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Name: Gina Zavala

Topic: Nuclear Energy. ‘Green’ or ‘Dirty’ energy?

1) What topic have you chosen and why?

I chose nuclear energy because it is a topic that is very interesting to me personally. Working in the
nuclear energy field is a branch that my engineering can go to, and I really want to know in detail the
pros and cons of this type of energy.

2) What do you know/or don’t know about your topic?

I know some of the process of obtaining nuclear energy (chemical reactions) and the methods most
industries must do to dispose the remaining materials. However, I do not know in detail its
consequences it brings to the ecosystem.

3) What do you expect to learn about your topic?

I hope to learn more about the process and consequences of obtaining nuclear energy. By the end of
this research, I hope to have a clear mind if I want to go into that field of work or not.

4) How do you plan to overcome obstacles in your research?

I plan to overcome any obstacles by having non-biased and reliable references.

5) Why is your topic a significant contemporary issue?

Because they are many pros and cons of having nuclear energy. Many people believe that is good for the
ecosystem mainly because it leaves a smaller ecological footprint than other types of energies. However,
because the disposals become highly radioactive, many believe that is more harmful to the ecosystem.

6) Why is it important to inform others about your topic?

I believe that taking care of our environment for future generations to preserve the Earth is something
that we all humans should be taking care of. In the past few years, more and more contamination has
surrounded earth as humans are not ecologically conscious. Having a green energy is a very important
factor to have in order to keep our planet free of contamination.

Semester Topic

My semester topic is the effects of nuclear energy. I want to investigate a little bit further about its
effectiveness as an energy source and the consequences that it brings to our environment. Is it really
“Green” energy? Or is it “Dirty” energy?

I chose this topic because it is a topic that is very interesting to me personally. Working in the nuclear
energy field is a branch that my engineering can go to, and I really want to know in detail the pros and
cons of this type of energy. Currently, I know some of the process of obtaining nuclear energy (chemical
reactions) and the methods most industries must do to dispose the remaining materials. However, I do
not know in detail its consequences it brings to the ecosystem.
I found out that the disposal of the remaining of the chemical reactions is the main factor that is
controversial. Due to its high radioactivity, it might affect people’s health and the environment. I am
currently investigating the pros and cons of nuclear energy. However, it looks like, although there is the
radioactive disposal factor, it is still cleaner and more effective than other sources of energy.

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