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This was the first meeting of the Health Care Informatics Seminar for Fall 2020. In this

meeting we reviewed the basic requirements needed for completion of the graduate program for

which you are enrolled. We talked about the Capstone Project and the required written approval

needed from the staff prior to starting the project. We reviewed the due dates for forms, the

required research needed, the format for the poster, paper and the in-class presentation. A

complete list of instructions and the formats for these items are listed under the organization

folder in the resources and tools folder. It was clarified that the Capstone Project can be done in

conjunction with the practicum experience, but that is not mandatory.

The Social Justice requirements were discussed in detail. There are some experiences

being offered by the school and other entities around town, but it must mee the definition of

social justice. Whatever project we decide to participate in must deal with a health or social

disparity in a community that has field work in conjunction with that designated opportunity.

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