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PAPER 3 USE OF ENGLISH (1 hour) Part 1 For questions 1-12, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap ‘There is an example at the beginning (0). Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet Example: OA based Bccentred C built _D stationed Co Ae. ocr > | mm A community choir Open Voices is a community choir (0)......... in the town of Kingston, in Ontario, Canada. It was founded last year by a man called Andy Rush, an accomplished musician with a 16-year (1)......... record as a choir director. Andy began by researching the way other community choirs were (2) before deciding on the (3)......... he wished to use for his own choir. He then advertised for people to come and try out the choir. There were no auditions and a (4) . in music was not necessary. The purpose of the trial session was simply to give People the opportunity to sing in a choir and get a (6) ........ for the experience before making any (6) to it. In order to (7)....... the barriers that can prevent people from joining groups like this, he provided transportation, childcare, and subsidised membership fees for those who needed them, His goal was to make Open Voices inclusive and welcoming, and to (8)........ People from a variety of musical, cultural and social environments. Andy expected 50 or 60 responses to his advertisement. In the event, 279 people (9) ........ an interest in joining the choir. In order to (10) ........ everyone, the choir had to be (11) - into two groups, each one rehearsing on a different day. Open Voices has now held several (12)....... successful Concerts and has many more planned for the future. > 1 A course 2 A setdown 3 A guide 4 A backup 5 A touch 6 A commitment 7 A overlook 8 A catchon 9 A suggested 10 A accommodate 11 A torn 12 A fully track set off model backdrop mood allegiance overcome pull up expressed contain cut deeply path set up sample background sense dedication overwhelm take out described arrange sliced highly Paper 3 Use of English D tine D seton D pattern D backlog D feel D_ assurance D overtake D_ bring in D conveyed D_ maintain D split D greatly Test 2 Part 2 ad think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only t below al Lscpleds ‘at the beginning (0). tions 13-27, ae There is an example ‘one word in each gap: ur answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet. Example: [0]|A 8 | tite) 7 write you An excellent writer ... an excellent writer ‘To the surprise of many people, Brutus is rapidly acquiring a reputation (0) . of short stories. And why ever (13)......... ? He has shown he has the vocabulary, grammar and plot .. which he has chosen the title Betrayal. devices to write his most recent story, (14) ... Amazingly, not (15) ....... the best literary critics can easily tell the difference between Brutus's stories and those written by distinguished human authors, although Brutus, as you (16) surely have guessed by now, is a computer. Brutus produced his story for a competition in (17) ........ human authors also participated - and he won! The four best stories were published on the internet, with readers being asked to identify the computer-written story. Only 25% of the People who took part got (18) .. right! This obviously means that Brutus (19) appear to satisfy the condition laid down by Alan Turing, the computer pioneer. Turing argued that once People could not tell (20)... they were dealing with a computer or a human, then the computer must have achieved consciousness. Ith as taken seven years to develop Brutus but (21) ........ his achievements, he has a (22) limitatic Mtations. Later versions of Brutus may do better but (23) ........ far he cannot write anything longer than five hundred w. /ords. (24) .... is more, i : . all his stories are wri a of view and all focus (26) ween ne . People workin. iti ven '9 at universities who are betrayed by colleagues: --«. Well be that this reflects the preoccupations of the Scientists who programmed him. 46 Papers Use of Enghak For questions 28-37, read the text below. Use the word given in caprtats atthe end of some Of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at tna beginning Waite your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet Example: [0 |{o |r] a|mlal 1 Ttcleg The Indian monsoon The Indian monsoon is a (0) ....... weather phenomenon which begins in DRAMA June each year. After months of intense sunshine, the sky (28) as DARK the sun disappears beneath a blanket of cloud. Then, in an instant, sheets of (28) rain pour onto the parched landscape. Over the next three | TORRENT months, the monsoon will deliver as much as ninety per cent of the region's yearly rainfall. It is a truly (30)... phenomenon, but it is a mixed blessing to the people of the region. (31) ...... SPECTACLE + Many fear the inevitable floods, but © DOUBT. without the monsoon neither humans nor wildlife could survive. David Stephenson and K Rupa Kumar are distinguished climatologists who (32) im the study of the Indian monsoon. Together they maintain an SPECIAL (33) website on the subject. Dr Stephenson's aim is to predict with EXTEND greater (34)... where and when the rain will fall. ‘The importance of having ACCURATE reliable predictions cannot be overstated,’ he explains. ‘This is because farmers need to know when to plant their crops to make the most (35) ADVANTAGE accurate, and the INCREASE CONTINUE use of the rains.’ Their forecasts are becoming (36) climatologists are working (37) ........ to improve them. Test 2 Part 5 tions 43-50, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meanin, For questions 43-50, entence, using the word given. Do not change the ba siven. You must use bet = . . ' : and six words, including the word given. Here is an example (0). '9 t0 the firge tween three Example: 0 James would only speak to the head of department alone. ON James ..... .. to the head of department alone. The gap can be filled with the words ‘insisted on speaking’, so you write: | INSISTED ON SPEAKING | Nance — . Write only the missing words IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet. 43 Dr Sharp wants you to look after his patients while he's away. CARE Or Sharp would like you to ... . his absence. ‘Yasmin’s uncle said to her that she should stop her children eating junk food. LeT Yasmin’s uncle told her .. more. 45 | was surprised how hard | had to work when | became a teacher. EXPECTED 'had to .. lo +++. when | became a teacher. 46 Your new passport will in order. 50 47 49 Paper 3 Use of English The weather was getting worse, so Joe was forced to give up his attempt to climb to the summit BUT Due to the worsening weather, Joe had to give up his attempt to climb to the summit What are your plans for celebrating Nina’s birthday? MIND What ... - for celebrating Nina's birthday? ‘Once the visitors had gone, Rachel started her homework immediately. DOWN Once the visitors had gone, Rachel immediately her homework. Pierre's presentation showed he was against the proposed takeover. OBJECTED Inhis presentation, Pierre made it .. proposed takeover. .. the

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