Use the htmlFile.txt as sample

Execution Result
1. Input with line number:
Input: 2
Output: child1, child2, child3

Input: 8
Output: child11, child22, child33

Input: 1
Output: parent2, parent3

2. Input with tags:

Input: parent2
Output: child1, child2, child3

Input: parent3
Output: child11, child22, child33

Input: child33
Output: grandchild44

Parent, Child and Grandchild - tag names are for your understanding purpose, we will be testing
it with Html tags (like div, pre), so please make your submission reliable to those tags also.

The above is the sample. Program will be tested with HTML elements.

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