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Game Ideas

Updated 2/1/15

Musical Hearts:  Cut out heart shapes (I use foam hearts from Michaels/AC Moore/Walmart/Target) and write
different movements on them: Jump up and down 5 times, 10 Jumping Jacks, 6 Sleepy Legs, Hop on one foot 5
times, etc.).  I lay the hearts out in a circle and play some music, the children all dance around the hearts and when
the music stops, they jump on the heart that is right in front of them.  Then, they have to do the activity that the
heart says to do!  Great for Valentine's Day.

Paper Plate Game: Pick music with different tempos and have kids balance a paper plate on their head, hand,
arm, etc.  Have them dance to the music.  If the plate falls, they must freeze until a friend comes along to replace
the plate.

Hula Hoops:  You can put hula hoops on the floor.  Have the kids dance around and when the music stops they
have to be in a hoop.  Every time the music stops, take a hula hoop away.  By the end, everyone is left squishing
into one hoop (their whole bodies don't need to be in the hoop, perhaps, just a hand or foot).

Pass the Ball:  Place the kids in a circle (all facing in or out) and let them pass a ball while playing music.  The
one holding the ball when the music stops is out.

Limbo Line with a Twist:  Have the kids pretend to skate under, flap and fly, flamingo hop on 1 foot, etc as they
go under the limbo stick.  As the stick gets lower, you can have the kids act out frog hops, bear crawls, crab walks,
or slithering like a snake. (PVC Pipe decorated with duct tape or the kids names works great for the limbo stick!).
Hot Lava: Use foam squares or rug remnants as "islands."  When the music stops, the floor is hot lava and they
have to be on an island.

Tip-Toe Tag: Similar to Marco Polo.  Cloe your eyes and call out "Zumba" and the kids have to call back.  Try to
tag them.

Beto Says: Just like Simon says but the penalty for a wrong move is a dance move.  Great way to work on left and
right and basic steps like the Beto Shuffle.

Memory: The kids line up and the first kid does a move (have them do it 3-4 times so they can memorize it, then
the 2nd did does the first move AND a move of their own, the the third kid does the previous 2 and their own, etc.

Name Game: Had a good experience yesterday with a "name game". In the beginning of class I had the kids (and
me) sit in a circle. We went around the circle and said our name and a word starting with the first letter of our
name that described us. I was Delightful Dani! Some of the kids needed help but didn't seem to feel pressured or
uncomfortable asking.. it was fun!

Great idea! I've done the favorite ice cream version where you say your name then your favorite ice cream flavor
and at the end I have to repeat them all. I'm so bad with names I usually forget everyone's name the following
week but it's a fun way to get know everyone

Popcorn Song by Hot Buttered Located on Itunes

A popular game that's a real "exercise in disguise" game. First find the song POPCORN by Hot Buttered (If you
were around in the 70's you recall the song) Then tell the kids that they're going to... be popcorn. Have them
scatter all over the floor and keeping their feet on the floor have them bend their knees so that they can touch the
floor (their bottoms should be down too) Tell them that they are popcorn kernels & that they have to move around
until they're ready to pop and when they're ready they jump up really high and then touch the floor until they're
ready to pop again. When they've had enough popping (you'll know because just like real popcorn the popping
will slow down) "gather" them up into the "bowl" and ask them what topping they want on the popcorn. Then start
all over again. I don't stop the music I just keep in playing and depending on how many kids I can get 2-3 Full
bowls of popcorn.

Freeze dance
I like to play Funkytown by Alvin and the Chipmunks for the freezer song. They seem to really let loose for this
song. Half way through I have them make creative poses. I will  let them know the next time I stop the song the
have to freeze in a baseball pose, a ballerina, a swimmer, a monkey, etc. They come up with some really creative
poses.They crack me up. I called out fish one time and one kid laid on the floor flopping from side to side! I was
laughing so hard.
Another twist to Freeze dance....have them pair up or work in groups to come up with different poses. Such as one
child is a table and another is a chair. Promotes teamwork and creativity.

Musical mats
Similar to musical chairs but with yoga mats or something flat that won't slide on them and big enough to stand

Zuu Zuu Zuuumba!! (simlar to duck duck goose)

Same thing. Kids will just say Zu  Zu  Zu  Zu until they get to the goose(Zumba!)

For those hot days if you are outside: Drip, Drip, Drop (Just like Duck, Duck, Goose)--Have kids sit in a circle,
the person who is "It" walks around the circle dripping water on people's heads as he/she says "drip."  If the
person who is "It" drops (dumps) the cup of water on your head, you have to run around and try and get them.

Don't forget Heads, shoulders, knees, and toes!

Bop Til You Drop by Greg and Steve

We played a great game today w/little ones. "Musical cars". They each have a towel and instead of being in a
traditional crab walk , they keep their bottoms on the ground and "drive" their car around the space. (Of course
you need a wood floor or smooth floor). Anyway, it was a fun closing activity. (I just happen to have towels
available for the kids, but you could have them bring one and it was a hoot to watch, and actually a bit harder than
it looked. Song suggestion is Elmo covering Beatles "you can drive my car"

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