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Sevilla, Ian Jonathan S.


Air fresheners have been helpful to many households, especially for its improving
solution that supplies anti-bacterial properties. Most of the people that use air fresheners at home,
at their offices, and such places that they mostly stay, don’t know the side effects of these
products to the environment and to the living.
These products have been helpful in a way that it neutralizes the smell of the surrounding.
Good smelling indoor places would give comfortable and a relaxing feeling to anyone. On the
other hand, although these products yield compositions of air and cannot be seen, it has several
elements that can give minor effects to living things and the environment.
Air fresheners are known to release volatile organic compounds that can release a variety
of chemicals, some of which may have short- and long-term adverse health effects, another one
is the butane gas, inhalation of the butane gas can cause asphyxia, narcosis, drowsiness and
cardiac arrhythmia. Burning butane gas produces nitrogen dioxide, a highly toxic gas. It causes
asphyxiation when released in a confined area.
In our household, we often use air fresheners as it helps to improve our living place.
Knowing the effect of these chemicals, I will recommend to use natural fragrances in our
household. Even if these things were invented for how many years, there are also harmless and
non-toxic fresheners that could be used.
These issues should not be set aside or think of it as a minor problem to the environment.
Considering every household are using these products, it would cause a big consequence to our
health, even in the atmosphere and it would affect the climate. Every one of us should understand
these problem because what we do to the environment oscillates back to us.
People using these products should start to use the invented alternatives of it. Not only
with the problem of using air fresheners but also to the other aspects that can affect our health
and environment. There should be programs that would orient people the effects that even we
cannot see physically, affects us slowly.
The effect of air fresheners and other harmful chemicals that people use should be
informed to the people who use it. STEM students need to know every aspects of the matter
because we are the future generations. Considering that the world is modernizing, it also has
major environmental problems that may be, we can resolve in the future by having an idea about

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