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The standard I choose is 6 (j) to understand the differences between formative and

summative assessment applications and know-how/ when to use them. Formative assessments

are activities that evaluate how someone is learning material throughout a course. While

summative assessments are quizzes and tests that assess how much someone has learned

throughout the course. I feel like my chosen artifacts reflect this standard because I have

described and given examples of what the differences are between summative and formative

assessments and the different ways, they were used in my classroom this semester.

The artifacts I choose are both from my African history unit. The artifact I attached for

my summative is the unit test, a culmination of all the students' information from this unit. Other

small summative assessments are little quizzes at the end of each unit to gauge where the

student's understanding is for that particular unit to know if we need to cover specific material

again to help with student understanding.

Whereas my formative assessment, the artifact I choose to attach the PowerPoint slides

from one of the sections because there were many discussion questions throughout it. It created

an atmosphere where my CT and I could gauge the student's understanding of the information so

far and from past classes. Other ways my CT and I use formative assessments are at the

beginning of every class, and we do bell ringers. This assessment questions the points from the

previous day to make sure students understand the information and form connections to what

will be discussed in the lectures or activity for that specific day.

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