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On the radio.

Daniel Felipe Pinzón Ramirez.

1. A-chewing gum, B- tin cans, C- Umbrellas, D- lipstick, E- Past-it notes.

2. A- 1. The nation’s favorite everyday invention, 2. 0810405060.
B- 1. History, 2. Normal, 3. Information, 4. Opinion, 5. Choose, 6. Texting.
3. A- 1. True, 2. True, 3. False, 4. False, True.
4. The presenter presents some ideas, why the umbrella is a great invention of history. In the
list there are four facts these are: sentences 1, 3, 5 and 4.
5. 1- most, is. 2- because. 3- the, 4- final, is.

Reason is that Because
Another People buy umbrellas
One Umbrellas are useful
The main Buy an umbrella

Chewing gum

1. Chewing gum is a great invention in the history of mankind, its variety of tastes and
popularity are the main reason why many people love this invention.

2. The history of the chewing gum, it´s ancient. Firstly, chewing gum is very old, so that
People make gum from trees since 5000 years ago. In the modern time, In 1914, Mr. William
Wrigley adds mint to chewing gum. Now Wrigley's produce 90 percent of the world's chewing
gum. Such it's the importance in the world of chewing gum, that the Americans spend 2 billion
dollars on chewing gum every year.

3. First of all, chewing gum is very helpful in combating stress. Also, many athletes use gum
to improve their breathing when competing. Chewing gum is good for relieving sadness because
sugar helps release endorphins. Lastly, Sir Alex Ferguson loves this invention and chewing gum
helped in his trajectory how coach in Manchester United.

4. These are some of the reasons why chewing gum is a major invention, which is why Red
Devils fans vote for this invention for Sir Alex and happiness.


Tin Can

1. The can is the most useful invention of humanity in modern history, for this invention
the soldiers of the First World War did not die of hunger, nowadays you can find this
invention in every kitchen in this world.
2. The history of tin can start in 1796, when an Englishman, Peter Durand invent first
metal cans. 40 years later, someone makes the first can opener. Now, the square cans
are a trend because these suitable for easy transport in the world. Finally, Britain
produce 20 billion every year.
3. Four facts why cans are useful. First, many of the early explorers used them. Second, in
World War I, soldiers survived thanks to this invention. Third, it preserves food longer
than any other method of preserving food. Finally, avoid that the plagues harm our
4. Vote for this invention is vote for canned food, for survival, for our history, for most
important invention of the human history.



1. One of the most important accessories in the world of beauty is lipstick, consolidating
itself as one of the most loved products by movie stars.
2. To tell the history of the lipstick we should start when the Egyptians invented the lip paint
a thousand years ago. In England for 1770, you can't use lipstick because it was against the
law. In 1915, an American man, Maurice Levy invent the modern lipstick. Finally, an
American woman, Hazel Bishop used kiss-proof lipstick in 1949.
3. Four facts for why vote for the lipstick how the most important invent of the human
history. First, thanks at lipstick you can detect infidelities. Second, lipstick hydrates your
lips. Third, lipstick improve your seduction skills. And finally, lipstick improve your image.
4. Vote for this product for those passionate kisses from the movies.


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