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ウォッカ 12:03 AM

Hello friend
Klakier12:03 AM

there was healer deference
ウォッカ 12:03 AM

How can i help you today

Klakier12:03 AM

actually in game u cant help me

only when i will want to derank
ウォッカ 12:03 AM

Well thats unfortunate

Klakier12:03 AM

then i'll ask

ウォッカ 12:04 AM

Sounds like a solid plan

Klakier12:04 AM

but for now im answering why the cow have the most to say?
ウォッカ 12:04 AM

unfortunately ill remove you as soon as our conversation is ove r:(

Klakier12:04 AM

i'll nto cry since im not collecting plats

ウォッカ 12:04 AM

Idk man cow's dont talk, they only say moo

Klakier12:04 AM

u know, if i'll want play with boths wi'll

and it was actually u
calling sad the fact that only i tried to kill u
ウォッカ 12:04 AM

I have no clue what you're saying but to me it looks like a cow is trying to talk
Klakier12:05 AM

wow it was really hurted u

ウォッカ 12:05 AM

Sounds like you had a personal grudge

Klakier12:05 AM

omg bad and game and not smart enought....

ウォッカ 12:05 AM

But remember ban

its just a game
Klakier12:05 AM
maybe go back to studying soemthing?
ウォッカ 12:05 AM

not even rank

I actually studied this afternoon!
Klakier12:05 AM

whats that?
ウォッカ 12:05 AM

Klakier12:05 AM

while u can buy another

u know
ウォッカ 12:05 AM

But imagine wasting money

Klakier12:05 AM

igf u r poor it doesnt mean that soemone else is

ウォッカ 12:06 AM

Rather get yourself a hoe and get laid

Klakier12:06 AM

my moneys, my waste
ウォッカ 12:06 AM

Seem awfully stressed

Klakier12:06 AM

but thanks for taking care

ウォッカ 12:06 AM

No problem
Klakier12:06 AM

oh eand here we go
now im hoe
ウォッカ 12:06 AM

I told you to buy a hoe instead of overwatch accounts
Klakier12:06 AM

well i can be ;) still better paid job then whole ur family can get per year
ウォッカ 12:06 AM

To relieve stress
Klakier12:06 AM

im woman ;) r u a man hoe?
then i can be interested
ウォッカ 12:07 AM

If you're pretty enough, maybe!

Klakier12:07 AM

but i doubt u can offer me anything

ウォッカ 12:07 AM

Unfortunately im not but I think you can find plenty of fish on a site like
Klakier12:07 AM

thats used to be funny or what?

are u french?
ウォッカ 12:07 AM

No im just trying to be helpful

Im not
Klakier12:08 AM

kinda their sense of humour

ウォッカ 12:08 AM

Im not french sorry mate

Do speak some french though!
Klakier12:08 AM

other terrible humour can be german. drunk english ppl are even funny
or hybrid. dutch?
ウォッカ 12:08 AM

Not german either!

Dutch it is
Klakier12:08 AM

ウォッカ 12:08 AM

What about you?

Klakier12:09 AM

now start again

ウォッカ 12:09 AM

Maybe Romanian
Klakier12:09 AM

turkish, marokan, native dutch?

polish, russian
ウォッカ 12:09 AM

Klakier12:09 AM

or any other livign there

ウォッカ 12:09 AM

Does race really matter?

Dutch is dutch
Klakier12:09 AM

itr does
since native dutch are really nice people
ウォッカ 12:10 AM

If you're racist sure

Klakier12:10 AM

its rare to find them being rude

ウォッカ 12:10 AM

Alright well I guess you are wrong

because im native duthc :shru
Klakier12:10 AM

u know, someone who is traveling a lot knows something about

ウォッカ 12:10 AM

Mind answering my question/
You just skipped it
Klakier12:10 AM

i think its one of the small pack countries where ppl are nto really racis
native? hard to belive
ウォッカ 12:11 AM

If you say so, anyways time to answer my question

Klakier12:11 AM

what question?
ウォッカ 12:11 AM

Where are you from

Klakier12:11 AM

im Polish
ウォッカ 12:11 AM

that explains alot
Klakier12:12 AM

about beauty etc? ;)

ウォッカ 12:12 AM

Horrible messed up country, can't really blame you for being this upset and
insecure on a video game
Klakier12:12 AM

u know, mixed family
granmom was german
ウォッカ 12:12 AM

But it's okay. We can talk it out like adults RIGHT!?

Klakier12:12 AM

other one from more east ;_

and here i am ;)
ウォッカ 12:12 AM

Klakier12:12 AM

im 29
so its only age
ウォッカ 12:13 AM

Age is just a number right?

Klakier12:13 AM

i meet a lot of more maturte teenagers then my age homies

expecialy in game s
ウォッカ 12:13 AM

How old do you think I am then

Klakier12:14 AM

i dont know, didnt think about

let guess
u stoped ur rage or whatever it was
so above 20
ウォッカ 12:14 AM

I didnt rage?
Klakier12:14 AM

and i didnt see yet "1vs1"

ウォッカ 12:14 AM

Im 20
Klakier12:15 AM

i have one dutch friend from ps3

his name is Jaap
whats ur name?
ウォッカ 12:15 AM

Yep classic dutch name

Klakier12:15 AM

really? for me was sound like really exotic name

sounds nice
and i guess easier to pronouce
ウォッカ 12:15 AM
Jaap, Klaas, Hans stuff like that classic Dutch
Well thank you
Klakier12:16 AM

i really like Netherland

ウォッカ 12:16 AM

Yeah same
Klakier12:16 AM

its cool that u can speak english there everywhere

even me with my broken eng
but u know
ウォッカ 12:16 AM

Yeah everyone here speaks atleast 2 languages

Klakier12:16 AM

here in poland english in class its like still new thing

ウォッカ 12:17 AM

Some even more depending on ethnicity

Yeah I have a few polish friends
Klakier12:17 AM

i heard german, but noticed that dutch prefer to speak english then german
i hope they are great friends
ウォッカ 12:17 AM

They all tell me that they learned English from Gaming and not classes
Klakier12:17 AM

not lames who makes me feel shame

ウォッカ 12:18 AM

Nah they're really nice

Klakier12:18 AM

yea, same me
its not good stuff
but nowadays even kids in kindergarten can learn english
ウォッカ 12:18 AM

Klakier12:18 AM

i wasnt that lucky

im oldie x_x
ウォッカ 12:19 AM

Age is just a number remember

Klakier12:19 AM

if i would born few years faster i would learn russian

yea, thats what i always say
ウォッカ 12:19 AM

Why Russian?
Klakier12:20 AM

we where one of comunistic countries under russian shoe :P

it was done at '89
and i was born '91
ウォッカ 12:20 AM

Ohh I understand I thought you meant willingly

Take your time to study / learn Russian
Klakier12:20 AM

i knwo a bit, since we have similar words

but they are writing cirilic alphabet
ウォッカ 12:21 AM

But yeah if you were born earlier you wouldve been forced to
Klakier12:21 AM

btu now im living in city where is many international people im feeling forced to
learn english more
i wanna be fluent
ウォッカ 12:23 AM

Sounds like a major city

Or a city with a uni
Klakier12:35 AM

name of city is Wroclaw. it was eu capital of culture few years ago. it was
international events around the city per whole year
its one of the bigest cities, but its still prettier then our capital imo :P
ウォッカ 12:35 AM

Ah alright, explains
Klakier12:36 AM

and im coming here from small village. and after years i still dreaming about
having house on country side
i dont like apartments
feeling like in cage
what place do u live?
i was in rotterdam, den haag, hoorn
for a moment in amsterdam
and small place herkingen
ウォッカ 12:37 AM

Well in none of those, small city on the eastern side of the country called Arnhem
Klakier12:38 AM

oh i never was there. my family is living in eindhoven

ウォッカ 12:38 AM

ah thats pretty close

Klakier12:38 AM

still like their area

ウォッカ 12:38 AM
45 mins away if im correct
Klakier12:38 AM

even small cities in netherland are with soul

its like really calm places with nice architecture
and soo many animals :D
even those flufy horses
idk race but they looks so epic
i wonder if my family will be able come to poland for christmas. those covid-19
restrictions sux
ウォッカ 12:41 AM

Cities are pretty cozy, they have to because this country is hella small
Klakier12:41 AM

yea its small country but still really nice. im always recomending netherlands to
my friends who sometimes traveling to eu from usa
when i was there for first time i was 17y old
i was so excited about how many bikes is there even at winter
or saw ppl skiing on canals
ウォッカ 12:43 AM

Yeah we're known for our bikes

Klakier12:43 AM

we dont have even half of those bike roads XD

ウォッカ 12:43 AM

Winter or not its the main source of transport hahah

Klakier12:44 AM

i remember one city party it was early autum if i remeber

it was kermis? idr name
but i mean carusels around the city, ppl dancing
ウォッカ 12:45 AM

yeah Kermis
Klakier12:45 AM

its like small country, but always is something for tourist worth to see
even flower fields what are really huge
ウォッカ 12:48 AM

Tulips ahah

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