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Writing a tourist phamplet

Explore the heart of Tokyo!

Take a look at what this city of delicacy brings; from the bright light to the
bustle of downtown Shibuya to late-night art galleries, and alfresco events,
Tokyo’s night scene is about thrilling new experience.
Moving on to drink and dine, Yokocho is a Japanese word for “alleyway”
but now it simply refers to narrow streets with izakayas, bars, and eateries tucked
away in Japan’s busy streets and you’d definitely be excited about trying new
foods, that’s where you wanna be for an authentic taste of Japanese cuisine.
Missing the original homemade food from home? Worry not, maybe Tokyo can
provide your new favorite foreign food.
It is also pretty easy to get used to Japanese culture, you can educate
yourself by roaming around the city of Tokyo and learn about temples and lot
more historical places that are spread across the city.
Now if you are anxious about speaking a new language, take example with
thousand of public baths in Tokyo still running today, you can simply lend a
couple yen and one bundle of towel and you’re simply in. Acts break all
boundaries in language!
Come and join us explore the city where the heart rises ardently, Tokyo.

2. A Letter Complain

Dear sir/madam,

I am writing to express my strong dissatisfication towards your service.

Two weeks ago I ordered two bundles of Daniel Caesar’s ‘Freudian’ albums.
According to your website, delivery would take two weeks, however, it took a
month. When I finally received the album, a week before my best friend’s
birthday, it wasn’t as I ordered. The edges of the albums are absolutely shred, and
two posters that came along with each bundle are totally ripped off. Imagine when
I gave the gift to my best friend, days after their birthday and looking disorted!
Added to all this, I asked for an exchange but the supplier reject it! They
said it was our fault but it was stated on your website that you are responsible for
every damage caused during the delivery!
I was told to write a complaint letter if anything happens. Also, I was
informed that I would have a full refund if I was not satisfied, so that is why I am
writing. I expect a letter of explanation as well as a full refund of my money.

I look forward to hearing from you within the next week.

Yours faithfully,
Alya Rizqi

3. A Letter To Editor

Editor, The Jakarta Post

Dear sir/madam,
The use of loud speaker in our part of Jakarta has been a nuisance. Almot
every night someone or other plays music on the loud speaker. It is impossible to
read or speak with the loud-speaker blaring well into the night. I am not opposed
to anybody enjoying music at home. But nobody has the right to force it on
others, particularly at a time when people go to bed. I suggest that the district
administration should impose restrictions on the use of loud-speakers in
residential areas.

Yours truthfully,
Alya Rizqi

4. Writing hobby
Growing up, I tend to pile up many hobbies. If I get to choose my favorite
one, it would be singing. I developed a taste on singing when I was very young.
The way each melodies came out from my mouth, flaunting my best vocal
convinced my parents that I was born a singer. Singing is very uplifting as well as
I have always had a love for music. However, I never realized the utter joy
it brings to humankind. Music as well as singing could define people’s mood,
whether you are happy, sad, or angry, music can convey those feelings greatly.
Singing also teaches you how to control your vocal chords. This kind of throat
excersise is also delightful for my liking.
At the age of four, I learned how to sing properly. I'm always going to
remember how my pleading puppy eyes beg my parents to let me join the vocal
course. At that time, I had one of the best vocal coach. Unfortunately, because of
one reason and another, I couldn't continue my vocal course. Worry not, I still
occasionally sing to brighten up my mood and practice my voice to get better.

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