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Comment 1: Are you sure about theses strain functions?

Do they satisfy the

compatibility equation of the assumed w (x, y)? If so, please mention them clearly

Explanation: Compatibility equation is as follows:

❑2 ϵ yy ❑2 ϵ xx ❑2 ϵ xy
+ -2 = det К
❑ x2 ❑ y2 ❑ xy

We are assuming ϵ yy and ϵ xx , and using the above compatibility equation ϵ xy is found
out in the semi-analytical formulation. So, the above compatibility equation is
automatically satisfied.

Comment 2: What is the difference between Figure 5 and Figure 9.

Explanation: We have drawn Figure 5, to show only the effect of 10% strip width
which is considered by Cui in his work. Later to explain the effect of the attached
strip on the strain energies Figure 9 is drawn, which shows both the SE graphs of
with strip (10% strip) and without strip.

Comment 3: Why not the fibre orientation is in longitudinal direction for the
attached strip.

Explanation: It is the case with 900 strips. I have done the analysis using 900 strips
also, but the results obtained from the analysis gave a bad response. So, we have
avoided that.

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