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Daniel Felipe Pinzón Ramírez. 20181025101.

1. 1- earn money, 2-borrow money, 3- pay back, 4- lend money, 5- get a loan, 6- charges you
2. 1- The Credit Aid help to poor people or developing countries.
2- They lend money to poor people for your business. They make Micro-Credit loans and
charges the interest of two percent. Their loans are typically less than 250.
3. 1-False, 2- True, 3- True, 4- False, 5- False.
4. 1-b), 2- a), 3- a), 4- b).
5. 2- You have to pay, 3- don’t have to use, 4- have to keep, 5- Does, have to check, 6- do I
have to pay, 7- have to give.
6. A Doctor has to prepare treatments for illness/ doesn’t have to teach about illness.
A footballer has to kick the ball with foot/ doesn’t have to kick the ball with hands.
A musician has to hear the music notes/ doesn’t have to speech poems.
A pilot has to drive planes/ doesn’t have to drive cars.
A police officer has to save people/ doesn´t have to kill people.
A student has to wear uniform/ doesn’t have to prepare lessons.
7. A -She lives in Ruanda.
- Yes, she does.
-The Jane’s business is a Cinema.
-She started the cinema two months ago.
-She took borrow 300 dollars.
-She has to pay 6 dollars every week.
-She spent the loan to bought a TV, a video Player and some chairs.
-Yes, her life is better because she can afford better food, her children go to school and
she take care for her mother, while working in her cinema.

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