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Kohout 1

Brian Kohout

Professor Anthony

SED 464

15 November 2020

Letter of Academic Concern

Dear Parents/Legal Guardian of Jason Smith,

I am writing to inform you that your child is having trouble staying on task in my

classroom. In the syllabus of my classroom, I have it clearly stated that I do not allow cellphone

or any other devices to be used during class time, unless I have instructed the class as a whole to

do so. Jason is constantly on his phone during class, I have repeatedly told him to put away his

phone, after multiple occasions of him using his phone, I was left with no other choice, I had to

confiscate his phone and had to hold onto his phone until the end of the school day. I believe

Jason is a very smart and capable person, but if this behavior continues, it could significantly

impact his overall grade in my class. It is still early in the semester, so he has not fallen behind,

but he could if a solution to this problem is not found. I don’t want Jason to fall behind as it

could be really difficult to catch up with the rest of the class. A potential solution I have, is that I

could hold onto Jason’s phone for the duration of my class and return it to him at the end of

class. I am open to any and all other suggestions, so I hope you will consider contacting me, and

we can resolve this issue the best way possible. If your schedule is too busy, I would be happy to

schedule an appointment to discuss this further.


Brian Kohout

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