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Daniel Felipe Pinzón Ramírez. 20181025101

1. 1-There aren't this seasons in my country. In my country only exist rainy and sometimes
have sunny, due my country is an over equator country.
2- I like the cold climates, so I like the winter because is a cold weather.
3- The winter in Russia it’s a most aggressive winter in the world, I remember the
Stalingrad and Waterloo battles and how the winter destroyed the souls and spirits of the
Nazis or Napoleon’s soldiers. So the winter in Russia could be a decisive weapon. For the
other hand, I don´t know much about Siberia, only know is near to pole north and it’s very
2. A-3
B- 6-B, 9-H, 1-I, 5-A, 10-C, 7-D, 3-E, 2-F, 4-G, 8-J
C- 1-nine months, 2- normal, 3- the sun, 4- dangerous gases, 5- outdoor, 6- fur.
3. A. 1-C, 2-A, 3-B.
B. In December, in USA it's extremely cold, December in my country it's very cold but in
January both are quite cold.
4. A. 1-Simple, 2-Simple, 3-Continuos, 4- Simple, 5- Simple,6- Simple, 7- Simple, 8- Simple, 9-
Simple, 10- Simple.
B. 1-c, 2-a, 3-b.
5. A- Why, How, How, What and what’s like.
B. 1- Do you feel sad on cloudy days? 2-What´s your teacher wearing today? 3- Are you
learning English for fun? 4-How do you spend your free time? 5-What are your friends
doing now?
C. 2- Where does 30 or 40 degrees? 3- Why doesn´t the sun warm? 4- What are gases
rising in eastern Siberia? 5- Is Western Siberia heating up fast? 5-Do the fingers freeze in

7. the link of recording is:

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