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The transistor was successfully demonstrated on December 23, 1947 at Bell Laboratories in Murray Hill,

New Jersey. Bell Labs is the research arm of American Telephone and Telegraph (AT&T). The three
individuals credited with the invention of the transistor were William Shockley, John Bardeen and Walter
Brattain (a source from Wikipedia). Discovered in 1947, the transistor, is essentially a tiny chip that
allowed electronic devices to get smaller, and process way more information. Thanks to this tiniest thing
which transform the whole new world. The world would become a little isolated if the transistor has not
invented yet. Nowadays, Transistor is being a preponderance and completely change the society and
humanity. Nobody can live without Portable computers, GPS or Internet. We wouldn't have any smart
phone to scroll out for news feed on Facebook or News Notification Lives from the internet if this tiny
thing didn't invent. Transistor is making life easier in some particular way like Education, Finance,
Government and Technology. The invention of transistor is a push forward for next future Revolution.
The biggest picture is that; our entire economy would look completely different; there’s no chance that
Apple, Microsoft or Amazon would have the global impact they have today. It's pretty crazy how one tiny
piece of technology can change the world. The world cannot live without transistor.

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