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Facilitating Learning

Lesson 9


Story Title: I am Sam

1. The main character of the movie "I am Sam" who is Mr. Jang, a teacher, is a caring teacher who's
almost sacrifice his own career for his beloved students, especially for Eun Beul. His persona as a teacher
towards his students doesn't change, even when his students graduated.

2. The main character is exceptional in giving care for his students, and being cared by his students , this
proves when he fulfilled his promise to his dear student, and the care that his class shown is so
overwhelmed, because they gathered to show their respect to their teacher.

3. The difficulty that the main character suffered is because of his one student, who separated from him
by its father. The movie didn't shown the details how he suffer, but according to the scene before his
student disappear, he's most probably suffering from loosing of his one student.

4. He suffered by gaving unconditional love towards his students, but the poison heals itself, by having
back what he invest, and that is love came from his students. They gathered on their teachers birthday
to celebrate, and to cheer him up. In that celebration you can see how much they respect and love their
teacher, and as for the happy ending, he met his separated student.

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