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18 ways to sustain the fight against racism

(CNN) Protests against anti-Black racism are happening across the world. In my
own social circle, many good-hearted White friends have expressed shock and distress
at discovering the depth of racism that affects Black people -- both systemically and
interpersonally -- and have reached out to ask me what they can do to help end anti-
Black racism. I shared some thoughts on social media and have expanded them here.

As the news cycle changes, and the ongoing protests receive less coverage than they did a
few weeks ago, it's crucial that we stay energized in this movement. In the words of the late civil
rights leader and Congressman John Lewis, "Our struggle is not the struggle of a day, a week, a
month, or a year, it is the struggle of a lifetime. Never, ever be afraid to make some noise and get
in good trouble, necessary trouble." The protests are good trouble, and they continue because
racial injustice continues. 
So, in response to my friends' questions and their earnest desire to help, here are commitments
that good White people -- in fact, people of all races -- can continuously make to fight anti-Black

1. I will get comfortable saying: "That's racist." Call out racist policies, power dynamics
and comments, every time. While this small action may not immediately change systems
or minds, it will open the conversations that lead to change.

2. I will use my social media for good. Don't unfriend racist people. Instead, publicly
challenge the bigoted opinions they express, and do it repeatedly, because changing
minds takes time, and your online engagement could educate dozens of silent bystanders.
Remember that racialized people can, and should, react emotionally to racism -- because
it's harming them. But if racism doesn't harm you directly, keep your temper in check,
because vicious discourse around racism increases the social fallout and harm for Black
people. Aim to engage patiently, factually and respectfully, and use your social media to
encourage your friends to participate in concrete actions that increase equity.

3. I will seek out, learn from and amplify Black voices. Choose and share books, art,
articles and anti-racism discourse created by Black and racialized people. You wouldn't
hire a mechanic who'd never driven a car; similarly, make sure your education about race
comes from people with lived experience of racism, which imparts deep and lifelong
expertise about how these systems function.

4. I will accept the concept of privilege. For centuries, opportunities have been denied to
racialized people; this has been particularly explicit and persistent for Black and
indigenous people. This means other races have experienced less competition, and
comparatively better access to education, jobs, loans, housing, land, inheritances, medical
care and second chances in the legal system. Recognize that resources and benefits must
now be re-allocated -- equally -- among people of all races because centuries of
unfairness must be righted.

5. I will not call the police for minor matters. When conflicts involve Black people (or
indigenous, Muslim, visibly queer, homeless, mentally ill or otherwise targeted people),
we need to attempt to de-escalate, problem-solve or simply abandon the situation
whenever possible. Do not involve police unless it's an immediate matter of life and
death, because, as recent headlines have made indisputably evident, police presence
increases the risk of lethal harm to Black people.

6. I will pressure leaders to end police violence. Find a large, trusted, Black-led and
community-based organization in your area, learn their concerns, and follow their
suggestions for action. Set a monthly reminder to contact government representatives,
urging them to increase accountability for police violence, demilitarize police forces, and
divert funds into education, mental health care, crisis teams, harm-reduction centers, and
affordable housing; social initiatives that help communities thrive.

7. I will attend protests. Factors like age, disability, child care needs and legal status
prevent many people from marching. For those who can, attending protests is a crucial --
and deeply appreciated -- form of allyship. Participate calmly, since escalating tension
increases the risk for Black protesters. And calmly place your body near to Black people,
because your presence will reduce their risk of harm. 

8. I will record questionable interactions. Your cell phone camera is a powerful anti-

racism tool. When you see a racially-charged interaction, hit record. If you feel safe,
calmly approach and de-escalate the situation, using slow body language and a gentle
voice. At protests, record the distinguishing features of anyone perpetrating physical
harm, but avoid details that could identify victims, to protect them from retaliation.
Record single long videos, since unedited footage is more persuasive. If you document a
racist situation, spread it online (with victim consent whenever possible). When you see
videos of racist conflicts, research and share the contact info for the relevant business or
government leader, urging your network to express disapproval directly to those in

9. I will believe survivors of racism. BIPOC (Black, and Indigenous, and all People of
Color) have been speaking out about racism for hundreds of years. The only thing that's
changed is the ubiquity of cameras that can now provide proof. Believe people when they
call out racism. When someone identifies a racist incident, a great response is "I'm so
sorry that happened. Thank you for telling me. How can I help?"

10. I will interrogate biases. Some people believe BIPOC are "too biased" to discuss race
effectively. A counter-thought: Does it then stand to reason that White people are too
biased to discuss White people? The truth is that all humans, and all curated sources of
information, are inherently biased. The best way to compensate for bias is to
acknowledge it. Seek information from multiple sources, including grassroots sources,
and ask questions: What financial or political interests might this story advance? Whose
voice was amplified? Whose voice is missing? Am I equally knowledgeable about the
opposing position? What status quo does this story protect? 

11. I will "see color," including whiteness. For many people, hearing the word "White"
feels uncomfortable, even confrontational. Many people position White men as the
"default human," unmarked by race or identity, and holding opinions that are somehow
"neutral" or "unbiased." Meanwhile, everyone else is presented as "other," with "biased"
opinions or "identity politics." But avoiding the idea of whiteness or claiming that "race
doesn't matter" actually shuts down important conversations about racism. If we are too
uncomfortable to "see color," we will misunderstand persistent patterns in how people of
different colors are treated. 

12. I will recognize the ways in which I prize proximity to whiteness. Consider how some
races are positioned as "respectable," "hardworking," or "non-threatening," in contrast to
other races. These beliefs, while superficially positive, are actually limiting, and they
unfairly benefit some communities -- at the expense of others. Challenge these unfair
hierarchies, especially if you're a member of any group that benefits from "proximity to
whiteness" on this unspoken scale.

13. I will be my child's first anti-racist role model. When you encounter racism in public
interactions, at social gatherings or with family, set an example by speaking up. Your
child will be empowered to follow your lead. Role-play responses with your children,
such as, "That's racist!," "That's unfair!," or "Please treat everyone equally!" Teach kids
to supportively accompany children who report racism, since backup means the
marginalized child is more likely to be believed. Diversify the people your child admires:
seek Black health care providers and activities with Black leaders. Buy Black dolls.
Choose books and shows with joyful Black protagonists -- characters who are not
enslaved, not servants, who do not hate their own appearances, who are not portrayed as
victims and who do not require "saving" -- characters whom your children would be
proud to emulate. Older kids do need to learn about historical racism. But even more
importantly, during their formative years, kids need to directly see and experience people
of all races as true equals and aspirational role models.

14. I will bring Black people into positions of power. Ensure your workplace recruits, hires
and promotes qualified Black people -- and pay them generously, since research shows
managers choose to pay Black women just 62 cents to every dollar they'd pay a White
man for the same work. Ask your employer to provide anti-oppression training. Treat
Black coworkers with appropriate respect, including introducing them using their full job
titles and accolades. If you're invited to speak on, or attend, an all-White panel, suggest
qualified people of color to add to the lineup. All workers have some influence, even if
unofficial, over the success of their colleagues. Leverage your influence to boost the
trajectories of Black colleagues by highlighting their strengths and suggesting them for
advancement. Equitably distributing professional power is one of the most valuable acts
of allyship.

15. I will accept discomfort. When discussing racism, defensive reactions are common,
especially for beginners. These feelings will become more manageable with repeated
exposure and deeper understanding. When emotions arise, resist the urge to react
immediately. Sit with discomfort. Consider what status quo your feelings could be
helping to maintain. Do not allow your discomfort to silence or sidetrack important
conversations. Anti-racism work is often uncomfortable; luckily, discomfort won't kill

16. I will work to change policies. Systemic racism is infinitely more damaging than
interpersonal racism. So, while it's nice to adjust our personal beliefs, it's more important
to remember that anti-racism work isn't about changing hearts -- it's about changing

It's crucial that we take concrete actions that equitably redistribute money and power. Some
examples include promoting BIPOC into leadership roles, so organizational decisions better
reflect the community; publicizing correct voting information in the most diverse neighborhoods
you can reach; or creating a donation campaign to support a Black-led anti-racism or community
Consider researching and sharing resources to help neighbors de-escalate conflicts without law
enforcement, or pressuring leaders to reduce the budgets of police departments so that more
funding is available for community services or mobilizing your friends to write the flood of
emails that convince a politician to change a harmful policy. 

17. I will donate money. Find the nearest chapter of a large, Black-led organization that's
working to increase equity for Black and racialized people and donate generously. Support
decriminalization and amnesty for minor cannabis charges, abolishment of cash bail, vocal
boycotts of companies that use prison labor, and the dismantling of unfair voter ID laws. Agitate
for police funding reallocation and police accountability. Contribute time and money to these
causes, and set your donations to recur monthly, because dismantling anti-Blackness and racism
is a long-haul task.
18. I will sustain this energy. It should not take another videotaped death to motivate anti-racist
action. These injustices are ongoing, so the work to bring justice must be ongoing as well. 

Anti-racism work is not a means of personal self-improvement. The goal is not for each
individual to become more loving or more "tolerant". Anti-racism work must be a series of
concrete actions that measurably shift power and money into a more equitable distribution. We
need to dismantle unbalanced systems and rebuild them fairly. Every one of us has the ability to
write to our leaders, to motivate our employers, to add our voices to this revolution, to protest
and fight for actual change. As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. urged, we must never put the pursuit
of peace above the pursuit of justice.
This is an electrified time in world history, and 2020 will be remembered and studied as a time
of tremendous upheaval and positive rebellion. We all have the opportunity to join in this surge
against the injustice of anti-Black racism, and meaningfully change the systems around us. The
civil rights movement is still happening today. Participate in it: with your body. With your
dollars. With your actions.

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