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17,700,000 women have reported cases of sexual assault since 1998. Roberto Osuna’s former wife,
Alejandra Roman Cota is among these women.

The goal of the MeToo movement is to address the issue of sexual assault and provide resources for
survivors and advocates. Brandon Taubman disregarded this cause and celebrated an Astros win by
repeating comments that were offensive to women.

We empathize with the reporters in that locker room who felt violated by Taubman’s words. Regardless
of his intent, the lack of awareness for the impact of his comments is unacceptable. We stand with the
women who are offended by Taubman’s actions as well as the millions of women who have been
abused and mistreated.

Are you upset with Brandon Taubman’s lack of respect towards sexual assault? #MeToo

For more information on sexual assault and how to advocate for survivors visit:

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