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In the Article “Live your Life to the Fullest” by Steve Mueller, he describes how there are so

many people who are stuck in a routine and do the exact same things every day. The do not go out and

spend time with their friends and family they would rather spend time in front of screens and TVs

watching their life move past them. The author describes how taking over your life and living everyday as

if it was your last is healthier for the mentality and physicality of a human being.

The author is Steve Mueller is a Blogger and a student, he has had the passion to write and

publish articles. He is the creator of the planet of success website, and the site was created in 2010. There

are many sections throughout the site based off of changing your life and turning it around for the better.

Also, sections on motivation and happiness too.

Living your life to the absolute fullest is one of the healthiest things you can do for yourself. In

the article the Author uses three parts called “The Active Mind, The Importance of Responsibility, The

Reflective Mind”. While explaining that to change your life you have to use honesty, acceptance, listen,

reconcile, and to be patient with yourself. He really goes into detail on different ways and types of

changes you can make to your everyday life. These are all very important to re-invent yourself for a freer

and happier life and lifestyle. Choose to go out instead of staying in and staying in your comfort zone.

Turning your life around takes a lot of self-evaluation and willingness. The author writes in part

three “The Reflective Mind” that you have to ask yourself questions and look at what your true essentials

are. The evidence is that the author gives questions you can use to ask yourself to look at yourself in the

inside deeply. You have to be completely honest with yourself. You can use all of the steps and questions

to evaluate your life and find a way to ease yourself into the changes. You might start to feel better after

finally being honest and listening to yourself.

You have to have courage in yourself. Mueller States “but lack of courage is key factor that

prevents most people from living their lives to the fullest. These people aren’t necessarily cowards or

scared-chicken-not at all- as they are simply being stuck with their quite comfortable everyday routines.”
(Mueller, Paragraph 4). Some people are either insecure or have too much pride to change. You have to

put you fears and pride aside to put yourself first. Put your happiness first.

Sometimes you should use both your mind and your heart. The author writes “When looking

behind the scenes you might discover that it isn’t tangibles that your heart truly desires...” (Mueller, para.

7). Following your heart is what creates the best decisions in your life. Sometimes it is good to use your

mind and think things through, but you should always give your heart a listen. You should make an

impulsive decision and follow your heart completely and do what feels right.

Steve Mueller Illustrates on living your life to its fullest potential and changing if for the better to

contribute to the effectiveness of the article.

Steve Mueller explains very thoroughly how changing things in your life even just small things

can make the biggest of changes to your happiness and well-being. By using the three parts of what he

writes in his article are some of the easiest ways to change your perspective and being completely honest

with yourself. You have to really face the facts and have the want to change your life and routines to live

completely to the fullest.

Works Cited

Mueller, Steve. “Live Your Life to the Fullest.” Planet of Success, 3 Feb. 2020,

mueller, steve. “About.” Planet of Success, 26 Feb. 2019,

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