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Political Economy, History of

Margaret Schabas, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


Political economy emerged as a discourse in early modern Europe and reached full maturity in the first half of the nineteenth
century. It is the progenitor to modern economics, but there are several distinctive characteristics that set it apart. Political
economy was a literary rather than a mathematical science; it openly acknowledged its place within moral and political
philosophy, and it cultivated a historical stance. It also did not draw a firm demarcation between what came to be known,
c.1940, as microeconomics and macroeconomics. Political economy is still an acknowledged subfield within economics and
political science, albeit with a different set of problems and methods.

Premodern Economic Thought thirteenth century, in the form of partnerships, bills of

exchange, or annuities.
Aristotle (384–322 BC) analyzed a number of key economic
phenomena in the context of his moral and political philos-
ophy. He discerned several essential properties of money, for Early Modern Political Economy
example, that a monetary price is a numerical ratio of two
bartered goods. He ascribed three key functions to money: In the early modern period, with the rise of overseas trade and
a measure of value, a store of wealth, and a medium of with banking in full sway, attention shifted to stabilizing the
exchange. Although trade and commerce were part of Athenian supply of money and prices. Nicolaus Copernicus (1473–
life, he discredited the pursuit of profits or the practice of usury, 1543), Navarrus (1491–1586), Jean Bodin (1530–96),
since these rendered money into an end rather than a means to Thomas Mun (1571–1641), William Petty (1623–87), and
a more virtuous life. John Locke (1632–1704) are some of the more prominent
The late medieval commentaries by Christian scholars contributors, but there are hundreds more, and virtually every
sustained Aristotle’s critical stance toward commerce, in step major philosopher of the period weighed in on economic
with Charlemagne’s prohibition of all forms of usury in AD debates. Copernicus, Navarrus, and Bodin articulated ideas
789. To sell a good for more than the customary or just price that grew into the quantity theory of money, by which the
would, in most cases, require deception and was thus a sin. influx of new money results in a rise in overall prices. Mun,
Likewise, to charge interest on a loan violated the Golden a leading mercantilist and advocate of net exports as the key to
Rule. If you were fortunate enough to have idle funds, then England’s prosperity, recognized the concept of price elasticity
you ought to assist others. To accept more than the principal and, more profoundly, market forces that override legal
when the loan was repaid, Aquinas (1225–74) argued, was restrictions. His short treatise, England’s Treasure by Forraign
unjust because money, like wine, is a consumptible good. Trade (1664), was in wide circulation till the middle of the
Money was not yet seen as an instrument for investment, next century. It advanced the notion of a virtuous merchant
since most loans were for singular events such as a dowry. and attended to the economic rivalries between England, the
Nevertheless, the discourse and the law gradually admitted Netherlands, and Turkey to control the trade of cloth and
exceptions to these rules. If goods were transported to a place spices. Contrary to the popular view that mercantilists sought
where they were scarce, a higher price might be charged. If in to stockpile gold, Mun downplayed the importance of money.
the period of the loan, the lender incurred a loss that would Rather, a favorable balance of trade would provide the reve-
otherwise have been averted, this might justify the payment nues needed to improve the manufacturing and agrarian
of interest on the loan. The increasing diffusion of money, sectors, such as the recent rise of silk production in London or
and frequent and disruptive debasements by the Crown, the increase of arable land in East Anglia. His views on
prompted the fourteenth-century philosophers Jean Buridan economic rivalry were boosted by mercantilist John Cary,
and Nicole Oresme to seek solutions to monetary instability. whose Essay on the State of England (1695) also held sway for
They downplayed Aristotle’s conventional stance on money much of the next century.
in favor of the intrinsic discipline offered by the limited Petty was one of the first to devise quantitative measure-
supply of gold and silver. Oresme also discerned what came ments of economic phenomena, including population, money
to be known, by the sixteenth century, as Gresham’s law, by supply, and per capita output. Gregory King (1648–1712),
which the clipped coins drove the full-bodied coins out of William Fleetwood (1656–1723), and Charles Davenant
circulation. The pamphlet literature of the sixteenth century (1656–1714) also contributed to the discipline of Political
tracked the transition to the legalization of usury, even Arithmetic, compiling data on prices and money supplies.
though these practices were widespread since at least the King and Davenant discerned the law of demand, as well as the

356 International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, Volume 18
Political Economy, History of 357

price elasticity of demand, with a chart of corn prices as Most influential was David Hume’s Political Discourses (1752),
a decreasing function of the annual yield. John Graunt a set of 12 essays on political economy that underwent 11
(1620–74) and Christiaan Huygens (1629–95) devised pop- British editions and was translated into four other European
ulation estimates and mortality tables. This in turn inspired languages, including 12 translations into French alone, all
leading mathematicians such as Abraham De Moivre before Hume died in 1776. Ferdinando Galiani’s texts, On
(1667–1754) and Jacob Bernoulli (1654–1705) to join Money (1751) and Dialogues on the Grain Trade (1769), were
concepts of probability to demography, and to spell out the also widely read and cited.
core elements, by 1720, of the binomial theorem or law of There was no consensus on the name for the discourse on
large numbers, an invaluable tool for statistical thinking and economic phenomena until c.1800, when political economy
econometrics that took hold in the nineteenth century. became the operative term. Antoine de Montchrétien issued
Petty and Locke, respectively, refined the quantity theory of a lengthy book entitled Traicté de l’oeconomie politique
money by devising the two additional variables of the velocity (1615), but until James Steuart’s Inquiry into the Principles of
of money and the level of transactions. Given the dire shortage Political Economy (1767), most works had titles with more
of specie, they each considered alternative solutions to avert singular topics such as money, taxes, commerce, or trade. Most
price fluctuations, either increasing the velocity or altering the deemed their inquiry a science, the science of commerce for
rhythm of rent payments. Locke was a primary influence on example, and positioned it squarely within the broader rubric
Isaac Newton, then Warden of the Mint, during the massive of the science of man or moral sciences. In Book IV of the
recoinage of 1696, whereby the clipped coins were summoned Wealth of Nations, Smith introduced the science of political
and replaced by full-bodied coins at par. Locke also developed economy, although he defined it as the science of the legislator.
a monetary theory of the interest rate, as the price for loanable In the Scandinavian and German-speaking regions of
funds. He urged the dismantlement of the current legal ceiling Europe, cameralism, the science of state management or
and the promotion of competitive banking such that the applied political economy, flourished throughout the early
market rate of interest would converge on the natural rate. modern period as an integral part of higher education. Some
Locke broached a labor theory of value that equated the of the more prominent contributors are Johann Joachim
labor input to the relative price. He also wedded the virtue of Becher (1635–82), Ernst Ludwig Carl (1682–1743), Carl
industry to the right to private property or estate, and moti- Linnaeus (1707–78), Johann Heinrich Gottlob von Justi
vated the individual rights of association and mobility that in (1717–71), and Joseph von Sonnenfels (1732–1817). Cesare
turn rendered the tacit contracts of the market as the locus of Beccaria (1735–94) was appointed the first chair of Cameral
liberty. Others at the time also helped forge the idea of what Science at the University of Milan, in 1768. Cameralism
came to be known as the liberal doctrine of political economy, preached a strong version of autarky or economic self-
notably Josiah Child (1630–99) and Pierre le Pesant de Bois- sufficiency, including sumptuary laws, and promoted the
guilbert (1646–1714), who coined the term laissez faire. Their study of natural history as the means to harness nature’s
advocacy of a freer movement of goods and prices was in direct bounty through mining and forestry.
opposition to long-standing regulations and crown privileges. Cameralism is usually sharply distinguished from the main-
As finance minister to King Louis XIV, Jean-Baptiste Colbert stream of eighteenth-century political economy, which was
(1619–83) had promoted the liberalization of the internal increasingly cosmopolitan and forward-looking; global trade and
trade of France while at the same time instilling measures that economic expansion implied greater prosperity in the future and,
would protect it against foreign imports. Colbertism was an more significantly, a diminution of war and conflict. Predilec-
early example of political economy in the sense in which the tions for new goods, conveniences, or luxuries, were seen in an
power of the nation-state was closely conjoined with policies increasingly favorable light, as the means to insure trade and thus
for economic development in both the agrarian and artisanal goodwill between nations. In addition to Hume and Smith,
sectors. many of the leading Enlightenment philosophers, for example,
George Berkeley (1685–1753), Montesquieu (1689–1755),
Voltaire (1694–1778), and Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712–78),
Eighteenth-Century Political Economy also wrote about economic topics, money, wealth, and trade.
Two leading savants, Jean d’Alembert and Denis Diderot, secured
In the eighteenth century, economic discourse grew dramati- a place for the science of economics, in their highly influential
cally. In France, the center of Enlightenment thought, there Encyclopédie (17 vols. 1751–65). In addition to those cited, other
were over 3000 publications on economic topics, in the form of important contributors to eighteenth-century political economy
essays, pamphlets, dictionaries, encyclopedia entries, and full- include Bernard Mandeville (1670–1733), François Quesnay
fledged treatises. In France and Italy of the 1750s and 1760s, (1694–1774), Antonio Genovesi (1712–69), Condillac (1714–
specialized journals, such as the Journal Oeconomique or Il Caffé, 80), and Anne Robert Jacques Turgot (1727–81).
provided forums for economic debates. The crowning At Versailles, Quesnay founded one of the first schools of
achievement, however, came from Scotland. Over 1000 pages political economy, known as the Physiocrats or les économistes.
in length, Adam Smith’s An Inquiry into the Wealth of Nations Members include Victor Mirabeau (1715–89), Pierre Mercier
(1776) became the dominant text by the 1790s. But Smith’s de la Rivière (1719–1801), and Pierre-Samuel du Pont de
work did not spring from a vacuum. Some key pre-Smithian Nemours (1739–1817). Physiocracy means the rule of nature
texts are John Law’s Money and Trade (1705), Jean-Francois and, as a doctrine, it advocated a strong agrarian sector with
Melon’s Essai politique sur le commerce (1734), and Richard unrestricted domestic trade. All artisanal activities were deemed
Cantillon’s Essay on the Nature of Commerce in General (1755). sterile, merely transmuting materials, leather into shoes, for
358 Political Economy, History of

example, but not creating genuine wealth; this could only arise Although mentioned only once in the Wealth of Nations, the
from the gifts of nature, the sun, the rain, and the soil that invisible hand has come to be synonymous with Smith. It
allows one seed in the spring to become two in the fall. draws on but softens Mandeville’s insight that private vices
Quesnay devised one of the first models in economic theory, have public virtues; rather, self-interested actions not only yield
his celebrated tableau économique, which depicted an annual unintended and beneficial consequences, but also may yield
diffusion of money and goods between three economic classes, better outcomes than actions that profess the public good. The
the farmers, the artisans, and the landowners. The tableau invisible hand is also mentioned once in Smith’s only other
captured the notion of capital as an advance, producing a net book, the Theory of Moral Sentiments (1759), and is used in
surplus over the course of a year. It also broached an implicit a very different light, to motivate the sense in which there is
version of the multiplier by which each transaction prompted distributive justice even in a world of rich and poor. For Smith,
additional partial expenditures such that the initial capital the real purpose of life is to achieve peace and tranquility and,
doubled its output. for the most part, this is an inverse function of wealth and rank.
Hume made two enduring contributions to monetary The poor sleep more soundly than the rich and, as long as the
theory: the specie-flow mechanism by which prices and money basic necessities of life are met, have an equal if not superior
equilibrate over the entire globe; and the causal path by which claim on a happy life. Wealth, for Smith, is a futile and hollow
an unanticipated growth in money due to a trade surplus could end, born out of a restless desire for trinkets and gadgets. But
stimulate economic growth. Hume also advanced a nonmone- because we are deceived into thinking that wealth brings
tary interpretation of the interest rate and broached the law of happiness, we work hard and thus keep the world in motion.
the falling rate of profit. Although Hume’s account leaves many Wealth also garners the approval of others, and this is part and
loose threads, it is all the richer for his insights into human parcel of our more fundamental disposition to cultivate fellow
nature and political order, particularly as imbedded in his feeling. Arguably no one has surpassed Smith in weaving such
historical account of commercialization. a penetrating account of human nature into such an expansive
Adam Smith (1723–90) canvassed the entire field of theory of material well-being and the rise of modern
economics, including the theories of value and distribution, commerce.
trade and development, public finance, even economic history
and the history of economics. Book I, on value and distribu-
tion, establishes labor as the original price of all commodities Nineteenth-Century Political Economy
and capital goods. Labor is estimated objectively in terms of
hours of exertion and subjectively in terms of the loss of leisure. Smith’s ideas were extended and refined by, most notably,
Once property rights and money come into existence, capital Thomas Robert Malthus (1766–1834), Jean-Baptiste Say
and labor acquire returns in the form of wages and profits, (1767–1832), David Ricardo (1772–1823), and John Stuart
respectively. The spectrum of wages can be attributed to five Mill (1806–73), a tradition now known as the Classical school
circumstances, and the spectrum of profits to two, the of political economy. The Classical economists emphasized
disagreeableness and insecurity of the particular business, but a cost-of-production (labor) theory of value and the competing
in both cases there exists an underlying natural rate of return. claims of the three economic classes (laborers, landowners, and
Prices are reducible to three components, wages, profits, and capitalists) over the annual product, aptly depicted as the fall
rent. The market price, the one observed on a quotidian basis, harvest of corn (wheat). The capitalists made a justifiable
fluctuates around the natural or long-term price. Smith also contribution by bringing foresight and prudence into a world
lays out his celebrated account of the division of labor, in the that was otherwise myopic. The so-called iron law of wages
sense of division within a single trade, the production of metal proclaimed the futility of raising wages much above subsis-
pins, for example, into specific tasks to glean economies of tence, since this would increase population and within 10 years
scale. He also emphasized the importance of specialization by increase the supply of labor thus bringing wages back to their
trade to take advantage of natural talents and thus secured one original level. The only ways to avoid this were either to engage
of the more enduring functional relations in economics, in the moral restraints that Malthus advocated to keep pop-
namely, that the division of labor by trade is a function of the ulation down, or to accumulate capital, since that would
size of the market. increase the demand for labor.
Books II and III focus on capital accumulation and economic For Ricardo, the price of the wage good, corn, was deter-
growth, first within a nation and then with respect to global mined at the margin of cultivation, where the last units of labor
trade. Smith observes that, for most of the past, human insti- and capital were deployed. Rent, which Ricardo defined as
tutions have distorted the natural progress of opulence. Instead a return to the powers of the soil, was a pure residual and did
of the agrarian surplus of a town sparking a manufacturing not, as Smith had posited, enter into the formation of prices.
surplus and then overseas trade, growth was most manifest in Also contrary to Smith, Ricardo argued that an increase in
the trading cities of Venice, Hamburg, or Amsterdam that then wages was not inflationary. Because wages and profits are
prompted manufacturing and finally more agriculture to feed inversely related, an increase in wages would prompt the
the growth in local population. Books IV and V expand out to movement of capital from the labor-intensive (agriculture) to
comparative political economy, domestic and foreign trade the capital-intensive (manufacturing) sectors, unleashing an
policies, the provision of public works, and fiscal policy. adjustment in relative prices but not in the overall price level.
Building on Hume’s account of trade, Smith delivers on the Population growth implied the cultivation of inferior grades
question as to why some countries are poor and others rich, and of land and diminishing returns implied the rise in the price
offers a dynamical account that peers far into the future. of corn. This meant a long-term tendency for the profit rate to
Political Economy, History of 359

fall, even if the capital stock continued to accumulate. Ricardo’s could be quantified and all actions reduced to a calculus of
analysis was exacting and cemented the method of abstract pleasure and pain. Insofar as individuals strive to maximize
deductive reasoning. Ricardo also worked out the principle utility and minimize labor, wealth is construed as a mental
of comparative advantage in trade, predicated on the interna- not material entity, and thus unbounded. Herein lay the germ
tional immobility of capital. Even if a country such as Portugal of the more optimistic tenor that characterizes the Neo-
can produce both cloth and wine more cheaply than its trading classical period.
partner, England, it is more efficient if Portugal produces just The most salient feature of economic theory since the 1870s
the one good, wine, in which it has the greatest comparative is its systematic use of mathematics, particularly the calculus.
advantage (lower labor costs of production) and trades that for Much of the original momentum to transform literary political
English cloth, the good for which England has the least economy into a mathematical discipline was drawn from the
comparative disadvantage. Mill extended the analysis by aspiration to emulate physics. John Stuart Mill was the first to
introducing nation-specific patterns of demand and the inter- argue that political economy must adopt the axiomatic-
ference effects of foreign exchange rates. deductive method of Newton. What motivated the early Neo-
For the Classical economists, pricing came about after classical economists to develop a mathematical theory was the
distribution, because the returns to the three factors of realization that the phenomena themselves were quantitative,
production, land, labor, and capital, were part of the natural and that the mind deliberated in terms of infinitesimal units
order. Malthusian laws of population growth and diminishing and thus the calculus. They drew inspiration from new devel-
returns were seen to be inexorable, the result of forces deeper opments in logic and psychology, as well as the techniques
than any human action or process of deliberation. Even money, of constrained maximization as worked out in Lagrangian
via the specie-flow mechanism, was seen to have a motion that and Hamiltonian mechanics. Walrasian economics became
transcended human agency. This in turn bolstered the doctrine the dominant theory by the 1920s, and by the 1950s, the
of laissez faire, most championed by Say, who argued against Foundations of Economic Analysis (1947) by Paul Samuelson
the possibility of persistent gluts in production, and thus for (1915–2009) insured that every future economic theorist must
the efficiency and justice of market mechanisms. Say’s Traite first acquire training in mathematics.
d’economie politique (1803) was one of the most widely read Political economy gained considerable standing over the
texts of the first half of the nineteenth century and became course of the nineteenth century, having traditionally been
the target of the socialist movement that emerged at this time, part of the study of jurisprudence and moral philosophy. In
led by Henri de Saint-Simon (1760–1825), Charles Fourier 1805, Malthus was appointed to the first post as Professor of
(1772–1837), and Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (1809–65). Political Economy, at the East India College, and in the 1820s,
Classical economists worried about the onset of the chairs were established at the more renowned universities at
stationary state, whereby the profit rate fell to the point that Cambridge, Oxford, and London. In France, Charles Gide
capital accumulation would halt, and overpopulation result in (1847–1932) led the establishment of chairs in political
a world of ‘standing room only.’ Scarcity, doom, and gloom economy at every French university by 1878, and founded
were prevalent motifs of the dozens of texts by the Classical the Revue d’économie politique (1887). Later efforts at discipline
economists, notwithstanding the dramatic growth of the formation were made with the discarding of the adjective
Western European economy throughout the nineteenth ‘political’ from the name of the discipline, as evident by
century. They clearly underestimated the potential for birth the publication of Marshall’s Principles of Economics (1890),
control, for technological inventions and innovations, both in along with the formation of the British Economic Society and
the form of labor-saving and capital-saving procedures, and for the Economic Journal in 1891. Marshall’s chosen successor at
the dramatic returns in the agrarian sector as new techniques of Cambridge, Arthur C. Pigou (1877–1959), founded welfare
plant breeding, crop rotation, fertilization, and transportation economics in the 1920s, and insisted that economics was now
took hold. The reasons for their pessimism are still not fully no longer tied to moral or political philosophy.
understood. American economists garnered professional momentum
with the founding of the American Economic Association in
1885, and the creation of three journals, the Quarterly Journal
Early Neoclassical Economics of Economics (1887), the Journal of Political Economy (1892),
and the American Economic Review (1891). Thorstein Veblen
Despite numerous appreciations by the Classical economists (1857–1929), John R. Commons (1862–1945), and Wesley
of the importance of utility in the determination of prices, it Clair Mitchell (1874–1948), among others, founded a school
was only in the 1870s that mainstream economic theorists known as Institutionalism that left a profound imprint on
discarded the labor theory of value and embraced the idea of subsequent American economics. Mitchell and his successor,
marginal utility as the key determinant of a price. The leading Arthur F. Burns (1904–87), developed the National Bureau of
instigators of this so-called marginal revolution were, in Economic Research (founded in 1920), into the spawning
Britain, William Stanley Jevons (1835–82), Francis Ysidro ground for many of the leading American economists of the
Edgeworth (1845–1926), and Alfred Marshall (1842–1924) mid-twentieth century, including Burns’s student Milton
and, on the Continent, Léon Walras (1834–1910), Vilfredo Friedman (1912–2006) who became the dominant voice of
Pareto (1848–1923), and Carl Menger (1840–1921). In the neoliberalism.
United States, John Bates Clark (1847–1938) and Irving Marshall’s most famous student, John Maynard Keynes
Fisher (1867–1947) were at the vanguard. Inspiration came (1883–1946), decried the problems of persistent unemploy-
from Jeremy Bentham (1748–1832), who believed that utility ment and inequalities of wealth and income. The solution lay
360 Political Economy, History of

with increased government intervention in the form of public London School of Economics in 1895 and were instrumental
works, severe inheritance taxes, and reformed fiscal policy. in steering Britain toward the welfare state.
Keynes envisioned a world of developed economies run by In Vienna, Menger attracted a number of students, including
decentralized institutions, whereby individuals would no Friedrich von Wieser (1851–1926) and Eugen von Böhm-
longer be confined by economic necessity nor driven by greed, Bawerk (1851–1914), giving rise to a full-fledged Austrian
where they could enjoy leisure, artistic improvement, and enter School. The second generation of Austrians, Ludwig von Mises
the ‘ambit of altruism.’ In addition to his social philosophy, (1881–1973), Joseph A. Schumpeter (1883–1950), and Frie-
Keynes’s General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money drich von Hayek (1899–1992), moved to Britain or the United
(1936) remains one of the most influential books in the history States, and in the process created an interesting blend of Austrian
of political economy for its theoretical integration of a number rationalism with American libertarianism. Schumpeter’s Capi-
of key tools and concepts, for example, the marginal propensity talism, Socialism and Democracy (1942) and Hayek’s Road to
to consume and to save, the multiplier, the saving-investment Serfdom (1944) are two of the most popular nontechnical works
function, and the demand theory of money. Many of these of twentieth-century political economy. Like Keynes, they grap-
tools, including involuntary unemployment and business pled with the fate of capitalism as an economic system and
cycles, were worked out with his fellow economists at proposed political measures to sustain the status quo.
Cambridge, Ralph Hawtrey (1879–1975), Dennis Robertson If economics is what economists do, then the 1930s and
(1890–1963), Richard Kahn (1905–89), and Nicholas Kaldor 1940s constitute the most pivotal decades by which political
(1908–86), or can be found in the earlier work of Knut Wicksell economy retreated from center stage and transformed into an
(1851–1926). Piero Sraffa (1898–1983) and Joan Robinson interdisciplinary subfield within the academy, focusing on
(1903–83), both colleagues of Keynes, cultivated neo- global and comparative national development. It has been
Ricardian theories that drew attention to capital rigidities and adopted by faculty across the social sciences, and given
imperfect competition. Value and Capital (1939), by Oxford new meaning by, for example, the sociologist Immanuel
economist John Hicks (1904–89), made canonical both Wallerstein, the political scientist Elinor Ostrum, or the
Walrasian general equilibrium theory and the graphical tools economist Doran Acemo glu. There is no simple explanation
for Keynesian economics that mapped functions for investment for this shift, but one critical move can be attributed to the
and money demand in terms of the interest rate and aggregate fundamental divide undertaken by Keynes and the early
nominal income (the IS-LM diagram). founders of econometrics, Ragnar Frisch (1895–1973), Jan
Although the Neoclassical theory became the dominant Tinbergen (1903–94), and Trygve Haavelmo (1911–99). They
position by the 1930s, there were many alternative streams segregated macroeconomics (the study of national output and
of thought, some of which still survive to this day. In growth) from microeconomics (the study of prices and
Germany, for example, such thinkers such as Wilhelm markets) and political economy took on a more specialized
Roscher (1817–94), Gustav von Schmoller (1838–1917), and subservient place in the configuration of economic
Werner Sombart (1863–1941), and Max Weber (1864–1920) theory.
were adamantly historical and sociological in their approach
to the study of economic phenomena. Others followed Karl See also: Capitalism; Economics, History of; Macroeconomics,
Marx (1818–83), such as Karl Kautsky (1854–1938) and History of From 1933 to Present; Microeconomics, History of.
Rosa Luxemburg (1871–1919), emphasizing class conflict,
and the rights of labor to its full product. Marx’s major
treatise in political economy, Das Kapital (vol. I, 1867), was
left unfinished; not until Friedrich Engels completed Volume Bibliography
III in 1894 was there sufficient material to spawn a distinct
school. And although Marx was much indebted to Ricardo, Arnon, A., 2011. Monetary Theory and Policy from Hume and Smith to Wicksell:
Marxist economics is best viewed as a twentieth-century Money, Credit, and the Economy. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Backhouse, R., 2002. Ordinary Business of Life: A History of Economics from the
pursuit. It has become increasingly analytical and mathe- Ancient World to the Twenty-first Century. Princeton University Press, Princeton.
matical, but still adheres to some of the distinctive principles Faccarello, G. (Ed.), 1998. Studies in the History of French Political Economy: From
of exploitation, alienatation, and increasing immiseration. Bodin to Walras. Routledge, London.
Eastern Europe produced several economists who made Hollander, S., 1987. Classical Economics. Blackwell, Oxford.
Hont, I., 2005. Jealousy of Trade. Belknap Press, Cambridge, MA.
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Hutchison, T., 1988. Before Adam Smith: The Emergence of Political Economy,
notably Eugen Slutsky (1880–1948), Nikolai Kondratiev 1662–1776. Basil Blackwell, Oxford.
(1892–1938), Oskar Lange (1904–65), and Wassily Leontief Kaye, J., 1998. Economy and Nature in the Fourteenth Century. Cambridge University
(1906–99), who emigrated to the States. In England, new Press, Cambridge.
schools of thought were founded that were either historical Larrère, C., 1992. L’invention de l’économie au XVIIIe siècle. Presses Universitaires de
France, Paris.
or socialist in orientation. Under the inspiration of Medema, S., 2009. The Hesitant Hand: Taming Self-interest in the History of Economic
Thorold Rogers (1823–90) and Arnold Toynbee (1852–83), Ideas. Princeton University Press, Princeton.
economic history secured a firm toehold in the university Medema, S., Boettke, P. (Eds.), 2005. The Role of Government in the History of
curriculum, and matured in the hands of William Ashley Economic Thought. Duke University Press, Durham and London.
Mirowski, P., 1989. More Heat than Light: Economics as Social Physics, Physics as
(1860–1927), G.D.H. Cole (1889–1959), and Phyllis
Nature’s Economics. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Deane (1918–2012). The Fabians, notably Beatrice Webb Morgan, M.S., Rutherford, M. (Eds.), 1998. From Interwar Pluralism to Postwar
(1858–1943) and Sidney Webb (1859–1947), founded the Neoclassicism. Duke University Press, Durham and London.
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Murphy, A.E., 2009. The Genesis of Macroeconomics: New Ideas from Sir William Screpanti, E., Zamgani, S., 2005. An Outline of the History of Economic Thought.
Petty to Henry Thornton. Oxford University Press, Oxford. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Redman, D.A., 1997. The Rise of Political Economy as a Science. MIT Press, Vaughn, K., 1994. Austrian Economics in America: The Migration. Cambridge
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Reinert, S.A., 2011. Translating Empire: Emulation and the Origins of Political Wakefield, A., 2009. The Disordered Police State: German Cameralism as Science and
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