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Teaching philosophy

EDU 4503

Instructor: Dr. Martha Banfa

Student Name: Maryam Nabeel Al Harbi
ID: H00349708

Name: Maryam Nabeel Al Harbi

HCT ID number: H00349708
Developing a Teaching Philosophy

Learning is a process that help the student to learn educational and life lessons, by

building a relationship with teacher and others, make mistakes to learn from them and go

beyond it, share thoughts and collaborate. According to the constructivism theory as

Salomon (1991) mentions that it’s a theory that based on observation and how student

learn, teachers can apply observation in lessons, to have an overall idea about learner’s

levels, understanding, performance and work. Also, learners build on personal experience

internal, active and social in learning process, by scaffolding, collaborative work and


Online learning as Dabbagh & Bannan (2005) writes that, online is learning

utilizing electronic technologies to obtain educational curriculum outside of a regular

classroom. In most cases, it leads to a course, program, delivered entirely online.

Minero (2020) state that teachers can make teaching interesting by following

several ways, such as: Adapting think-pair-share by show out different types of questions

that make the students think with their parents, sister in home, to develop there critical

thinking, them share it to the teacher and other learners to discuss together as a whole

class, in my teaching practice I have applied this strategy and it really works with me and

makes the student excited to share their answers using camera to explain math problems

(Appendix 1).

Moreover, set Rules, helps to build an organized and encouraging classroom

environment. The class environment will be safe to the students which means no one will

bully, intimidate each other, and they will be more self-aware of the classroom rules

(Llanillo ,2018).
Name: Maryam Nabeel Al Harbi
HCT ID number: H00349708
By following the rules, students know what they should be doing and how to do

it. I always show the classroom rules at the beginning of every session to the students. I

let learners read the rules so that they can remember and stick in their minds. Sometimes

when a student follows or violates one of the classroom laws, I advise everyone that they

have been breaking or following the rule, as it makes them remember that the classroom

rules are essential and we must follow them daily (Appendix 2).

There are a several effective ways to help the students to learn more as Lapadat

(2002) shows that, using different educational web-site. Diversity of educational sites

helps to encourage students in the class, and make them enthusiastic about each session. I

have used several sites including Nearpod, Quizzes, and Live worksheet (Appendix 3).

Some helpful ways to make good learning, by providing opportunities for students to

work together in cooperative groups and peers, use a variety ways to engage students

such as warm-up activity, follow up a specific routine and give students different tasks

(Zeiger,2019) (Appendix 4).

However, Zeiger (2019) shows that its very easy to differentiate in virtual class

and encourage the learners. Teacher first have to provide clear performance levels for

tasks by splitting them into three different levels, Mastery by giving them a challenging

task to use their own knowledge, Developing, try to do the work independently and show

there understanding in the task, Emerging, get teacher support, gives them a skill they can

show it on the task and motivation is the best way to keep the student excited, by using

stickers, points , and provide appropriate feedback such as : good work, excellent, you

have done a great work today ,etc. (Appendix 5).

Name: Maryam Nabeel Al Harbi
HCT ID number: H00349708
Reflection, to me, is essential because it's a process that helps me to manage,

report, and explain everything that happened in the lesson. It allows moving from just

feeling into understanding and thoughts. "If they don't question themselves about what

their experiences mean and think actively about them, research has shown that they won't

make any changes and therefore improve" Spalding, (2020).

When I start to collect, information regarding activities in my sessions and take

the time to analyze them from a distance, I can recognize more than just what worked and

what didn't. It helps me to be able to look at the underlying teachings and expectations

that define the way that I work. This kind of self-awareness is a great associate for

educators and me, strangely when so much of what and how they teach can replace now.

The common role of the teacher is teaching knowledge to children, the school

gives teachers a specific curriculum to follow, teacher make daily lesson plans, weekly

plans and yearly plan according to the curriculum by splitting the units and the lesson

under studied plans and divided over the three semesters (Appendix 6).

To help students to understand easily, break down the hard lessons into more than

one class, make the words that the teacher use while teaching easy and understandable

according to the student's level of English, be smooth and give students turn to participate

and gives their thoughts.

Name: Maryam Nabeel Al Harbi

HCT ID number: H00349708
Appendix (1):

Appendix (2):

Name: Maryam Nabeel Al Harbi

HCT ID number: H00349708
Appendix (3):

Name: Maryam Nabeel Al Harbi

HCT ID number: H00349708
Appendix (4):

Name: Maryam Nabeel Al Harbi

HCT ID number: H00349708
Appendix (5):

Name: Maryam Nabeel Al Harbi

HCT ID number: H00349708
Appendix (6):

Name: Maryam Nabeel Al Harbi

HCT ID number: H00349708

Name: Maryam Nabeel Al Harbi

HCT ID number: H00349708
Dabbagh, N., & Bannan-Ritland, B. (2005). Online learning: Concepts, strategies, and

application (pp. 68-107). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Merrill/Prentice Hall.

Lapadat, J. C. (2002). Written interaction: A key component in online learning. Journal of

computer-mediated communication, 7(4), JCMC742.

Llanillo, M. E. (2018, March 21). How to develop positive teacher-student relationships.

Retrieved October 21, 2020, from


Minero, E. (2020, August 21). 8 Strategies to Improve Participation in Your Virtual

Classroom. Retrieved October 26, 2020, from


Salomon, G. (1991). From theory to practice: the international science classroom — a

technology-intensive, exploratory, team-based and interdisciplinary high school project.

Educational Technology, 31 (3), 41-44.

Spalding, A. (2020, January 14). How to encourage reflective teaching in your school. Retrieved

May 12, 2020, from


Name: Maryam Nabeel Al Harbi

HCT ID number: H00349708
Zeiger, S. (2019, April 14). How to Engage Young Learners (Toddler and Preschool). Retrieved



Name: Maryam Nabeel Al Harbi

HCT ID number: H00349708

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