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Research Document – 2

I can't believe it's been 100 years since I took the immortality pill, so much has
happened. At 75 years old in 2075 I made the most difficult decision of my life
because I did not know what to do for the rest of my life. I had already lived a
long and beautiful life; I spent many memories with my wife and children.
Unfortunately, she passed away on our 35th anniversary. The experiences I can
tell you about after taking the immortality pill were many. For one thing , I was
sad because I did not know what to do for the rest of my life without my family,
my children in another country with their respective families, my parents already
dead, my cousins in places I don’t even know, my friends dead or without
knowing about them and without my wife, in spite of that I took the immortality
pill. I immediately felt more vigorous despite my worrisome situation, and I
made that radical decision without thinking about the consequences because I
risked spending the rest of my life alone.

For another thing, I was able to live in a world that I didn’t think I would see, I
studied all my life about technological advances and I felt like an expert but after
seeing that progress in technology I felt like a fond. For instance, in the
constructions a new model of concrete installed by robots is used, in the
communication networks the wired connections no longer exist because
everything already works with wireless protocols at a high speed with almost
zero latency and in the economy, there are no longer physical currencies since
everything is done with digital money. I am impressed by all the progress that
humanity has made but I can’t say the same about our environment, the ozone
layer changed radically because in 2090 an artificial ozone layer was created
due to it was already degrading, that caused a change in the earth's
atmosphere and the sky had a slightly darker color. In addition, the coasts of
each country were reduced by global warming, although it was possible to
control it by a massive cooling system, practically everything is "artificial" or
"digital", the good thing is that it was possible to remove a lot of waste from the
oceans thanks to calibrated sprayers to remove the garbage. Practically the
world government is trying to prevent the earth be inevitable since we can't yet
have a complete civilization on another planet, even though there are already
colonies on Mars and the moon.

Finally, I am currently in Greece living helping homeless children affected by the

wars between robots and humans in the year 2167, they like to hear my stories
of my life in 2030 onwards. Every 2 years I change country and learn many
things. I have lived in 47 countries and will continue to do what I like because
the jobs here are very short and the lifestyle is more practical than before.
Although everything is impressive, I can't stop thinking about my wife, family
and all the beautiful memories I had, sometimes I think that my decision was
immeasurable but I hope one day to die and see all my loved ones.

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