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Definition of myth


1. 1. Fill out the next square with information extracted from the previous
Myth title Structure
Where is the myth from? The myth is from China
What things are created in the In the myth, after the egg is
myth? broken, the sky is created with the
How are things created? giant's skull, the earth with its flesh,
the rivers with its blood, the air with
its breath and the fleas in its hair
become living beings.

2. Imagine and write down you are part of a tribe

that have a myth to explain where the world came
What part of the world do you live in?-What is the environment like?-
What is the name of your tribe or group?-What kind of gods or God do
you have?What is your culture like?
R\\My tribe is located in the north of India, we protect the environment
with all the effort in the world, it is our home and we do not allow it to be
destroyed. And that's why the part we inhabit is beautiful, it seems like a
The name of our tribe is Ксімена, (Ksimena) we worship many gods, it
depends on what we thank or ask for, for example if we want to thank
for the wonderful sunny day we thank the sun god, or on the contrary if
we want a sunny day we ask the sun god to help us ...
Our dances are very traditional, they are like any dance but with the
difference that we do not take, we only dance and we all gather to
contemplate the light of the sun, or the moon.

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