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Speakout Advanced Units 1 - 5

Students’ Book Answer Key: LANGUAGE BANK

Unit 1.1 (page 129)

1 isn’t working 2 correct 3 had been having 4 is weighing 5 correct 6 was looking 7 am talking
8 correct 9 has been studying 10 am doing

1 Why are you crying? 2 How long was he working?
3 What have you been doing since you graduated? 4 How long have you been living in Madrid?
5 Who were you talking to when I saw you earlier? 6 What did you want to be when you were a child?
7 Have you been waiting long? 8 Why didn’t you finish your degree?
NOTE: #6 & 8 have to use the simple form

Unit 1.2 (page 129)

1 On Sunday mornings, I’ll / I will get up early and go for a run along the river before anyone else is awake.
2 I’ll / I will sometimes wait for hours before the bus arrives.
3 My mother-in-law will always bake a cake for us when we visit.
4 He will keep bothering me for my telephone number, but I don’t want to give it to him.
5 The children won’t stop fighting. It’s driving me crazy.
6 She will spend the first half an hour chatting before she even starts work.
7 My parents would take us on camping holidays in the rain. We hated it.
8 My grandfather wouldn’t shout, or tell you off. He was a very gentle man.

1 has a tendency to cause 2 is inclined to buy 3 prone to arguing 4 keep wondering
5 is always making a fuss 6 keep cheating 7 a rule, I don’t use 8 would always bring

Unit 1.3 (page 129)

1 looks 2 hazard 3 sure 4 guess 5 wonder 6 say, seems 7 give
Unit 2.1 (page 131)
1 had listened, wouldn’t be 2 becoming, had spent 3 would have found, had called
4 had taken over, would have caused 5 told, would be staying 6 arriving, would have died
7 had known, wouldn’t have cooked 8 not pulled, would have won

1 If we hadn’t gambled on red, we would have won.
2 They wouldn’t have asked him to the party if he wasn’t/weren’t famous.
3 The boys regret borrowing your car.
4 Had she known you were a vegetarian, she wouldn’t have bought fish.
5 If only I hadn’t forgotten my keys, we wouldn’t be locked out!
6 If I hadn’t dropped out of university, I wouldn’t be working in a boring, low-paid job.
7 Ahmed wishes he had spoken to you before you left.
8 But for his injury, we would have won.

Unit 2.2 (page 131)

1 making 2 to underestimate 3 to impress 4 walking 5 to have formed
6 to say 7 judging 8 to do 9 to give

1 correct
2 I don’t know why you waste all your time sitting in front of the computer.
3 Cooder was encouraged to play the guitar by his father.
4 They hoped to meet up with some of the stars after the show.
5 They were rumoured to have got married in secret.
6 I gave up the idea of going into politics when I was in my 30s.
7 We were tempted to ask if we could stay the night, but we thought it might seem rude.
8 correct

Unit 2.3 (page 131)

1a 2c 3I 4h 5f 6g 7b 8d 9e
Unit 3.1 (page 133)
1 I like small cups of freshly ground, strong, black coffee.
2 He bought the pretty little house by the river.
3 She made two delicious, dark chocolate cakes with strawberries and fresh cream on top.
4 He smokes those hugely expensive, enormous Cuban cigars, which Juan gives him.
5 They carried the massive pile of ridiculously heavy bags all the way up seven flights of stairs.
6 It was an incredibly smelly, hairy but rather friendly guard dog.

1 I went to the shoe shop advertised on television.
2 He was an old man walking with a stick.
3 We ate the absolutely delicious, home-made cakes, sitting in the sunshine.
4 They rented a nice house with a swimming pool near the airport.
5 We went to a big pizza restaurant on the outskirts of town, run by two Italian brothers called Gino and Rino.

Unit 3.2 (page 133)

1 when 2 of 3 where 4 whose 5 about 6 whose 7 where 8 which 9 time 10 on 11 whom

1 all of whom sang really well 2 at which point the lesson ended 3 whose house we stayed in
4 from whom I learned the most is Clare 5 which case you won’t need to pay 6 both of which are out of order

Unit 3.3 (page 133)

1 background information 2 with 3 of 4 aim 5 what 6 up with 7 feasible 8 solution 9 instance 10
long-term 11 what 12 sum up
Unit 4.1 (page 135)
1 I can’t stand it when all it does is rain for days on end.
2 I’d appreciate it if you could give me a little more notice next time.
3 It’s no use just standing there. You’d better get on with it.
4 I find it hard to believe that the summer is here already.
5 It appears that the police have video footage of the incident.
6 It’s pointless arguing with her when she’s in that kind of state.
7 I’ll leave it to the others to decide what time we should meet.
8 I’ve always made it clear that my family has to take priority over my work.

1 pointless crying 2 essential to be trustworthy 3 seems (that) he has misplaced
4 owe it to them to be 5 no wonder she wasn’t enthusiastic 6 find it easy to keep abreast

Unit 4.2 (page 135)

1 has been providing 2 had been living 3 will have been 4 have closed
5 appeared to have abandoned 6 will have been running

1 have been marching 2 had been talking 3 will have been working here
4 will have arrived 5 seems to have forgotten 6 had only been working

Unit 4.3 (page 135)

1d 2e 3b 4h 5c 6j 7f 8a 9i 10 g
Unit 5.1 (page 137)
1 We weren’t allowed to bring our own food to school.
2 I shouldn’t have told him that I cheated in the exam.
3 You’d better turn your mobiles off.
4 You have to hand this work in first thing in the morning.
5 I didn’t dare tell them the truth.
6 They’re not supposed to have their lights on after 10 p.m.

1 You didn’t need to rush. There’s another five minutes before the film starts.
2 We’d better to leave plenty of time to get to the airport in case of heavy traffic.
3 You didn’t have to buy a present. That’s very kind of you.
4 You shouldn’t drive a car if you’re tired.
5 We didn’t have to stop at all on the way.
6 They were supposed to deliver the furniture today.
7 You ought to try this programme – it’s very good.
8 You shouldn’t talk to people like that. It’s rude.

Unit 5.2 (page 137)

1 The case is being investigated by the police.
2 You are allowed to borrow a car for official business.
3 Mike is having his washing machine delivered today.
4 It is claimed (that) the tradition began in the nineteenth century.
5 Wilhelm might have been recognized.
6 She had the players stretch before the game.
7 Our luggage is being checked in right now.
8 The product has only been tested on volunteers.

B Because we want to emphasise the action rather than the doer.

1, 2 and 8 might be formal written English.

1 It is said 2 These secrets need to be kept 3 what can be done
4 brainwashing was consider 5 it was discovered 6 certain memories could be erased

Unit 5.3 (page 137)

1 What I’m saying is 2 The facts suggest 3 the point is 4 Do you think that is always the case?
5 After all, 6 There are several reasons why I think 7 if you think about it,
8 I don’t see how you can say that 9 let me put it this way 10 the point I’m trying to make is

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